Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1770: divorce

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Sinan stepped into the living room and he saw Su Xiaoying at a glance.

Su Xiaoying was sitting on a soft woolen rug. She had just taken a bath, and she wore a simple cream-white T-shirt with jeans shorts underneath.

She sat by the floor-to-ceiling window, her soft and boneless body leaned against the wall gently. I didn't know where a few breeze of wind was blowing her soft hair. The face, soft and indescribable in the softness.

Feng Sinan's footsteps slowed, and her deep narrow eyes lingered on her body.

She leaned against the window and didn't know what she was thinking. The two fine white legs stretched forward, and the girl was folded together. Her unique fragrance had been blown into the air, slowly under his nose, tempting His nerves.

Feng Sinan's eyes were deep and her eyes were deeply attracted to her. Her beauty at the moment made him extremely loved, and she was also very moved.

In fact, what kind of beauty Feng Sinan has never seen, he also likes beauty, the little lovers he keeps are beautiful.

But he has never been obsessed with beauty, and has not reached the level of obsession.

Only for Su Xiaoying, he admits that he really likes her good skin and loves her bones.

"Mummy Mummy ~"

At this moment, a sweet milk sound sounded in my ear, Xiao Nini reached out her hand and dragged Su Xiaoying who was in a daze.

Su Xiaoying turned back, turning her face, she said softly, "Nini, what's wrong?"

"Mummy eat ~ sweet ~"

Xiao Nini sent a lollipop to Su Xiaoying's lips.

Su Xiaoying touched Xiao Nini's face tenderly and tenderly, and then put out her tongue and licked it, "It's delicious, thank you Ni Ni."

Nini smiled happily.

Feng Sinan stood in the living room for a while, watching Su Xiaoying's pink tongue tip to lick a lollipop, and his raised throat knot rolled up and down, and he was thinking something hard to say.

He had been standing here for a while, but the mother and daughter did not see him.

What about him?

Feng Sinan's handsome brows were formed into a "Chuan" word, which was ignored and unsatisfactory.

He reached out and threw the car key in his finger directly onto the coffee table.

A click.

Xiao Nini quickly turned her face back, "Daddy ~ Daddy, are you home?"

He is back.

Su Xiaoying's butterfly cicada-like slender plume trembled twice, then dropped slowly.

Feng Sinan's narrow eyes fell on Su Xiaoying's face, and she did not miss any expression on her small face. Except that the small face was white, she did not show any joy.

He slammed the door two nights ago, and she didn't send a message to him, asking him to go home. Now that he is back by himself, let alone a smiley face, she didn't look at him squarely.

Feng Sinan's handsome eyelids quickly covered with a layer of frost, but he did not have an attack, instead he hooked his thin lips and looked at Nini with a cheerful look. "Nini, come and hug your father."

Xiao Nini stood timidly, looking at Feng Sinan longingly and daringly.

A child who is only one year old, has learned to look at Daddy's face very early, and is afraid to be willful, not even a hug of Daddy to step forward.

Feng Sinan's lip angle was deeper again, "It's okay Nini, hug my father."

Xiao Nini came forward and came to Feng Sinan's leg.

Feng Sinan lowered her tall body and hugged Xiao Nini.

"Nini, are you having fun with Daddy?"


Feng Sinan sat down Xiao Ni Ni with satisfaction, and Xiao Ni Ni went to play again happily.

Feng Sinan's gaze fell on Su Xiaoying's face. He raised his hand and tore off the neck tie and threw it into the sofa. He also unlocked the two buttons of the white shirt, exposing the delicate man's collarbone.

In addition to slag, Feng Sinan raised his hands full of charm of a mature man, really attracted women like it, could not help but fall in love.

Feng Sinan pulled his long legs forward and came to Su Xiaoying's side. He looked down at her with her eyelids down and her eyes fell on her pink cherry mouth. Pink is a natural bright color, but not Vulgar, in short, seduce his eyes deeply.

"What do you want?" Feng Sinan's voice was hoarse.

Su Xiaoying lowered her soft face, didn't look at him, and ignored him.

Feng Sinan's narrow eyes narrowed suddenly, looking at a very dark danger.

But he seemed to think of something again, and his strong waist bullied her, and he was dishonest, "Isn't it a favorite to eat lollipops, Nini gives you, you just eat, I give you, Don't you like to eat? "

Su Xiaoying's head was so hot that she could understand him no matter how stupid. In the study that day, he forced her ...

Now the posture of the two people is that she is sitting. He is standing. Su Xiaoying soon feels a strange look on her face. It turned out that he had brought his trousers over and put it lightly on her face.

Su Xiaoying felt so sick that she rose up with small pink particles.

She rose quickly and lifted her feet.

"Su Xiaoying!"

Feng Sinan stretched out his clear palm and clasped her slender wrist.

He twitched gently, and Su Xiaoying's soft, boneless body fell directly into his strong chest.

