Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1807: Almost kissed

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Here comes the seal.

This time, the mysterious guest of One Foundation is the seal.

Su Xiaoying saw Feng Feng. It was the man who gave her a ride on a rainy day. He was really the painting giant Dr. Feng.

Su Xiaoying is standing at the back, because the front is full of beautiful teachers and sisters from major universities, and the dressed-up girls are screaming with excitement when they see Feng Yu appear.

--- Oh my god, it's really a seal!

--- Dr. Feng is so handsome, he must faint me!

The girls stared at Venus, showing an expression of worship and admiration.

Su Xiaoying looked at the seal that had just come out of the luxury car. Today Feng Feng wore a simple white shirt and black trousers. The shirt was not tied into the trousers. The whole person was handsome, casual and gentle, and strongly attracted. Human eyeball.

The founder of One Foundation greeted him with enthusiasm. "Dr. Feng, I originally invited you with one-tenth of the hope. I didn't expect you to take the time to come and welcome you."

Feng Hou lip, "You're welcome, I am very happy to communicate with the children."

"Dr. Feng, let's go in."

"it is good."

Feng Yan entered the classroom with the founder of the One Foundation, and the children also lined up to enter the classroom.

At this time, a girl beside Su Xiaoying suddenly hugged her belly. "Pretty big sister, my stomach hurts."

Su Xiaoying looked down, and the little girl was pale and fell to the ground with pain.

The children around screamed in fear.

"Child, what's wrong with you, where does your stomach hurt?" Su Xiaoying quickly reached out and held the little girl in her arms.

There is a riot here.

At this time, a big clean hand reached out and took the little girl from Su Xiaoying's arms. "Is there a medical office here, please take the emergency treatment to the medical office!"

Su Xiaoying looked up, Feng Feng came over from the crowd, crouched down and hugged the little girl.

Feng Ye saw Su Xiaoying, "Is it you?"

He recognized her.

It's the **** a rainy day.

Su Xiaoying is very fond of Feng Yan. On the one hand, Feng Yan has helped her in an unfamiliar street; on the other hand, he is Dr. Feng, which has always been her goal.

Su Xiaoying nodded. "It's me."

"Let's take this little girl to the infirmary first."

Feng Yan hugged the little girl and left, Su Xiaoying quickly followed.


In the infirmary.

The little girl's condition has stabilized, and the little girl's mother has arrived.

The little girl's mother looked at Su Xiaoying gratefully, "Teacher, I really thank you this time."

Su Xiaoying wanted to explain that she wasn't the teacher here, but think about her ticking her red lips, "You're welcome, the child is fine."

Feng Feng came over, and the little girl's mother looked at Feng Feng, "Thank you for your boyfriend."

The little girl's mother thinks Feng Ye is Su Xiaoying's boyfriend.

Su Xiaoying looked up immediately, her cat-like eyes looking at Feng Feng, very embarrassed, she put her soft white hand, "You misunderstood, he is not ... my boyfriend, we are not men and women."

Feng Yan stood next to Su Xiaoying. He looked at the girl's soft and pretty face, which was embarrassing and shy. Her little face was steamed with a little blush, like a newly bloomed rose flower.

The little girl's mother looked at Feng Yan and Su Xiaoying. The handsome men and pretty women were a proper pair.

The little girl's mother covered her mouth and chuckled, "Teacher, don't be shy, I think you are born a couple."

This time, Su Xiaoying could not wait to find a hole to drill, she did not explain, the more the description became darker.

The little girl's mother is gone, Su Xiaoying looks at the seal, "That ... is the little girl's mother misunderstood, don't take it to heart."

The two of them are now in the cloister. The seal is very tall, one meter eight, the best height difference.

Feng Yan looked at Su Xiaoying's bright eyes, where the autumn waves flowed and the scenery was beautiful. He had thin lips. "It's just a small matter, I don't take it to heart, you don't need to be restrained."

Feng Yan is a frank gentleman, and Su Xiaoying is not constrained. She is generous in smiling, "Dr. Feng, thank you for your help last time. My surname is Su Xiaoying."

"Su Xiaoying?" Feng Yan chewed the name.

"Dr. Feng, do you know me?"

Feng nodded his head. "The last time I met the Dean of the California Saint-Lissen Academy, the Dean inadvertently mentioned you. The Dean praised your talent and talent in painting in front of me. I heard that you have two chances to enter St. Louis, California, but you both missed it. The dean is still very sorry, so I am very impressed. "

Unexpectedly, the director of the California Saint-Lily College still remembered her, and Su Xiaoying felt warm.

However, she lived up to everyone's expectations.

Facing the drawing board now, she couldn't draw anything with her pen.

Then someone came, "Dr. Feng, let's go to teach now, the children are waiting."


