Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1773: She is pregnant!

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Sinan Gao Yingying's body bullied her into the sofa and kissed her cherry.

He wanted to kiss her last night.

No, maybe earlier.

Feng Sinan likes to kiss her. When she obeys, he hugs her and does nothing. He can kiss for half an hour.

The pearl of Su's palm has always been a delicate flower that is taken care of in humidity and humidity. Whether it is a kiss or a make, it is sweet and tender.

Su Xiaoying was strongly pressed by him. No matter how she hammered and shoved him, he remained motionless.

Soon he pried open her shell teeth, put his long tongue in and turned the river, caught her tongue and plundered her breath ...

Compared with his calm and calm attitude, she was ridiculously weak.

Su Xiaoying's cat-like bright eyes were quickly covered with a layer of clear water mist. Now that he is not only pulling off his belt, his clothing is complete, but also the legendary business contractor Feng Sinan, whose skirt has been ripped off , Without covering his body, now he pressed her under her body, regardless of her feelings, forcibly demanded and vented.

Su Xiaoying feels like a free ji girl.

She has always been his venting tool.

Su Xiaoying bit her tongue hard.


Feng Sinan snorted, and she really hurt. She bit him, and bit it hard. His tongue had been bitten by her.

The faint **** smell quickly spread in the mouths of the two people.

Feng Sinan held out her long fingers and pinched her cheeks, forcing her to loosen her mouth.

He stood up slightly, his strong chest was undulating, his tongue licked the blood stains, and he condemned her with crimson **** eyes, and the mature man was light and profligate.

"Dare you bit me, huh? See how I can pack you up!"

Feng Sinan stretched out his hand to pick up her clothes.


Su Xiaoying screamed, struggling and dodging hard, she was really afraid of the man on her body.

From the outside world, he is really a proud son, the eldest son and grandson of the Feng family, the heir to the empire. He is young, handsome, rich, and generous to any woman.

But Su Xiaoying knew how indifferent and strong he was in his bones. He always said that it must be necessary. There was no tenderness, just a rough and powerful vent. He regarded the woman as his subsidiary. Products, like to conquer, and more enjoy the service and pleasure of women.

He seemed to be careless, his bones and blood were cold.

"Feng Sinan, let me go ... it hurts, you hurt me ..."

Su Xiaoying really felt pain. She shook her little head, and the tears of crystals fell down.

Feng Sinan looked at the appearance of her pear with rain. Her soft and boneless body didn't have a little attack power, sobbing called "pain", so indescribable and touching that people couldn't help but want to pull her Have a good pain.

Feng Sinan's hand stopped slowly, "Su Xiaoying, you want to divorce me, have you used your brain to think clearly, eh?"

"Even if we are divorced, as long as I let the conversation go, who dares to take over the woman I used Sinan? Whoever takes over will have trouble."

"And your daddy, your daddy can protect everything from you to protect your baby girl, but you are willing?"

"Su Xiaoying, aren't you right? You're kind, right? You won't bother anyone."

"Let's talk about you, you look at you, the young lady with ten fingers who doesn't touch the spring water will just draw a picture. I do n’t support you. If you go home, it ’s not for your father to support you and your daughter. What's the difference? "

"You don't have the ability to make money at all. Now I support you. You just need to be good and serve me. Mrs. Feng's position will always be yours. The son you give birth will inherit my Feng's in the future and enjoy forever. Ronghua Fugui is as good as Mrs. Kuo, how good it is to paint and raise flowers, and you have to toss out some things, are you worried? "

"Mrs. Feng, I'm very busy. It's not easy for men to entertain and make money out of the house every day. Don't ask me for anything, okay?"

Su Xiaoying felt that her eyes were sorely burned by the hot tears, really painful.

His cold lips were tilted and the words were beaded, shaming her to the extreme.

Yes, he was right.

She is now useless and has no ability except painting.

He doesn't look at her in his bones.

"Mrs. Feng, tell me now, do you want to divorce?"

Su Xiaoying nodded and kept sobbing, thinking ... she just wanted ... she didn't want to live with him ... she didn't like him anymore ...

At this moment, there was a pain in the chest, and Feng Sinan pinched her severely. "Mrs. Feng, want to speak clearly, eh?"

Su Xiaoying's whole skin can be delicate. She has never been tortured and abused like this. He has hurt her before, but he has not been as cruel as before.

Su Xiaoying curled up in pain, her soft, boneless body trembling, she shook her head, "No ... I don't want to, I ... I don't dare ..."

This is good.

Feng Sinan lowered her body again, her thin thin lips pressed against her hair and kissed her.