Su Xiaoying quickly smelled a woman's perfume smell on him, which belongs to Zhao Feier.

They hugged under the cloister of the villa, and Zhao Feier hooked his neck.

Su Xiaoying couldn't bear it. There was a sour water on her chest, and she felt too sick.

"Let me go! Don't touch me!"

Su Xiaoying held Feng Sinan firmly with two fists and wanted to push him away.

Push as far as you can.

Feng Sinan beat her a few times. The strength of men and women was very different. He hooped her thin waist with a yin-like strength, and it was impossible for her to break free.

"Su Xiaoying, why are you crazy? Let me wait with your mouth to see what happened to me. You gave me a look for two days and told me that I have no patience with you. You'd better take it when you see it!"

Su Xiaoying stopped, and her two small hands fell weakly to her side. She looked at him with cat-like bright eyes. She wanted to see him clearly. The handsome and noble man in front of him was not the one Big brother, he is not.

Where did her elder brother go?

Feng Sinan's face was somber and dripping water, never a woman made him so upset and irritable.

Looking at her red eyes, a layer of crystal fog was accumulated inside, and Feng Sinan roared unhappyly, "What a cry, mother, take back my tears, don't cry!"

Su Xiaoying felt that a knife was inserted into her atrium, stirring it up wantonly, and soon her tears fell down in despair.

She really cried.

Feng Sinan looked at her pear-rain with rain, which was particularly affectionate. He held her little face with two big palms, and lowered her eyes to kiss her red lips.

He wanted to gag her mouth.

He kissed again, and every time he went home, he tried to vent her.

Isn't there a woman outside him, isn't he a Zhao Feier?

Su Xiaoying thought he was all dirty, his lips kissed others, and his body belonged to others.

"Go away, don't touch me!"

Su Xiaoying twisted her face and did not let Feng Sinan kiss him.

Feng Sinan's thin lips fell on her fragrant hair, and a layer of scarlet had fallen on her narrow eyes. The more she did this, the more he would arouse his desire for conquest and challenge. Now he has been excited. passionate.

He kissed her red lips again.


Su Xiaoying vomited and vomited Feng Sinan.

All the actions of Feng Sinan froze in such an instant. He looked at his white shirt, and his face was cold enough to kill.

She even vomited on him, and was dead.

"Su Xiaoying, are you tired?"

Su Xiaoying still wanted to vomit, and the acid water in her chest kept rising upwards. She kept backing, and watched Feng Sinan alertly. I want to vomit. "

what does she say?

She hates it ... he's dirty?

Feng Sinan's entire body braved a chilling cold, and even the air condensed into ice.

Su Xiaoying turned and ran straight upstairs.

"Oh, sir, what's wrong?" At this moment Wu Xuan ran out.

Feng Sinan stretched out his long legs, flipped a chair with one foot, and then he went upstairs and took a shower in the room.


Instead of returning to the master bedroom, Su Xiaoying went to Xiao Nini's room. She vomited for a while in the bath room and spit out all the bile.

"Mum, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Xiao Ni Ni ran in, and looked at her mother with a nervous expression.

Su Xiaoying looked at Xiao Ni Ni, Xiao Ni Ni's beautiful big eyes were scared red, and there were all tears inside.

But Xiao Ni Ni didn't dare to drop her tears. She saw Daddy and Mummy quarrel just now.

She is so scared.

Su Xiaoying was distressed like a knife. "Nini, I'm sorry, Mummy and Daddy ... maybe separated, Mummy wants to take Nini ... Leave, of course, Mummy also wants to ask Nini's opinion, Nini ... Want to talk to Daddy, or ... Mommy ... "

Su Xiaoying really didn't want to ask Xiao Nini this question. Xiao Nini was so eager for her father's love. Just now Feng Sinan hugged Xiao Nini a little, and Xiao Nini was so happy.

She knows that this will leave a great shadow on the growth of the child, and the impact of the original ecological family on the child is a lifetime.

Xiao Nini held the doll in her arms, hugged tightly, and asked timidly, "Mum, are you going to divorce with Daddy ...?"

Daddy and Mummy, who had two children around her, divorced, one without Daddy and one without Mummy, so pitiful.

Su Xiaoying nodded hard, "Well."

The tears in Xiao Nini's eyes suddenly came out, and the two-year-old little girl sobbed and whispered, "I and ... and Mommy, I want ... Mommy ..."

Su Xiaoying hugs Xiao Ni Ni in her arms. Later ... She will do her best to give Ni Ni all the love, and she will compensate Ni Ni.


Feng Sinan took a shower. He didn't see Su Xiaoying return to the room when he was out of the bath.

He strode out and came to the door of Nini's room ...


First of all, babes, there is n’t a manuscript on the costumes. Recently, there are too many things in hand. The costumes are staying up every night. Although the update is a bit late, but Baqian never missed it. , Nissan will adjust the interest rate as soon as possible, and save a day's manuscript.

This new week is also a new month. Nei Sang is begging for tickets and loves you.

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