Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1810: Three months pregnant, can I touch you?

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Several girls were still discussing there, but Feng Sinan had already left.

A few women's businesses are still over. "I wanted to tidy Su Xiaoying today, but I didn't expect to complete her. Let's go first and go home."

"it is good."

Several girls left together and went out of the gate of the One Fund.

They just wanted to take a taxi. At this time, several sturdy black bodyguards came over quickly and stopped them.

This sudden change frightened a few girls, and they all shouted, "What are you guys? Let go of us quickly. In the broad daylight, you dare to do this. Maybe it is a robbery." The daughter cannot succeed! "

The bodyguards in black were expressionless. "You offended our boss. This is the punishment our boss wants to give you!"

"Your boss? Who is your boss and when did we offend him?" A few girls frowned.

At this moment, a Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly drove down the bustling neon street, and the co-pilot's window slowly slipped down, revealing a handsome and noble look.

Feng Sinan.

There was a pair of large sunglasses on Feng Sinan's face, and the sleeves of the black shirt pulled up a few lines, revealing his strong forearm, and a precious men's watch on his wrist, looking at mysterious and magnificent.

A few girls' eyes brightened, it turned out that the man just saw in One Foundation!

The Rolls-Royce Phantom has always been a luxury in luxury cars. Seeing that license plates are all blasted, a few girls have red eyes, and they ca n’t wait to hook up Feng Sinan.

At this time, the co-pilot's window slowly slid up, blocking everyone's eyes from peeping, and Rolls-Royce Phantom galloped away.

The man was gone, leaving only an arrogant and rampant car ass.

A few girls haven't responded yet. The bodyguards reached out and shoved, and all the girls were pushed into the fountain.

The cold water soaked all over the body, causing a runaway and thrilling scream.


Those girls have become chickens, embarrassed and embarrassed in the water.

Many passersby's eyes were attracted, everyone gave pointers,

--- What are those girls doing, have their heads broken?

--- Maybe they just want to attract attention, and now girls want to be red.

--- Hahaha, I think they are idiots.

Being watched and humiliated like this, when the girls were angry, they felt a sense of fear again.

The man who was sitting in the Rolls-Royce Phantom Car just now is definitely not a mess. He is a dangerous man!


Feng Yan took Su Xiaoying into his own luxury car, and the car was heated. Su Xiaoying's body slowly returned to normal.

Feng Yan looked at Su Xiaoying with concern. "Are you uncomfortable? I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup now?"

"Dr. Feng, thank you, I'm fine."

"Then I will take you home now, where is your house?"

Su Xiaoying wanted to go to the hospital to see her daddy, but she had a soft white hand on her flat belly, and she felt that her stomach was a little uncomfortable. Now that she is pregnant, she also needs to pay attention to rest, and she does Stubborn.

"Dr. Feng, can you send me to XX?"

"it is good."

Feng Feng drove and directly took Su Xiaoying to Road XX. A few steps ahead was the Luoshuiwan Villa.

Su Xiaoying reached out and wanted to open the door of the first officer.

However Feng Feng came out first. His gentleman opened the door of the co-pilot and was very considerate.

Su Xiaoying got out of the car, her cat-like bright eyes looked at Feng Yan, "Dr. Feng, I always seem to trouble you."

Feng Hou lip, "You're welcome, we are now friends, so let's add a WeChat?"

Su Xiaoying's eyes brightened, Dr. Feng has always been her idol, "Can I really do that?"

Feng Ye took out his mobile phone. "Of course, we can discuss painting together when we have time."

Su Xiaoying's picturesque little face was filled with a happy and expectant smile, "Well, good."

The two added WeChat to each other, and then Feng drove away.

Su Xiaoying stood on the spot and waved her hand. When the sealed luxury car completely disappeared into sight, she turned into Luoshuiwan Villa.

What Su Xiaoying didn't know was that a Rolls-Royce Phantom luxury car was parked there not far.

Feng Sinan was sitting in the driver's seat. His narrow narrow eyes kept looking at her and Feng Yan through the bright glass windows.

In the luxury compartment, Feng Sinan slid down the driver's window, and then pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette pack.

He ignited a cigarette with a lighter and he began to swallow clouds and fog.

The smog hazed his handsome face, his handsome brows were gloomy like water, and now he was gloomy into a word "chuan".

He smoked quietly, the breeze blew, and the bangs on his forehead were scattered. He was almost integrated with the night.


Su Xiaoying returned to the Luoshuiwan Villa and entered the room. She was going to take a hot bath.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, a tall and tall figure stood beside the door, and Feng Sinan returned.

Su Xiaoying looked back and looked at Feng Sinan.

