Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1790: Sitting on his lap and begging him

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Sinan was with Uncle Sun!

Su Xiaoying's Hitomi shrinks, her heart has sunk to the bottom of the valley, and all the confusions have been answered at this moment. It is Feng Sinan's hand, and he has started with the Su family.

How can he do this?

Nini is his daughter, and Nini also bleeds half of Su family's blood. He could make Nini lose her grandfather and her father without blinking.

Su Xiaoying's blood was pouring into her brain, and she became cold for a moment, and fear and darkness swept across her, almost choking her.

She never knew Feng Sinan.

Only a little bit of knowledge now.

Su Xiaoying stretched out her soft white hand and suddenly opened the door of the giant box.

The door bumped into the wall and made a murmur.

This muffled sound caused the two men in the box to raise their eyes at the same time, and Uncle Sun stood up in shock. "Sakura, how are you ...?"

Su Xiaoying's cat-like bright eyes moved from Uncle Sun's face to Feng Sinan's handsome and expensive face. Today he wore a gray shirt and now leaned lazily on the dark red sofa and saw her. When he came, he didn't have any emotions, but just took a smoky cigarette.

Su Xiaoying's two small hands hanging to his side quickly pulled into fists. "Uncle Sun, I have something to tell you."

"Mr. Feng, I'll be with you for a while."

Uncle Sun came out.

Su Xiaoying and Uncle Sun stood in the corridor. "Uncle Sun, you should already know that my father is in trouble. I want to ask you a favor. Treason is a major crime. Our family will not implicate you. I just want to Uncle Sun helped get my dad out of the Department of Shenxing. My father's body would not be able to carry it in such a place. "

Uncle Sun was very embarrassed. "Sakura, I know about your dad, but I'm sorry, I can't help you."

"Uncle Sun, I ..."

"Sakura, I still have something to do. Let's go first."

Uncle Sun left directly.

Su Xiaoying's face turned white. Uncle Sun was her biggest hope, but now the hope was broken.

At this moment, a steady sound of footsteps rang in the ear, Su Xiaoying turned, and saw Feng Sinan stepping out of the box.

Feng Sinan followed the secretary Jin Zhe. He copied the trousers pocket with one hand, took a cigarette with a thin hand and took a sip, and then spit out the smoke in her mouth with a big, soft face. Come out, crazy and evil.

The dim light of the cloister hit his tall and tall body, raising his hands and throwing his feet is the style of business leaders.

Su Xiaoying looked at him, "Is it you?"

Feng Sinan raised a long, narrow eyebrow, "You think so, that's it."

He admitted.

"Why?" Su Xiaoying's fair eyes were red, "Why are you doing this?"

If Feng Sinan ticked his thin lips with nothing, he was indifferent and cold. "What could be the reason? If the mall is like a battlefield, you will be beaten if you are backward. The Su family is a piece of fat. I swallow it. Fame and fortune, power can go up to another level, soak in Vanity Fair, you have to keep climbing up, you ask me why, I also ask you why I can't do anything with Su family? "

Said Feng Sinan took a few steps forward and came to her, his narrow eyes dazzling her after looking at her up and down, and then bored a smirk, "Because ... are you?"

Su Xiaoying was so humiliated by him, he was really ruthless, and suddenly poke her pain.

She thought he would at least look at her and Nini's.

It turned out that their mother and daughter were nothing to him.

Dad was right, Feng Sinan only loved himself, he was soaked in Vanity Fair, his blood was black.

The man Feng Sinan's eyes grew increasingly restless and ambitious, and it was dangerous to fear.

He is a devil.

Why did she provoke this devil?

It was she who killed Daddy.

It was she who killed Su.

Su Xiaoying has never hated herself like this now, hate the man in front of her, she pinched her little fist and smashed him on the stiff shoulder, scolded him with red eyes, "Feng Sinan, you are not human!"

Feng Sinan narrowed his eyes, quickly stretched out his sharp big palm, clasped her slender wrist, and did not let her call, "Su Xiaoying, I see that your head is still hazy, instead of hitting me , You might as well think about it, how to ask me and be merciful to my men, after all, in the kind of place where the Department of Criminal Justice, your father can live a day is a day! "

Feng Sinan stretched out his hand, and Su Xiaoying's soft and boneless body fell back and hit the wall directly.


Su Xiaoying burst into tears.

Compared to her embarrassed, Feng Sinan stood tall and stood upright, watching her ruthlessly.

Su Xiaoying calmed down. She couldn't let the resentment stun her head. She wanted to save Daddy.

"Feng Sinan, what do you want, how do you want me to ask you?" Su Xiaoying stared at him coldly.

