Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1762: Press her red lips with her fingers

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Su Xiaoying stood by the door, her tears swirled in her eyes, and her two little hands clenched her skirt until she wrinkled.

Feng Sinan squinted at her in the smoky eyes, he talked a lot, she was crying when she stood there, and her cat-like eyes were really wet, and she tried not to let the tears fall. The stubborn little stubborn, like a poor injured beast.


Feng Sinan overflowed with two words from his thin lips, and he could not tolerate his beak.

Su Xiaoying walked over and went to his side.

Feng Sinan glanced up and down. She had just taken a bath, and she wore a pink lace princess dress with fluttering long hair, and she could pour out water purely.

Feng Sinan took a sharp breath with his eyebrows, and there was no place for a fire on his body, which was very uncomfortable.

A man like him has never wronged himself in such a situation.

If he wants comfort, he must be comfortable.

Although he has never wanted so much, he has never been addicted to such things.

But looking at her soft little face and a well-developed girl figure, he just wanted it.

He was angry in the shower room just now, so he came to work in the study, he couldn't see her, he didn't bother to see.

But the blood in his body was still about to move, and her mind was full of small slaps, and smoking a few cigarettes didn't matter.

"A bath?"

Feng Sinan's voice was very hoarse and sexy.

Su Xiaoying hangs down Yu Jie, two white little hands twist her skirt, nodded softly, "Well."

Feng Sinan annihilated a half of the cigarette in the ashtray, and then stretched out his slender palm to clasp her slender wrist, and pulled it hard.

Su Xiaoying fell on his strong thigh.

Feng Sinan held her waist, her thin waist was soft and had no bones at all, "split the legs."

She's sitting in the wrong position now, and he's going to hug her and sit on his lap.

Su Xiaoying glanced at him and let him play with it.

After sitting down, Feng Sinan buried Jun's face in her hair and sniffed deeply. It was so fragrant.

She smelled really good. The girl's body scent was something he couldn't smell in other women, and he liked it.

Feng Sinan's long fingers hooked the neckline of her princess dress, and her button was about to be released.

"Don't ..." Su Xiaoying refused.

Feng Sinan glanced at her, "I bought this skirt for you?"


The last time she was obedient, he was calm and asked the secretary to buy her a skirt.

This is the first time he has given her a gift. She is so happy, she wears it every night.

"Well." Su Xiaoying nodded.

Feng Sinan took her little hand away, and her slender fingers flexed her buttons. "Mrs. Feng, you really don't understand. A man is sending you clothes to be taken from you."

Su Xiaoying's face was white, and he looked at him sternly.

Do n’t men give women gifts because they like them?

"Mrs. Feng, men are very tired to make money outside, I will give you money for your mother and daughter, so you must obediently, understand?" Feng Sinan looked at her with thin lips.

Su Xiaoying's hands and feet were cold and she didn't have a trace of warmth. For some reason, she felt cold.

It's cold.

At this moment, Feng Sinan's big palm came to her neckline, and she lay on her shoulders on the sides of Xiao Xiang.



Outside, Nini waited in the living room for a long time, but Daddy and Mummy hadn't come down yet.

Holding her pink doll, Xiao Nini stepped upstairs with her little arms and calf, and came to the door of the study.

Xiao Ni Ni knocked on the door, crying milkily, "Mummy ~ Daddy, Mummy ~"

In the study, Su Xiaoying pushed Feng Sinan away, her face was pale, her fingertips trembled and closed her collar, "Nini is here, don't you ..."

Su Xiaoying wanted to get up, but her body was numb, and she hurriedly got down from his strong thigh and fell on the soft carpet.

Su Xiaoying immediately gave out a cold sweat, and her little white hand touched her flat belly. She felt a pain in her stomach.

Somehow, my stomach really hurts.

Nini was still calling outside, and Su Xiaoying struggled to stand up, but after a few tries, she failed to stand up.

Feng Sinan got up at this moment, he stretched his long legs and bullied her.

Su Xiaoying looked up at him, and Feng Sinan's narrow eyes were covered with **** scarlet. He stood tall and tall and stepped towards her step by step.

The greasy skin on her body was all traces of him, and he just hurt her just now.

Su Xiaoying was trembling all over, she seemed to have felt the heavy breathing he was breathing like a beast, and he seemed to be rushing to tear her.

"Husband, don't do this ... what do you want ..."

Su Xiaoying couldn't stand, scared to move on the ground, and soon she retreated into the corner.

Feng Sinan stopped up, and now she was sitting, he was standing, and he easily prostrated himself.

Feng Sinan suddenly reached out and pressed her red lips with her fingertips.

He pressed very hard, Capricorn over and over again, watching her cherry's small mouth lose color under his fingertips.

Feng Sinan suddenly remembered that anyone had told him before that people like them would be deeply attracted to beautiful things.

Now he looked at Su Xiaoying, and wanted to take her as his own, and then hesitated fiercely.

