Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1759: She stepped forward and hugged him from behind

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Sinan said, don't borrow!

Lu Yeming at that end, "..."

OK, you have a daughter!

"If you don't borrow Xiao Ni Ni, then you don't have to come to my birthday party." Lu Yeming hung up the phone directly.


The Rolls-Royce Phantom docked at the side of the road. This limited edition luxury luxury car exudes magnet-like appeal and aura like an emperor, instantly attracting the attention of the entire street.

Because the luxury car is parked at the gate of T, now is the peak period of school, the highest rate of return is those young and beautiful female college students.

The young and beautiful girls frequently review and want to see who the male owner of this luxury car is.

However, the luxury car's film is cold black, the inside cannot be seen from the outside, but the outside can be seen from the inside.

More noble and mysterious.

Those girls are very excited.

In the luxury car, listening to the "beep" busy tone from the other end, Feng Sinan threw the phone directly into the co-pilot seat.

Feng Sinan looked up, a pair of deep narrow eyes looked at the school entrance, but did not see the figure of Su Xiaoying.

He has been waiting for a while, and now that his patience is exhausted, he picks up his cell phone and dials Su Xiaoying's phone.

Soon, the call on that end was picked up, and Su Xiaoying's soft-sounding voice like the oriole passed over, sweet and delicate, "husband ~"

Feng Sinan raised a long and narrow eyebrow, "Why not come out yet?"

"I'm out now. I'll be right there. Husband wait for a while."


in the school.

Su Xiaoying was running with an artboard in her arms, because she had heard the impatience of Feng Sinan on the phone. This is the first time that Nan's brother has come to pick her up from school, and she has to hurry up.

At this point alone came over, "Sakura."

Su Xiaoying raised her cat-like bright eyes and looked at it. It was Zhao Feier, "Feier."

Zhao Feier held Su Xiaoying's slim arms intimately. "Xiaoying, why are you running so fast, there is a car to pick you up?"

"Yeah." Su Xiaoying nodded.

At this time, Zhao Feier looked up and saw a Rolls-Royce Phantom luxury car parked outside the school gate. She instantly jumped in her heart, looking at the luxury car, the license plate, and Feng Sinan's car.

Zhao Feier quickly burst into love, Feng Sinan came to pick her up!

Ever since the bar Feng Sinan asked her to leave, she has never looked for her again. It has been almost four or five months.

Zhao Feier had signed a package-support agreement. The agreement said that unless the owner needed to find her, otherwise she would not be able to contact the owner, and she had not sealed Sinan's phone.

She thought she was out of favor, and these days have been dim, but did not expect Feng Sinan to pick her up!

He drove the luxurious car Jin Huanghuang to the door of the school, greatly satisfying Zhao Feier's vanity.

Zhao Feier smiled quickly, "Sakura, coincidence, there is a car to pick me up, it's my boyfriend!"

Zhao Feier is most envious of Su Xiaoying. She is the pearl of Su's palm, but she is just a poor girl from the slums. Su Xiaoying is usually picked up by car and is a fairy who ca n’t play in the distance. , Zhao Feier dreamed to compare Su Xiaoying.

Now Feng Sinan has come to give her a long face, and Feng Sinan has come to pick her up.

If Su Xiaoying knew that her boyfriend was Feng Sinan, she would definitely envy death.

Zhao Feier is very proud and proud.

Su Xiaoying ’s big, slap-skinned face is soft and white, and she exudes a jade-like luster in the sun. She evokes cherry red lips, “Fairy, your boyfriend treats you well, you are so happy, really People are envious. "

"Right, right, Sakura. I have a chance today and I'll take you to meet my boyfriend."

"Wait a minute, Phil, this time I don't have time to see your boyfriend. My husband is here, already anxious." Su Xiaoying also saw the Rolls-Royce Phantom by the door, and her South Brother arrived.

Zhao Feier stunned, "Your husband?"

"Yeah Phil, my husband is there."

Su Xiaoying pointed out her little white finger.

Zhao Feier glanced at her, her eyes fixed on the Rolls-Royce luxury car, her pupil shrinking.

At this time, the driving window of the Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly slipped down, revealing a handsome and noble face, Feng Sinan.

The moment Su Xiaoying came out, Feng Sinan captured her in the crowd.

No need to wear a school uniform today. Su Xiaoying wears a white lace princess shirt with a delicate black bow tie at the neckline. The hand-made black lace water-soluble skirt is below. sense.

Su Xiaoying tied a pure black hair to a ponytail at will, and exposed the big slap face. Looking at it from a distance, her red lips and white skin, her cat-like bright eyes turned dark, Such a color impact made Feng Sinan's narrow eyes sternly.

Everyone in the circle knows that Feng Sinan likes pure female college students. He has also played a lot, so he has a lot of experience with such girls, eats more, and is more critical.