Su Xiaoying pushed him timidly, "Can you ... let go of me, it hurts ... I really hurt ..."

There was pain in her stomach, it really hurts.

"Are you still okay?" Feng Sinan asked hoarsely.

"Not good ... really bad ..."

Feng Sinan grabbed her soft little hand and put it on her expensive black belt. "Help me out."

Su Xiaoying's conditioned reflex will draw back his little hand.

But the next second, the spinner turned around, Feng Sinan turned around with her soft waist, and now he leaned on the sofa and let her sit on his thigh. "You shrink and try again?"

He threatened.

Su Xiaoying didn't move. She sat on his strong thigh and looked at him with tears in her eyes. She was crying out of breath, and the cherry mouth was trembling and provocative.

"Don't cry!" Two big masters of her S-shaped soft waist, he scolded her like a little girl.


Su Xiaoying just cry.

Feng Sinan held her little face and began to kiss her teardrops.

Su Xiaoying hid, but she couldn't hide her kiss, he clasped her little hand arrogantly ...

"You let go of me first, don't hold me ... I want to vomit ... I really want to vomit ..."

When Feng Sinan kissed emotionally, she heard her say nausea.

He pressed his thin lips into a straight line of forest displeasure, and his tone aggravated, "It seems your mouth is not honest, otherwise, let's not use our hands, use ..."

"Don't! I listen to you, I listen to you!"


An hour later, a Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped at the gate of T's school, and Feng Sinan wore a big palm of his precious watch on the steering wheel, looking at the girl around him, "Go to school, I'll pick you up after school for a candlelight dinner. "

Su Xiaoying's tender little face was white with no trace of blood. She mechanically opened the seat belt on her body, then opened the door of the co-pilot, walked out, and entered T.

Feng Sinan watched her figure disappear into her sight before driving away.


It was afternoon in the blink of an eye, and after school, Su Xiaoying was holding a drawing board in her arms and exited the classroom door.

"Xiaoying, what's wrong with you today, is there something wrong? Your face looks very bad and lose heart." A few female classmates gathered around and looked at Su Xiaoying anxiously.

Su Xiaoying Yu trembled and shook her head gently, "I'm fine."

"Su Xiaoying!" Then a familiar voice started.

Su Xiaoying looked up, and an acquaintance came in front of her, which was Zhao Feier.

When Zhao Feier came, she looked very embarrassed, as if she had escaped by being tied up, panic and anger.

"Su Xiaoying, is it you, is it that you have tied me up, you are so vicious, I have not caught up with the plane to Saint-Leu, California. I must give up! "

Last night, Su Xiaoying asked Daddy to tie Zhao Feier on the phone. She did it.

The San Li Academy of California did not want to admit Zhao Feier at all, so after learning that Zhao Feier missed the plane, she quickly cancelled her place.

Missed such a great opportunity, Zhao Feier was unusually angry.

Su Xiaoying's cat-like bright eyes fell on Zhao Feier's pretty face, still soft and harmless, but there was a little indifference, "Fei, you need to pay attention to the evidence, and you have evidence to prove that it is me Did you do it? "

"That's what Zhao Feier, do you have evidence?"

"Zhao Feier, if you rely on our little cherry here without evidence, then we can sue you for libel!"

"Zhao Feier, what means did you use to steal the place from Sakura? Do you still need us to say that the tree has bark and people have faces? I suggest you hide it and hide your shame!" ...

Several female classmates were on Su Xiaoying's side, and now it was learned that Zhao Feier had missed the quota, it was almost heart-warming, and immediately protected Su Xiaoying and took Zhao Feier back.

The excitement here quickly gathered a lot of people, both male and female students were protecting Su Xiaoying, and Zhao Feier fought alone and was isolated, and was about to be drowned in Tumoxing.

Zhao Feier's two hands on her side quickly punched into fists, and she was extremely jealous.

Most of this T will give Su Xiaoying as the fairy sister, she will always be the green leaf to accompany!

All unwillingness and jealousy reached the eruption at this moment. Zhao Feier suddenly smiled strangely, Su Xiaoying, do you think you won? The show is just beginning!

Vomit ~

Zhao Feier suddenly reached out and held her heart, stooped and vomited.

"What happened to Zhao Feier?"

"What trick is she playing?"

"Is there any classmate who is studying medicine going up to give her a pulse and see what mystery she made?"

Everyone you say a word to me.

Before a female student studying medicine quickly left, she put on Zhao Feier's wrist. Soon, the female student's face changed. "Zhao Feier, you are pregnant!"


First change.

There is a hunch of Nei Shou, President Feng will be pulled out every day to slaughter the whip corpse.

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