Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1744: Don't go out to seduce other men, huh?

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Sinan glanced at Jin Zhe, "You go back first."

"President, you ... will you stay here tonight?" Secretary Jin Zhe asked carefully.

Married for so long, Feng Sinan returned to Luoshuiwan several times, but never stayed here.

When mentioning this topic, Feng Sinan copied the big palm in his pants pocket and tightened his throat slightly, "Well."


In the Luoshuiwan villa, Feng Sinan returned tonight to make Wu Yan and Xiao Nini very happy.

Xiao Nini never slept, waiting in the living room wearing a little princess dress. When she saw Feng Sinan, she ran over with her little arms and calf and looked at Feng Sinan with her small face carved in pink and jade. Shouted, "Daddy ~"

Feng Sinan looked at the small powder ball next to his leg. Xiao Ni Ni was like her mum Su Xiao Ying. He stretched out his long fingers and teased Xiao Ni Ni's face. "Good."

"Daddy, can you hug me?"

Xiao Ni Ni carefully looked at Feng Sinan, and timidly made her request.

Su Xiaoying stood aside and looked, Xiao Ni Ni really longed for Daddy to hug her high.

Feng Sinan was standing still and did not want to hold the meaning.

Ni Nixi's big eyes quickly dimmed.

"Husband," Su Xiaoying stepped forward, grabbed Feng Sinan's sleeve, and blinked begging, "Don't you say that you miss Ni Ni very much, you will definitely hold Ni Ni, right? "

Feng Sinan's deep narrow eyes fell on Su Xiaoying's cat-like bright eyes, and she blinked pitifully like Pu Fan, hoping that he would hold Nini.

Feng Sinan hooked his thin lips, Gao Daying's body leaned over, and whispered over Su Xiaoying's white earlobe, "I'm going to take off your clothes tonight, can't you hit me?"

Su Xiaoying's clean pupil was flinched. In front of her daughter, what did he say?

"Mummy ~" At this moment, Xiao Ni Ni reached out her hand and timidly dragged her skirt.

Looking at her daughter, Su Xiaoying would be willing if she didn't want to. She nodded quickly, "Well."

Feng Sinan was delighted by her. He lowered his tall body and stretched out his palm to hug Xiao Nini.

Xiao Ni Ni smiled sweetly quickly, "Oh, Daddy hugs ~"

Feng Sinan raised Xiao Ni Ni above his head, and let Xiao Ni Ni sit on his stiff shoulders, and ran twice in the living room.

Xiao Nini smiled happily, "It's so high, Ni Ni also raised her dad ~"

Wu Yan looked at this scene and laughed, "Young grandma, sir is back. You can see how happy the young lady is. This is how a family should be. As soon as grandma gets out of the horse, she will take him home. You, Grandma Young, are young and beautiful now, and you must hold your husband's heart in your palm. "

Su Xiaoying's soft little face quietly became flushed, and she had contacted more often. She also knew how to make him happy.

He seemed to like kissing her, intimate with her, and doing some shy things. As long as she was obedient, he would be happy.

This is a good sign.

Su Xiaoying raised her red lips sweetly, "Wu Yan, I know."


Xiao Ni Ni played for a while, returned to her room, and entered the dreamland tired and happy.

Su Xiaoying retrieved the fairy tale book, covered Xiao Nini with a quilt, and then walked out the door lightly.

In the corridor, she saw Feng Sinan who was tall and tall.

Feng Sinan held the cell phone in his hand and had just received a company phone call. He was going to the study to handle his business.

Seeing Su Xiaoying coming out, Feng Sinan stopped and looked at her with a pair of deep narrow eyes, "Nini is asleep?"


"Go back to the room to take a shower first. I have a file to deal with." Feng Sinan lifted his thin lips.

Su Xiaoying didn't dare to lift her eyes, she quickly entered the master bedroom, and obediently went into the bath.


In the study.

Feng Sinan was standing on the balcony, copying his trousers pocket with one hand, holding the mobile phone with one hand, tall and tall, and the cold wind outside blew his white shirt, exuding a bit of cold for no reason.

At the other end was Secretary Jin Zhe, and Feng Sinan raised his thin lips expressionlessly. "What's the matter, let's talk."

"Yes, President, just now in the bar, Nan Xiaogong recognized the identity of his wife, knowing that his wife is the pearl of the palm that Su family has been hiding in the deep boudoir. After we left, Nan Xiaogong posted a Weibo immediately There was a photo of his wife, and in just one hour, that Weibo has been viewed more than 100 million times, occupying the top spot on Weibo ’s hot search headlines. "

Feng Sinan pressed a thin lip, and the handsome and noble facial features “brushed” and cooled down. Jin Zhe had sent the link to his mobile phone, and Feng Sinan clicked in with his handsome eyelid hanging down.