There are so many female college students here and there, Su Xiaoying is the most brilliant one. She also has a flower-like age. She has a beauty and a clean atmosphere that no one else can match.

Feng Sinan slowly tickled her thin lips, and the impatience waiting just now was diluted.

After returning, there is always a way to recover from her.

Su Xiaoying looked at Feng Sinan in the car. "My husband, let me introduce you. This is Zhao Feier, my good friend."

Feng Sinan then dropped his deep narrow eyes on Zhao Feier. He almost forgot about this person, glanced lightly, and set his eyes on Su Xiaoying's face. Car, we go home. "

Zhao Feier's pretty face was "brushed" completely white, and the whole person seemed to be pushed into the abyss.

She never thought that Su Xiaoying's husband turned out to be ... Sinan Si!

How proud she was just now, how hard she has been hit now.


Why is this happening?

"Mayer, I won't talk to you anymore, I will go home first." Su Xiaoying wanted to get in the car.

At this time, Zhao Feier held Su Xiaoying, "Sakura, I'm dizzy. Can I take your car?"

Su Xiaoying stagnates, "This ..."


Zhao Feier snorted uncomfortably, and her body shook twice, as if she was about to faint.

She looked at Su Xiaoying poorly, begging with a look on her face.

In the face of this situation, how could Su Xiaoying refuse, she opened the rear door, "Fair, please get in the car, we will take you to the hospital."


Rolls-Royce Phantom galloped on the road. Su Xiaoying did not sit in the front passenger seat, but accompanied Zhao Feier in the back seat.

Su Xiaoying looked at Zhao Fei'er anxiously. "Feier, are you dizzy? You're here soon."

Zhao Feier's face was really white, but it was not the physical discomfort, but the blow.

"Sakura, I'm much better now, so I don't need to go to the hospital, so let's go to your house and sit. We are good friends, shouldn't you refuse me?"

Su Xiaoying shook her head, "Of course not."

Zhao Feier looked up and looked boldly at the man in the driver's seat. Feng Sinan wore a black shirt and black trousers today, tall and tall, even if he didn't speak, the quiet business man in his body was angry. The field is deeply attracting women's eyes.

Feng Sinan is almost thirty this year. Such a man is handsome, multi-gold, wealth and status are superimposed. The charm of a mature man is the walking hormone.

Zhao Feier deliberately straightened the waist bar, exposing her swollen chest. "General Feng, Sakura has agreed to visit me at your house."

Mr. Feng?

Su Xiaoying jumped in her heart and quickly had doubts. How did Zhao Feier know that Nan's brother was named?

Feng Sinan had been driving in the front, but it didn't matter how much, two big palms pressed on the steering wheel, and a sturdy wrist was wearing a precious watch, going straight, turning, accelerating, decelerating.

A textured man like Feng Sinan, his taste for clothes, raising his hands and feet, are all aura.

Not to mention he has a good skin pack.

Feng Sinan looked up, and those deep narrow eyes glanced at Zhao Feier through the rearview mirror. Zhao Feier wore a short black V-neck short skirt. She was hot and sexy. She also deliberately held her chest up. The spring light in the shallow V-neck came to his eyes.

Feng Sinan gave a slight glance and looked away. He looked at Su Xiaoying on the side, and a little smile overflowed in his low magnetic voice, "I don't want to go to candlelight dinner tonight?"

Su Xiaoying Yu Jie shuddered. She and Nan Brother were going to have a candlelight dinner tonight. The secretary had booked a place, but Zhao Feier stepped in and couldn't go.

Su Xiaoying vomited her little pink tongue, her voice soft and soft, "My husband, I'm sorry, next time."

Feng Sinan looked at the little pink tongue she spit out, powdery and powdery, extremely delicious and seductive.

Feng Sinan's raised throat knot rolled up and down, "OK."


Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped at Luoshuiwan, Zhao Feier entered the villa, she was shocked to look at this extremely luxurious mansion.

She once saw the mansion of a certain rich man or the star of a man in a magazine or entertainment news, but compared to this villa, it was a worse grade.

If ... she could live here and be the hostess here.

"Mayfair, let me make you a cup of hot milk."

"Okay, thank you, Sakura."

Su Xiaoying went into the kitchen.

Zhao Fei'er looked at Feng Sinan. Feng Sinan dropped the car key in his hand on the coffee table. He stood tall and long in the living room, raised his long fingers and loosened the buttons of the two shirts.

Zhao Feier had been fascinated by him, and she suddenly became happy again, no matter how he was Su Xiaoying's husband, she slept Su Xiaoying's husband.

She was Su Xiaoying's husband, a bread-loving little lover. As long as she thought of the night before, in the presidential suite of the star hotel, the picture of Feng Sinan sweating on her body, Zhao Feier was all over.

Zhao Feier came forward and hugged Feng Sinan from behind.


There is one more.

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