Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1749: Let's talk to each other in bed

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

It's so late that someone is knocking on his door.

Si Kongyuan's dark eyes fell on the closed door panel, "Who?"

No sound outside.

No one responded.

"Well," the man outside was knocking on the door again.

Si Kong limped up, came to the door, put his hand on the doorknob, and opened the door.

Standing outside the door is a beautiful and exquisite figure, which is ... Shirayuki.

Shirayuki is here!

Si Kong's eyes brightened, "Why are you here?"

He really didn't expect her to come.

Bai Xue was wearing a small black suit with a white silk shirt and a black floral skirt with a high waist. Her wavy hair casually and lazily grabbed a low pony tail. Little Goose's face has red lips and white teeth, picturesque eyebrows, and beautiful beauty.

Bai Xue raised a delicate willow leaf eyebrow and glanced at Si Kong. "Why, don't you let me in? Isn't Jinya hidden in your medical laboratory?"

Si Kong's sullen brows slowly opened, and his thin lips traced a pleasant arc, "So is Dr. Bai here to catch a trap?"

"Yeah, if you caught me, some people would be out of luck. I want to ..." Bai Xue hooked his pupils playfully, and the delicate red lips were broken.

Si Kongyu couldn't look away because of her attraction, "What about you?"

"I want to ... kill the woman first, then tie you to the bed until you play ... *******."

"Oh." Si Kongyi smiled lowly and cheerfully, staring at her hotly.

"Get out of here, I'm going in for rounds!"

Shirayuki's pretty body squeezed in, swung around in a big swing, and looked around.

What women are here?

At this time, Si Kongyu came over, and stretched his arms around her small waist like a water snake. "Doctor Bai, did you find anything?"

When he was held in his arms, Bai Xue was soft and very greedy for his arms and the smell of clean man on him.

Bai Xue twisted a bit, her glamour red lips muttered, "Different Doctor Skong, don't you like me?"

Si Kongzhen was surging with her twisted blood, and her pretentious voice was in his ear again. He put a kiss on her face and said, "Why do you say that?"

"You haven't hung up with me before."


"You have never murdered me before."


"You haven't gone home before."


Si Kongzhen tightened his arms, buried Sven's handsome face deeply in her hair and sniffed, "It's all my fault. I've reflected deeply. I hope Dr. Bai will ignore the villain, Give me another chance and I will definitely perform well and be a new person. "

Bai Xue had red lips, and she was so sweet.

She turned, his two hands clasped his neck, "Oh, then I will forgive you this time."

Si Kongyi's clear black eyes fell on her red lips, and her eyes were close to kiss.

However, I did not arrive.

Bai Xue reached out his pale hand and covered his thin lips.

Si Kongyi opened her eyes and hit her hooked pupils. She looked at him cutely and badly, like a little fox.

"Sikron, you have to work overtime tonight?"

Si Kongyu rolled his throat, "Well."

"Then I will be with you. What tasks do you have, and I will share half of them for you."

"Can you do that?"

"Sikron, please look down on me?"

Si Kongjun looked at her pettingly, what to do, this woman was chosen by him, and she could only pet it.


Bai Xue ran outside for a day today, and she took a hot shower in her advanced Sikongyu's shower room, and washed away all her tiredness.

Soon she came out.

Si Kongzheng put Qianqian's photo on the computer. "The task of restoring the face is up to you. You only need to perform a basic restoration. It should be fine. I will do the exact restoration later ..."

Si Kong whispered and raised his eyes. The next second, his voice stopped abruptly.

Shirayuki came out. She wore his thin black sweater. His men's sweater was very loose on her exquisite figure. The sweater was still a V-neck. Now the neckline slipped from the incense shoulder on her side. Exposing her large smooth white shoulders.

The sweater only covered her thighs, and the two long legs below her were white and firm, so a picture of a beautiful woman bathing.

Bai Xue looked at him, "That, Dr. Sikong, I didn't bring my pajamas. I borrowed your clothes to wear them."

She likes to wear his clothes. The last time was a white shirt and now a black sweater.

Si Kongyu rolled his raised throat slightly. "Oh, you wear it."

"Thank you Doctor Sikong."

Bai Xue walked over, took Qian Qian's head, and began to focus on her work. "Sikong Shenyi, I'm very good at restoring such heads, rest assured, leave it to me, and I will never shame you!"

Si Kongzhen glanced at her several times, and then looked back hard, he went to the other side to analyze Lu Yeming's blood.

Soon, one hour and two hours later, Si Kongzheng has completed the preliminary blood analysis, but there are two important data that need to be sent to the medicated diet door for research. The task tonight is considered complete.