Feng Ye was teaching in the classroom, and Su Xiaoying was listening below. Feng Ye was standing on the podium, holding chalk in his hands, and was teaching art lessons with very vivid language.

Su Xiaoying was admired by Feng Feng. She has seen many painting masters these years, but Feng Yu is worthy of being called a painting giant. His language and his paintings are full of spirituality.

It was a warm, spring-like spirit, like his people.

After the lecture, the children started to doodle.

Su Xiaoying looked at the graffiti graffiti of these children and was in a good mood. These children were wild and full of imagination.

Su Xiaoying came to a blank drawing board, she picked up her pencil and wanted to draw something.

But her pencil landed on the white paper and stopped again.

She doesn't know how to draw?

At this moment a warm voice rang out in my ear, "Why not paint?"

Su Xiaoying looked back, Feng Feng had come to her, he was looking at her softly.

Su Xiaoying trembled, but Yujie didn't speak because she didn't know what to say.

"Drawing is very simple. You put your pencil on the paper and draw whatever you want. I teach you."

Feng Junjun stood behind Su Xiaoying, and then stretched out his clean big hand to hold Su Xiaoying's soft white hand. The pencil quickly drawn a circle on the white paper.

It's a simple circle.

It's a circle that can change.

Su Xiaoying's heart moved, she did it herself, adding a pair of charming big eyes in the circle.

"Let's draw a sun."

Feng Yan smiled, and added a few more hairs to the circle, and the circle immediately became a sun.

This sun is very similar to the graffiti of children, but the sun smiles very brightly. This is the first collaboration between Feng Yan and Su Xiaoying.

"Look, in fact, it's not as difficult as you think." Feng Yan smiled softly in the back.

Looking at the sun, Su Xiaoying's bright cat-like eyes bloomed with a bright stream of light. She looked back, "Dr. Feng, thank you ... you ..."

Just after looking back, Su Xiaoying found that her face and Feng Jun's face were stuck together.

Feng Yan originally stood behind her, holding her little hand. When he spoke, he leaned slightly politely. Now Su Xiaoying turned her head, and the two people's faces were stuck together instantly.

It's almost a run short.


Su Xiaoying is so big, except for Feng Sinan, who has not been so close with any man.

Su Xiaoying's cat-like eyes narrowed and she froze immediately.

She slaps her big face in a sulking heat.

Feng Yan never thought of taking advantage of Su Xiaoying, but when she turned this way, her cherry mouth was almost late.

Su Xiaoying is a beautiful woman. She has exquisite fascination with her five senses alone, and she is charming and charming, plus her sweet and beautiful breath and girly fragrance, it is really easy to impress a man.

Feng Feng's heart moved quickly and he straightened up, "Sorry."

Su Xiaoying wants to withdraw her little hand.

Feng Yu realized that he was still holding the girl ’s little hand, and he quickly let go and took a few steps back.

The two separated a distance, and Su Xiaoying hanged Yu Jie uncomfortably, "Dr. Feng, it's okay."

Then someone said, "Dr. Feng, come and help us draw pictures."

Su Xiaoying looked up, and saw that there were several beautiful teachers and sisters in front of her, looking at Feng Feng with wing.

"Dr. Feng, I recently encountered a problem in painting. Can you solve it for us?"

"Dr. Feng, you can't be biased. Didn't you help this pretty schoolgirl draw just now?"

Feng Yan helped Su Xiaoying draw a sun, but those people were envious with red eyes. Now they are shouting that it is unfair to seal Feng to paint.

Feng Yan glanced at Su Xiaoying, lest Su Xiaoying let her tongue go, Feng Feng walked over generously, he took the pencil, "Okay, I'll draw a picture for you."

Feng Yan sat down and began to paint.

Many female classmates surrounded the seals, and their attention was not on the paintings, but on the seals.

"Dr. Feng, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Dr. Feng, if you don't have a girlfriend, can you think about us?"

"Dr. Feng, we are all your little fans."

Feng Yan drew a picture, and then put his pencil down. He moistened his lips, "Thank you for your love, but I didn't intend to make a girlfriend, so I lost my companionship first."

Feng Yan glanced at Su Xiaoying's direction. Su Xiaoying was no longer in the position just now, and she was gone.

Feng Yan also strode away.

Looking at Feng Yan's back, the female classmates gathered around, reluctantly jealous, "Dr. Feng didn't even look at us for a moment, but he just held the little hand of that pretty elementary school girl, and he almost told others Kiss me! "

"I said, don't be jealous. The pretty elementary school girl looks like a little fox, especially the kind that will seduce a man."

"Do you know who that elementary school girl is?"

"It seems to be T's school flower, Su Xiaoying."

A few female classmates looked at each other and whispered, "Would we like to teach Su Xiaoying and keep her away from Dr.?"


Baby, there is one more.

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