Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1767: Sakura found a woman outside him

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Zhao Feier came in, and today she wore a chanel colored small halter shoulders, high-waisted small feet pants, and beautiful little face deliberately put on a delicate light makeup.

Zhao Feier came in with a twisted buttock, holding Su Xiaoying's slim arms in affection, hiding her pride and pride, and pretending to be distressed, "Sakura, I do n’t know why St. Li Suddenly gave me this quota, sorry, we are such good friends after all, now I can go to study abroad, you will definitely bless me, right? "

Turned out to be Zhao Feier.

Su Xiaoying Yujie blinked, but nothing showed, she smiled slightly, "Mayfair, bless you."


Zhao Feier felt that she had smashed into the cotton with a fist. Compared with her villain, Su Xiaoying's generous style, with a smile and a smile, were all pleasing and sweet.

There is an essential difference between the wealthy palm of her hand and the poor girl who came out of this slum.

Whoever is better than others is immediately noticeable.

At this moment, the principal coughed. "Congratulations, classmate Zhao, here is the admission notice. You can go to California tomorrow."

Zhao Feier took the acceptance notice with a happy expression, "Sakura, don't be discouraged. When I enter the California Sanli Institute, I will ask the director to see if he can accept you with you. Yes, I have an appointment.

Zhao Feier walked away with pride.

Zhao Feier left, and Su Xiaoying's cat-like eyes looked at the principal very clearly. "Principal, what is going on here? Why did my place suddenly be given to Feir? Did the president say anything?"

"Yes, the dean said that the St. John's College in California has always been a temple of art. He cannot allow capitalism to erode. Compared with a student, he would choose to protect more students without hesitation."

Su Xiaoying didn't understand, "Principal, what do these words mean?"

The principal shook his head. "I don't understand."


Su Xiaoying returned to the classroom full of thoughts, and a lot of classmates gathered around at this time, "Xiaoying, I heard that your place was given to that Zhao Feier? Why is she, if this place is for you, we Nothing to say, but for Zhao Feier, we are so much better than Zhao Feier, we are not convinced! "

"It's Sakura. Didn't you see Zhao Feier's high-sounding look just now, she can go to the St. Louis Academy in California, and that tail is up in the sky, as if we could step on us all.

Su Xiaoying's soft face was very white, and she was caught off guard by this sudden accident.

She has always loved to paint since she was a child. The San Li Academy of California is her dream. When Miss Qian Jin from other people went to tea and go shopping for clothes, she kept herself in the room and painted.

She is gifted and hard working, and has been struggling.

Two years ago, when she sent an invitation letter to the Saint Lily Institute in California, she was really unhappy, but between the brothers in the South, she painfully gave up the Saint Lies in California and chose the Brother South.

This time the opportunity came again. She wanted to seize it tightly, work hard, and paint for herself, for herself, and for Nini.

However, this place suddenly disappeared.

Su Xiaoying's hands and feet were cold. The whole person seemed to be immersed in the biting cold water, and was very at a loss.

"Sakura," the female classmate next to her said to her in a low voice, "Did you find anything wrong with Zhao Feier?"

"Of course I found out that today, Zhao Feier wears a small chanel on her body. It was a model in Paris Fashion Week just a few days ago. Even those popular female stars have not got a style. She It was actually worn first. "

"This year, Zhao Feier's clothes, bags and shoes are all big names. We all know her background. Where does she have the money to wear such expensive clothes?"

"I'm telling you quietly, do you know where Zhao Feier lives now? Zhao Feier lives in a villa in the ring road, where the land is gold, and the starting price of a villa is 10 million yuan."

"Oh my god."

All the female classmates sucked. In fact, these female classmates are all of good origins. There are no shortage of wealth, but no matter how rich they are, they have not been able to live in a ring of tens of millions of villas at the age of 20. in.

Su Xiaoying listened to these words, and her bright eyes flashed a lot of doubts and confusions. In fact, Zhao Feier's changes in the past six months have been in her eyes.

Su Xiaoying hesitated to say, "Mayfair told me she has a boyfriend, maybe her boyfriend's funding."

"Oh my little sakura, you are too simple, what boyfriend, I think Zhao Feier was raised by rich people, little lover, second wife, understand?"

Su Xiaoying is unwilling to touch these dark sides of human nature, and is ugly.

Some pictures suddenly appeared in her head. Many years ago, she was only a little bit older, about two years old.

At that time she also had a very happy family with a beautiful, fragrant and gentle mum.

Daddy and Mummy are also very loving, and the family is full of laughter.

One day, Mommy took her to find Daddy in the company. She remembered that day it was raining hard.

Mummy pushed open the door of Daddy's office. She didn't know what Mummy saw, but she still remembers her sudden and shocked look, her face was astonished.