Si Kong looked up and looked at Bai Xue.

Bai Xue had already completed the initial headshot restoration, but she didn't bother him. Now at 12 o'clock in the evening, she was a little sleepy, so she fell asleep on the table.

The time and efficiency of her completion were greatly beyond his imagination.

Si Kongyu walked over and looked at Baixue's flushed little goose egg face. For so many years, he had been working alone until late at night, and now she was there to accompany him.

Si Kongzhen put out her long white fingers and gently touched her little face.

At this moment, Bai Xue whispered, the fan-like feather trembled, and Bai Xue opened her eyes.

"Sikong, Doctor, are you busy?" Bai Xue's twinkling pupils twinkled with drowsiness, making her a little more lazy and charming.

"I'm ready."

"I'm fine, let's go to bed."

Bai Xue got up, but slept on the table for too long. She just got up, her legs were numb, and her exquisite body slid straight down to the ground.

"Be careful!"

Si Kongzhen stretched out his healthy arms and hugged her small snake-like waist, and hugged her into his arms in time.

The lips were soft, and the lips of two people were unintentionally stuck together.

As soon as Bai Xue stagnates, she unexpectedly kisses, she blinks and looks at him confusedly.

Si Kong rolled her throat and immediately opened her mouth to cover her gorgeous red lips.


Bai Xuetongren contracted suddenly, she felt his gentle and strong kiss, which made her very comfortable. She was like a boat swinging on the sparkling lake, and she was drunk.

After kissing for a while, Si Kongyu slowly released her.

But the faces of the two people are still close together, their breathing is entangled, and their posture is intimate. Bai Xue's two light green hands are holding his neck. "Skong Shenyi, like me, who works with you and sleeps with you. Do you like it? ? "

Si Kongyu hugged her, and the nose of Zhilan was lingering in her nose. He nodded, "Well."


At first glance at her, he liked it.

"Would you like to tell me, what did Zhao Wen tell you in the mall today?" Bai Xue glanced at him.

Si Kong pursed her thin lips, and her low voice was sullen. "She said that you liked a boy who has been thinking about him for so many years. That boy is called Xiao Ling."

"She also said that Xiao Ling died to save you, so your personality has changed greatly. The black rose on your body is for Xiao Ling's pattern."

After speaking, Si Kongzhen released Bai Xue and folded himself to arrange the documents.

He was depressed and very uncomfortable.

Bai Xue looked at him. The Doctor Sikong now looked like he was secretly sulking. Other men might have lost their temper when they encountered this situation, but he was too well-cultivated. The bright yellow light was plated on his gentle and gentle face. White and milky, so sweet.

Bai Xue stepped forward, "Sikong Shenyi, do you believe what Zhao Wen said?"

Si Kongyu stopped the work at hand, and her dark eyes fell on her face.

"Skong Doctor, Zhao Wen said blindly that you believe it? Where is the black rose pattern on my body? You do n’t know, if I did it for Xiao Ling, you thought I would show it to you?" Bai Xue picked the delicate Liu Yemei stared at him calmly.

Si Kong's eyes glowed. He hadn't forgotten that she talked to him for the first time a few years ago. She asked him, "Do you like my flowers?"

"I don't really have a story with Xiao Ling, and I don't like him, but he died for me. I really haven't forgotten it for so many years. If Si Kong Shenyi minds this, we don't need to be together again."

Bai Xue finished, waiting for Si Kongyu's response.

But Si Kongyi looked at her and didn't speak.

What does this man mean without saying a word?

Does he really mind her and Xiao Ling?

Shirayuki turned and left.

But Si Kongzhen hugged her from behind, hugged her water snake-like waist and hugged her into his arms. He whispered, "It doesn't matter if you say it, it must be a false story, Axue , I mind very much. "

He called her "Axue" lowly.

Yu Xue's feathers shivered.

"I believe everything you say, but I just mind, just be jealous, just be careful, Axue, you don't care about me, I won't wait for a while, it will be fine soon." Si Kongzhen buried Jun's face in her hair Li kissed hard.

Bai Xue's heart was suddenly sweet, she turned around, and his two little white hands clasped his neck, remembering his toes and forced "Jiao" on his face, "then don't mind, don't be jealous, don't Be careful, okay? "

Si Kongyi, "I have to think about it."

This man is quite proud.

Bai Xue evoked red lips, and his small face came to his ears, whispering with temptation. "So, that Skong doctor, let's talk to each other on the bed, shall we?"

Si Kongjun Qingrun's eyebrows waved, "Okay."


First change.

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