Su Xiaoying's lips are pink, and the red is pink. This color is very confusing and seductive.

"Mummy ~ Daddy ~ Mummy ~"

Xiao Ni Ni was still knocking on the door because no one opened the door, so Xiao Ni Ni stomped her toes and anxiously stretched out her hand to reach the doorknob.

Su Xiaoying hurriedly shoved Sinan, "husband, Nini is outside, and we will scare Nini if ​​we don't go out again."

Feng Sinan's voice was already dumb, he clenched Su Xiaoying's soft face, and whispered, "Open his mouth."

Su Xiaoying's Hitomi shrinks and stares at him blankly.

Her eyes were simple and ignorant, showing a bit of taboo. Feng Sinan's thumb and forefinger straddled on the belt of the strong waist, "brushed" and pulled away, "Mrs. Feng, there are other ways to make men comfortable , Now I will teach you. "

what did he say?

Although Su Xiaoying didn't know what he wanted to do, it was definitely not a good thing. She had a sore stomach and Xiao Nini was still outside.

"Husband, don't do this, let go of me quickly, I think Nini, shall we let Nini come in?"

"Daddy, Mommy ~"

At this moment Xiao Nini's childish sweet milk voice passed in again.

As soon as Feng Sinan Jianmei frowned, he shouted, "Where is the death, man?"

When he said this, the big palm went back and held Su Xiaoying's head directly ...

Wu Yan was making a fruit meal in the kitchen, and suddenly he heard the growl in the study.

Wu Yan was so frightened that he threw the fruit and ran upstairs.

I saw that Xiao Ni Ni was lying on the door with a small breast bag. She wanted to open the door and saw her mother.

"Nini, go, Wu Yan will take you to play?"

Xiao Ni Ni shook her little head and milked, "No, I want Daddy and Mommy ~"

Wu Yan looked at the closed study door in front of him, faintly guessing what was going on inside. The gentleman at home just liked Hu Lai's temperament ...

"Ni Ni, do you know where this is? This is the study, where the work is. Daddy and Mummy work in it. It is very hard. Let us not disturb them now, okay?"

"Nini and Wu Yan go down to play for a while, and when the work is done, Daddy and Mummy will come out."

Xiao Ni Ni thought for a while, then nodded a little sadly, "Well."

Wu Yan took Xiao Nini away.


After half an hour.

The study door opened, and Xiao Nini in the living room quickly looked up. A steady footstep sounded in her ears, and Feng Sinan came down.

A white shirt and black trousers was on Feng Sinan's body. Now one corner of the shirt was tied into the belt, and the other corner was lazy and wicked. His handsome and noble features overflowed with indulgence and decadence.

"Daddy ~" Xiao Nini cried.

Feng Sinan was in a good mood and looked so good. He lowered his waist, reached out and hugged Xiao Ni Ni, and smiled with Yue Yue. "Daddy is playing with Ni Ni now, okay?"

Xiao Nini's big watery eyes looked upstairs, and she said timidly, "Where's mommy, where's mommy ~"

Feng Sinan hooked his lips. "Mum is very tired. Take a rest in the room. Nini, don't you like to lift up high and play with you dad."

"No more."

Little Ni Ni moved, backed off from Feng Sinan's arms, and she ran up the stairs with her little arms and calves.

Feng Sinan stood alone, watching Xiao Nini run into the master bedroom, he smiled indifferently.


Master bedroom.

In the shower room, Su Xiaoying spit on the toilet for a while, and spit out the bitter bile.

Her whole body seemed to be drained, and her face was as white as a piece of paper, and she was nauseated.

"Mummy ~ Mommy ~"

Then Xiao Ni Ni ran in.

Su Xiaoying's eyes brightened and she got up quickly. She brushed her teeth again by the washstand, and responded softly, "Nini, Mummy is here."

"Mummy ~"

Xiao Nini rushed over, two little hands hugged Su Xiaoying's calf, and smiled at her with a small face.

Su Xiaoying put down her toothbrush and touched her little head distressed. "Nini, why are you here, isn't Daddy going to play with you?"

"But Nini only wants mommy ~"

Listening to the sound of her childish sweet milk, Su Xiaoying's heart softened. This is the little angel in her life.

Su Xiaoying was lying on the soft big bed in the room, and Xiao Ni Ni lay beside her and looked at Mummy, "Mummy, are you sick?"

Su Xiaoying touched her flat belly and wondered if it was a small day. She felt it swell and swell inside, "Ni Ni, Mommy's belly is a little painful."

Xiao Nini quickly climbed down and ran out.

Su Xiaoying was a little dizzy and drowsy. Then she heard the sound of small footsteps, and then her stomach suddenly warmed. Xiao Nini laboriously stuffed a big warm baby into her arms.


There is one more.

The character setting of Feng Sinan vs Su Xiaoying is like this. Tens of thousands of people, ten thousand kinds of gestures of love, and the love of even-dressed love has been written. The challenges below are all new characters.

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