Mummy turned and ran away.

Later, Daddy chased it out, Daddy was disheveled, and there was a young and beautiful secretary in the office.

In the heavy rain, Daddy and Mummy ran to the street. They were arguing. Mummy was in a very intense mood, giving Daddy two slaps.

Later, Daddy went to pull Mummy, and Mummy pushed Daddy away, and was hit by the car as soon as he turned around.

Su Xiaoying felt a headache.

Her head was full of sharp brakes and blood from one place, and Mummy fell into a pool of blood.

Mummy is gone.

She lost her mum when she was 2 years old.

--- Su Anguo, you even have a little lover outside, you have a mistress.

--- Su Anguo, did you wear a condom when you were on the sofa with the little secretary, you are so dirty, you are so dirty!

--- Su Anguo, you are the most disgusting person I have ever seen in my life!

Head hurts.

Su Xiaoying raised her soft white hand and hugged her head. She tried to shake off those pictures.

"Sakura, what happened to Sakura?"

The worried voice of the female classmate brought Su Xiaoying back to reality.

Su Xiaoying slaps her face as white as a piece of paper. She remembers the delicate atmosphere between Phil and Feng Sinan ...

Su Xiaoying's fingertips shook a female classmate's hand and pulled her red lips forcibly. "Do you know which section of the villa in the Mayfair ring?"

"Of course I know. It's on Jinjiang Road."

Jinjiang Road.

Su Xiaoying's whole heart sank, she had sunk into the abyss, Jinjiang Road was full of gold, the villas there, the commercial office buildings including the bustling streets, all the land was ... Feng's.

To say that Zhao Feier has nothing to do with Feng Sinan, Su Xiaoying feels that she is deceiving herself.

"Well, this Jinjiang Road seems to be an industry owned by Feng's?" Said a female classmate.

Everyone's eyes were attracted to the past, "No, isn't it the Lord Master who raised Zhao Feier ... Feng Sinan?"

Feng Sinan.

These three words are a representative of a generation of business legends, they are a symbol of absolute wealth and status, and they are enough to cause everyone to suck.

"I heard that Mr. Feng was married, but it seemed that he was married in secret and low-key, so I got a marriage certificate, which is equivalent to a hidden marriage."

"This Mrs. Feng has been left out all the time. I heard that Mrs. Feng hated this Mrs. Feng very much."

"So ... Mr. Feng is raising bread with her second wife. Is the current second wife Zhao Feier?"

"If it was General Manager Feng, then Zhao Feier's tail really got up to the sky. No wonder her various famous brands were added, and General Manager gave her a big villa. It seems to be very much loved. Many female college students are now Those who have been raised can be raised by Mr. Feng, but that's a blessing that has been cultivated in three lifetimes. "

"This Mrs. Feng is really pathetic. You said that she knew she didn't know that her husband had other women outside?" ...

Speaking of Feng Sinan, the female classmates around them were babbling like birds, very excited, Su Xiaoying buzzed, her head was blank.

This poor Mrs. Feng is her.

She married Feng Sinan. Few people know that Feng Sinan never took her to any occasion. He did not take her to the last engagement banquet of Sikong Shenyi and Bai Xue. Everyone did not know that it was normal.

Su Xiaoying's hands and feet were cold, and then her abdomen began to faintly hurt. She numbly extended her hand and touched her belly ...


After school, Su Xiaoying got on a private luxury car, this car is still Su family, has been picking her up, she has not changed after marriage.

The front driver asked respectfully, "Miss, where do you want to go, back to Luoshuiwan?"

Su Xiaoying looked pale at the window, "No, go to the villa on the Jinjiang Road."

"Yes, miss."

Su Xiaoying is going to find Zhao Feier, and she has to verify some things herself, even if she already has the answer in her heart.

He had told her that there were no women outside of him.

Su Xiaoying's two hands clenched tightly into fists. She couldn't tolerate derailment during marriage. That's how her mummy left her.

Half an hour later, the private luxury car stopped at the villa on Jinjiang Road, and Su Xiaoying got out of the car.

It is already night. Su Xiaoying looked at this luxurious villa in front of the European family. It is indeed a rich area where the soil is golden. Does Zhao Fei live in it?

The villa door suddenly opened, and Zhao Feier came out.

Su Xiaoying looked up, and Zhao Fei'er wore a pink nightdress, which looked familiar to her. She remembered that she had one at home, exactly like Zhao Fei'er.

This pink nightdress was given to her by Feng Sinan. After she had been married for so long, he gave her a nightdress. She was like a baby and would wear it every night.


At this time, two bright white lamps hit over, Su Xiaoying looked back, and a Rolls Royce phantom came galloping and stopped on the lawn of the villa.

The driving door opened, and Feng Sinan came down.


First change.

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