Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1784: Feng Sinan fights for Su Xiaoying

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The tip of his tongue hit the left cheek, and Feng Sinan turned his face somberly. He was exuding a strong chill, even the air around him seemed to have frozen.

"Su Xiaoying, I'm used to you, do you dare hit me?" Feng Sinan put out a big palm and picked up her little face.

Su Xiaoying stared at him with red eyes, "Feng Sinan, I hate you!"

She said she hated him.

Feng Sinan's strong chest went up and down, panting, "Anyway you don't like me anymore, then you hate me a bit more."

Feng Sinan looked down and kissed her gorgeous red lips.

"Hmm ... let go!"

Su Xiaoying, who was suddenly kissed, struggled hard. She didn't want to kiss him or touch him.

But her strength was too small, she couldn't break away from his powerful force, he was always strong, and she was not allowed to have half a resistance in this kind of thing.

Soon, he snapped her teeth.

Su Xiaoying quickly clenched her teeth and prevented him from coming in.

Feng Sinan raised his eyebrows and was obviously displeased. How could such a kiss be enough, he did not stretch his tongue.

He wanted to kiss her.

Just watching her dancing pole dance on the stage just now, the soft boneless body folded so many shapes so easily, he wanted to press her under his body, and slammed hard.

Feng Sinan's narrow eyebrows were stained with a bit of **** scarlet. He extended his thumb and pressed her red lips. He kissed just now. Her cherry mouth was red and swollen. The line is already dumb, "Mouth open, I want to kiss you."

Su Xiaoying posted on the wall alertly and shook her head hard. She didn't want to, she didn't want to open her mouth.

Feng Sinan Gao Yingying's body put her petite and tender in her arms, "disobedient? Good, open your mouth."

Su Xiaoying pushed him with two small hands, "You let go of me, you will be called if you don't let go!"

"You call, just let others take a good look at how I do you!"

When Su Xiaoying wanted to talk, someone came, "General Feng, is there something wrong with your ears? Sister Xiaoying asked you to let her go, and you let her go quickly."

Su Xiaoying looked up, there was an extra person in the corridor, and Nan Xiaogong came.

"South Little Boy, save me!"

Su Xiaoying ran to the little boy in the south.

But Feng Sinan clasped her slender wrist and pulled her behind her, and warned Yin Yin, "Honestly."

"General Feng, you and Xiaoying Sister have been divorced. With the general character of Feng, shouldn't you be sexually harassing your ex-wife?" Nan Xiaogong laughed.

Feng Sinan's narrow eyes fell on Nan Xiaogong's handsome face, and his lips were faintly tickled. He showed the arrogance and arrogance everywhere, "I will sexually harass her, you How can it be? "

The little Nan Nan's face changed. "Feng Sinan, it seems we are going to fight today."

Feng Sinan narrowed his eyes narrowly, "by you?"

Soon, four or five people walked out from behind Nan Xiaogong, his friends, and everyone had sticks in his hands.

"Feng Sinan, the last time I was overcast, I got a pocket on me and slammed me. Did you do this?"

Su Xiaoying didn't know about this. She looked at Feng Sinan in shock. He even played with Yin and stunned Nan Xiaodang?


Feng Sinan didn't have any emotional ups and downs, and didn't even move his eyebrows, "It's me."

Nan Xiaogong copied a wooden stick in his hand. "Feng Sinan, I have long wanted to find your account."

Said Nan Xiaogong looked at Su Xiaoying, "Sister Xiaoying, don't care about the fight between men, stay away."

Su Xiaoying had smelled the smoke of gunpowder, at this moment a big grasp of her soft little hand, pushed her into the corner, Feng Sinan moved the neck lazily, "Stand well, don't move, let today Let's see how I beat this little boy down. "

"Feng Sinan, watch!"

Nan Xiaogong hit Feng Sinan's head with a stick.

Feng Sinan swiftly avoided him. He was one enemy and five, and was not weak at all, and the scene was chaotic and tense for a time.

For the first time, Su Xiaoying watched a fight. She didn't feel the sense of blood, she was only afraid.

Nan Xiaogong and his friends both gave up their hands, and Feng Sinan was even more ruthless, so he split two sticks with bare hands.

Feng Sinan's strong fitness body wrapped in a black suit exudes incomparable strength, recruiting enemies.

In the chaos at this time, I don't know why, a stick hit Su Xiaoying's face.

Su Xiaoying's Hitomi shrinks and screams quickly, "Ah!"

The little boy Nan nervously said, "Sister Sakura!"

Su Xiaoying waited for the pain to come, but didn't wait until the moment when the attack came, a tall and tall body came over and blocked her.

Su Xiaoying raised her eyes quickly, and Feng Sinan's handsome face was magnified in her sight.

Feng Sinan guarded her.

The stick fell on Feng Sinan's stiff shoulders and made a heavy muffled sound.

Feng Sinan's tall body trembled suddenly, and a cold sweat came from his forehead. He looked at her, panting, "I don't know how to hide, what do I do with a small face?"

Su Xiaoying Yujie trembled, and her white eyes quickly turned red.

At this time, a few friends of Nan Xiaogong rushed along, and all the wooden sticks in his hand fell on Feng Sinan's back.

Feng Sinan snorted.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

Su Xiaoying stretched out two soft white hands, hugged Feng Sinan's strong waist, and hugged him tightly.

Feng Sinan didn't stand still in pain, and took two steps back. He reached out and held Su Xiaoying's soft body in his arms.

Looking at the two people hugging each other, Nan Xiaodang quickly said, "Don't hit it! Don't hurt Xiaoying's sister!"

"What happened, gosh, why are you fighting here?" At this time, many people rushed over, and everyone was stunned.

Feng Sinan actually had a fight with Nan Xiaodang in President Lu's White House.

Su Lao also came. He looked at Su Xiaoying, who was held tightly in his arms by Feng Sinan, and Shen said, "Sakura, come here!"

Just now Su Xiaoying was so scared that Feng Sinan would be killed in this way, so she instinctively hugged Feng Sinan.

Now hearing Daddy's voice, Su Xiaoying quickly pushed Feng Sinan away, and she turned to leave.

But a big palm held her soft little hand, and Feng Sinan held her behind.

Su Xiaoying footsteps.

Su Lao looked at this scene, and savage eyes flashed, "Sakura, come here, go home with your father!"

Su Xiaoying vigorously shook Feng Sinan's palm and came to Su Lao's side.

Feng Sinan watched Su Xiaoying obediently standing behind his father's land, but did not look at him. He had a sweet throat, raised his hand, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.


It's all over today, babes, let's go out on Qingming Festival, love you.

There is also a new article "Hidden Marriage Giants: President Daddy, Pets Beloved", which is a good friend of the good friend Mu Mu. This is a sweet pet, and do n’t miss it.

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