Feng Sinan stretched out her big palm and picked up her small slap face. The rough thumb slowly rubbed the delicate muscles on her small face.

Her skin can be torn apart, like fresh lychee that has just been peeled, and water can be produced at the touch of a button.

Feng Sinan's eyes darkened, and her thumb moved slowly towards her cherry-like mouth.

With a slam, Su Xiaoying reached out and shot his big palm without letting him touch him.

Feng Sinan's handsome eyelids were immediately covered with a layer of frost, and he quietly retracted his hand. "How to ask me, think for yourself."

He took Jin Zhe away.


Su Xiaoying leaned against the wall alone, and her little face was already white without any trace of blood.

Her hands and feet were cold.

Feng Sinan asked her to ask him, what he wanted, let her think.

Su Xiaoying trembled the butterfly-like cicada-like feathers and then laughed helplessly.


She went out.

Feng Sinan has arrived in the hall, he stood beside Xiao Jinran and looked at the card for a while.

Someone asked him to play. Feng Sinan shook his head. He had no interest. He went to a remote corner and sat on the sofa.

Upon the appearance of Feng Sinan, those beautiful and **** women were originally surrounded by Xiao Jinran. Now many of them are flushing and looking at Feng Sinan.

Two bodyguards in black guarded the door without anyone approaching. Feng Sinan finished smoking a cigarette, and now he stunned one on his thin lips. He took a pack of matches and slashed out. The flames, his handsome and noble face was plated with a glamorous dazzling gold light by the flames, but it ruined the women outside.

At this moment, there was a movement in the ear, Feng Sinan looked up and Su Xiaoying came in.

Feng Sinan was not surprised. He took a puff of cigarettes and said, "Why do you want me?"

Su Xiaoying looked at him, "You speak."

Feng Sinan's eyes moved down. Today she wore a black and white stitching lace dress with a small and delicate bow tie on the neckline, a very good ladylike style. The two thin legs below were white reflective, and the middle seam was tight. Hardly visible.

Feng Sinan's raised throat rolled up and down twice, and then indifferently said, "Aren't you going to dance pole dancing, the last time you jumped in front of so many men, so, you split a fork in front of me, and I saw What I want to see, I will give you a chance to talk. "

Su Xiaoying's soft little face is red and white. She doesn't know that rich men like to play this way, and they use money to smash those young water-spirited girls. Whoever cuts the fork is the best, and takes more money.

The dress she wore, it was self-evident what he wanted to see.

"Feng Sinan, you're abnormal!"

Su Xiaoying's voice was thin and angrily scolded him.

Feng Sinan didn't matter. He leaned down slightly and clasped his ashtray in the ashtray. "This is a change of state, Su Xiaoying, you have never seen the world."

"Now that the Su family is down, you are no longer the old lady who didn't know the fireworks on the earth. Man, you need to understand sooner or later."

"You look good and your figure is good enough. Without the protection of your rights, sooner or later you will be reduced to a man's bed and play. So do you understand?"

Su Xiaoying put her nails in her hands, and she didn't feel any pain. She quickly tickled her red lips. "Since Feng always said so, then I also recognize the reality. There are so many men in the world, why am I biased? Want to seal the total bed? "

Su Xiaoying turned and left.

Feng Sinan's eyebrows sank, and the **** could almost drip water. He stretched out his palm and grabbed Su Xiaoying's arms.


Su Xiaoying fell directly on his strong thigh.

"General Feng, let go of me! My dad's affairs, I will find a way, nothing to do with you!" Su Xiaoying struggled hard.

Feng Sinan's strong arm like a hoop easily held her in his arms. "Su Xiaoying, you are still so bad, you want to make me angry, huh? Since you can go to another man's bed, Why can't you go to mine? "

"Get away, don't touch me!"

Feeling her struggling, Feng Sinan lowered her eyes, and opened her mouth to bite her small white earlobe, covering her ears and panting, "I haven't done it with other women since I divorced you, know how much I have I want to be you, I want to go crazy. "

Feng Sinan held her soft little hand and pressed it on her own body, "Tell me to be comfortable, and I will take your father out of the Department of Shenxing and let him support him for years, but you will follow me and let me support Holding you. "

Su Xiaoying knew what he wanted to do, and she refused to shake off his big palm. "Feng Sinan, aren't you with Princess Sara, why can't you let me go?"

Feng Sinan's big palm shuttled into her hair, holding her small face to force her to look at each other, and then he slowly lifted her thin lips, "Sakura, I will give the name to the little princess Sara, but I will Your golden house is hidden, and I love you. "

Su Xiaoying knew all of a sudden, marrying Sara's princess in his plan, and turning her golden house into a mistress, or one of the mistresses, was also in his plan.


More finished.

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