Feng Sinan also looked at her faintly, copied it into his pants pocket with one hand, and lifted his thin lips. "I went to the One Fund to find you, why didn't I see you?"

"Oh, I leave first."

"You left without calling me?"

"My phone is out of power and I only charge it now."

Feng Sinan came in, and he stepped up to Su Xiaoying step by step. His tall body quickly dropped a layer of silhouette in front of her eyes. "Su Xiaoying, how did you come back, got back by taxi?"

Su Xiaoying felt that the current Feng Sinan was weird. The whole person was yin and yang, which was frightening.

"No, a friend brought me back." Su Xiaoying didn't lie, she frankly said, naturally there was no need to lie.

"Friend, what friend?" Feng Sinan asked.

Su Xiaoying slightly raised her eyebrows. She didn't tell Feng Sinan the Dr. Feng. The person Feng Sinan was somber and cold and very suspicious. She was afraid that she would be involved in Dr. Feng.

"A female classmate, is that all right?"

Feng Sinan stretched out his big palm and took her small face in his palm. He leaned down slightly and his narrow narrow eyes met her cat-like bright eyes. "Really, I didn't lie to me, um ? "

Su Xiaoying smelled the faint smell of tobacco on him, and he seemed to smoke a lot.

"Really, I want to take a bath!"

Su Xiaoying put her two hands on Feng Sinan's strong chest, pushed him away, and she entered the bathroom.


Su Xiaoying took a bath in it, and Feng Sinan glanced down at the closed room door, and her thin lips had turned into a cold arc.

Damn, she dared to lie to him!

Feng Sinan's big palm dangled on her side was tightly pulled into a fist, and now her head is full of pictures of her and her uncle.

In the storage room, the uncle held her tightly in her arms ...

Uncle also took her home ...

Feng Sinan feels that she really underestimates Su Xiaoying, and she has become more and more good at using men.

As long as he can't see her at a glance, she can hook up with any other man to cause him trouble.

Feng Sinan knows his uncle very well. The uncle is in good condition and has high vision. He hasn't had any girlfriend yet.

Obviously, my uncle is very different to Su Xiaoying.

As long as they think of the intimacy and ambiguousness between them, Feng Sinan's narrow eyes are like the ice that has been poisoned, and he clucks his clenched big palm.

At this time, "ding", Su Xiaoying's mobile phone is charging.

Feng Sinan glanced at the closed room door and walked away, he opened Su Xiaoying's cell phone.

It's a WeChat, sent by Dr. Feng --- To paint in the countryside tomorrow?

Uncle is already at Yosu Sakura!

Feng Sinan's strong chest blew upwards in his chest. If she had something to do with his uncle, he would surely choke her.

She can only be his.

Don't try to dye any man.

Feng Sinan's long finger pressed the button and returned a Dr. Feng. I don't have time tomorrow.

Feng's reply came soon --- OK, I'll make another appointment next time.

Feng Sinan narrowed his eyes and deleted this WeChat message.

Put the phone back in again, and then a click, the door of the shower room opened, and Su Xiaoying came out.

After taking a hot bath, Su Xiaoying felt much more comfortable on her body and stomach. She didn't notice the abnormality, but instead went to bed, lay down, and went to bed earlier.

Watching Su Xiaoying take himself as air, Feng Sinan forced to lose his temper, and he also took a shower in the bathroom.


Su Xiaoying fell asleep. During this time, she was too stressed and really needed to sleep.

When she slumbered, she felt a piece of her body fall, and then a tall and strong body with a fragrant bath sticked from behind and hugged her.

A big palm got into her pyjamas.

Su Xiaoying woke up quickly. From the moment she moved into the Luoshuiwan villa, she knew that day would come.

But she didn't expect it to be so fast, after all, she was still pregnant.

She stretched out her soft white hand and held his big palm. "Feng Sinan, I'm still pregnant, I can't."

Feng Sinan buried Jun's face in her soft hair, and sniffed hard. He said hoarsely, "It's been three months, so I can go to the same room, can I touch you?"

"No! Feng Sinan, I have signs of threatened abortion, and my body has been uncomfortable recently. I know you don't take me seriously, but you should always think about it for your child."

Feng Sinan Jianmei frowned, "Why don't I take you seriously?"

Su Xiaoying sneered, and didn't talk.

"Tell you one thing, my uncle has returned to China. At Fengjia, I have the closest relationship with my uncle. I will take you to see my uncle tomorrow and let him know you well."

Go see his uncle?

Su Xiaoying refused, "I don't want to go. We have been divorced, so there's no need to meet."

"Su Xiaoying, you can't do this!" Feng Sinan caught her little white earlobe.


There is one more.

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