Nan Xiaogong ’s family background is strong, and no one dares to mess with him. When he changes a woman ’s clothes, he usually has some tender models and net reds. Therefore, every Weibo of this little boy in the South will provoke those netizens to move a stool to eat melon.

In the past 20 years, Su Xiaoying has been protected very well. Everyone only knows that there is a palm jewel in Su family, but few people have seen Su Xiaoying.

Feng Sinan opened the Weibo of Nan Xiaodang, and the Nan Xiaodang hanged out a photo of Su Xiaoying.

It should have been shot in a bar, and did not reveal Su Xiaoying's full face, but a silhouette.

Su Xiaoying with her head down, I do n’t know what she was thinking about. The pure black hair was wrapped around her little face because of the gentle wind. Hold your breath.

The netizens below have been fried.

--- Oh my god, this fairy is so beautiful.

--- It is the first beauty in thousands of years.

--- Nan Xiaogong, is this your new girlfriend?

--- Wuli Nan Xiaodang, what did you experience in experiencing the aesthetic taste of your girlfriend, all of a sudden from the Internet celebrity to Miss Fairy?

--- What is the name of this fairy lady, I have never heard of such a beauty in the circle.

--- Same question +1.

--- Miss Fairy, I love you.

--- Miss Fairy, please debut!

The formation of the netizens below did not mess, all of them confessed to Su Xiaoying.

Feng Sinan held the long finger of the mobile phone and gave a strong knuckle, and the knuckles were pale.

He suddenly realized that Su Xiaoying was still too young now. One did not graduate from university, and two did not officially enter the social circle. She is still growing up and there are too many possibilities in the future.

Now Nan Xiaodang casually dumped a profile picture of her, which caused a sensation on the Internet. If one day she really started to show her face and shuttled around various ladies' fields, how many people would be fascinated by her.

Man's wealth can provoke countless women to pounce on her body. Similarly, how much will a woman's beauty provoke?

At this time, the secretary Jin Zhe's voice continued to come from there. "President, now this Weibo is still fermenting. If this continues, my wife will definitely be chopped."

Feng Sinan looked at the dark night in the distance, "Nothing happened to Su Lao?"

"This ... I called Su Lao, but Su Lao didn't pick it up. The housekeeper picked it up. The steward said, our master already knows this, but what if Sakura will grow up sooner or later, even if I hide it No matter how deep, one day it will be exposed to the public's sight. At that time, countless people in the world will be crazy for her. In this case, my master will ignore it and let it go. "

This is Su Lao's original words.

Feng Sinan quickly narrowed his deep narrow eyes. He rolled his throat lightly. This old Su was really an old fox.

He has been so cold for a long time, he didn't ask Su Xiaoying, and now he doesn't hide Su Xiaoying, that means, Feng Sinan, you are blind, other men are not blind, come here Let you see how many men my baby girl likes. You better not do anything extraordinary. Once my baby girl doesn't like you, I will kick you and choose a good one.

"Oh." Feng Sinan smirked from his throat, "Delete all the news on the Internet and press it down. I don't want anyone to see her face again."

Jin Zhe on the other side stunned for two seconds. The president did not allow his wife to show his face. Alas, the jealousy and hostility were too great. Did the president himself realize this?

"Yes, president."

"Also, send a few people to slap Nan Xiaogong for a while, do you understand?" Feng Sinan's narrow eyes overflowed with fierce fierceness.

Jin Zhe nodded again and quickly nodded, "Yes, President."

"Beep" twice, Feng Sinan hung up the phone directly.


In the master bedroom, Su Xiaoying took a bath, and came out wearing a white lace nightdress. Her soft and white face was steamed by the heat of the bath, and the soft waxy color of the snow hatching was water. Generally charming.

At this moment, the door of the master bedroom was opened, and Feng Sinan came.

Feng Sinan was already taking a shower next door, and he didn't have his pajamas next door, so he had a black bullet magazine on his body, a black shirt on it, and no buttons on the shirt, revealing his strong chest Coming mature man.

Su Xiaoying glanced at it slightly, a soft little face flushed, and she scared her head down. It was the first time she saw such a **** and wild Feng Sinan, which made people dare not even look straight. Look.

Feng Sinan came over and watched her shyness, hiding her shy eyebrows, pleased by her, "Mrs. Feng, what are you hiding?"

"I didn't ... ah!"

Su Xiaoying exclaimed, because the next day turned around, Feng Sinan already hung her horizontally with her arms.

On the soft big bed, Feng Sinan threw her into the silk quilt.

Su Xiaoying wanted to move, but the bed collapsed, Feng Sinan Gao Yingting's body was pressed down, and she bit her red lips again, "Do not go out to seduce other men, huh?"


There is one more.

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