Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1834: Feng Sinan swallowed sleeping pills

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

One day of heavy rain, in front of traffic lights, there was a constant flow of people and vehicles. Feng Sinan stood in the rain, a big palm clasped the window of the front passenger seat, looked at her, and told her --- Su Xiaoying, I like you.

Su Xiaoying heard the sound of "cracking" outside, and the cold autumn rain made people feel cold and sentimental.

Su Xiaoying raised her eyes and looked at Feng Sinan, "Not you, right?"

Feng Sinan's deep narrow eyes baptized by rain quickly sank, and he knew his secret was known by her.

Actually, he knew it was impossible to hide.

Feng Sinan stared deeply at Su Xiaoying's small and bright face, and then slowly tickled her thin lips. "Su Xiaoying, isn't it me, it doesn't matter, what's important is that you have loved a man for so many years It has always been me, although love is wrong, but love is love. "

"Sakura, I love you too. If you ask me how much I love, my love is for you to turn back and to be born again."

Su Xiaoying shook her head. "Maybe it's not important to you, but it's very important to me. Feng Sinan, go back. I still say that, it's impossible between us."

"Why? Is it because I have so many women, because I have derailed during marriage?" Feng Sinan lowered his voice. "Okay, I apologize to you, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Feng Sinan also had a lack of reason and was poor. Now, apart from being sorry, he doesn't know what else he can say.

He knows she cares, this is normal. He has many women, she should care, but he doesn't know how to make up.

It's a thing of the past. There is no regret medicine in this world.

"Feng Sinan, that's enough. You and I have stopped here. I have gone the wrong way. I don't want to go any further. In the future, you are you and I am me. There is no relationship between us."

Su Xiaoying stretched out his hand, took off the five fingers that he had fastened on the window, and slid on the window.

At this time, the red light turned into a green light, Su Xiaoying looked at the seal around her, "Dr. Seal, let's go."

Feng Yan glanced at Feng Sinan. "Sakura, are you sure you want to leave? Sinan seems to be injured."

Su Xiaoying looked up at the rear-view mirror, and a large piece of blood flowed out of the Fengsinan Station.

She hadn't noticed just now, but now she discovered that the wound on his chest had been torn, and now she was bleeding continuously.

He didn't leave. Standing in the rain like this, the wound was easily infected.

Su Xiaoying looked back, "Let's go."

Feng Yu nodded. "Okay, I'll call Secretary Jin."

Maybach galloped away.


The car was gone, Su Xiaoying was also gone, and Feng Sinan stood there watching the disappearing figure.

The two large palms hanging on the sides clenched tightly into fists, and Feng Sinan felt that his heart hurt a lot.

It was as if a big palm had come in and took his heart. The feeling of emptyness and heartbreaking pain made him almost intolerable.

He never felt that way.

Is this ... is love?

Feng Sinan had thin lips and smiled foolishly. He was still right, and he couldn't play with emotions.

Knowing that it hurts in his heart, he would stop playing.

He was dumped.


At this time, an extended commercial luxury car stopped and Secretary Jin ran with a black umbrella. "President."

Secretary King followed the man for so many years, and for the first time saw him look so out of control and out of control.

"President, we should go back. You leave everything behind. To this day, I do n’t know what happened to you and Miss Su on this day, but I am deeply shocked by the choice of the president. You did it for Miss Su. Choice gave up everything. "

"But in such a high position, everyone is already out of control. You, the president, have too many enemies. Once you fall, let alone Feng Hao, other political opponents will come back crazy."

"President, forget this day. This day is the craziest, most romantic and tragic day in your life."


Luoshuiwan villa.

Feng Sinan returned in the early morning. He took off his wet clothes, and the doctor came to treat him with the wound, but Feng Sinan's wound was infected and inflamed, and he soon developed a high fever.

Last night, the high fever of Sinan was retired, and the high fever was involved again tonight.

Feng Sinan was lying on the soft big bed in the room, and the heat wave of the body rushed. He was hot and burned to 42 degrees.

I feel so uncomfortable.

"Su Xiaoying ... Su Xiaoying ..."

The confusing Feng Sinan twitched his thin dry lips. The room was very dark and there was no light at all. He murmured Su Xiaoying's name in the dark.

"Su Xiaoying ... Hugging ..."

He said to hug.

Feng Sinan stretched out his hand, groping around, and he wanted to groped about his small, soft body.

But there was nothing, empty around.

Feng Sinan hugged Su Xiaoying's usual pillow. The pillow was soft and still had fragrance on her.

He buried his handsome face deeply in the pillow.

Can't sleep.

Feng Sinan was frail and wanted to sleep, but Su Xiaoying was not around, he couldn't sleep.

In the darkness, Feng Sinan opened his eyes slowly. The loneliness around him made him sleepless all night. Su Xiaoying was in his mind and heart.

Feng Sinan reached out, opened the drawer by the bed, and took out the bottle of sleeping pills.

He poured a few tablets of sleeping pills, and without water, threw them directly into his mouth and swallowed them.

The consciousness gradually returned to silence and darkness, and Feng Sinan closed his eyes.


Footsteps sounded in the cloister outside the room, and Jin Zhe rushed back with the doctor.

Jin Zhe pushed open the door of the room, it was dark inside, no fingers could be seen, and the curtains were pulled tightly, without light transmission. In short, the atmosphere in the room made people feel depressed and choked.


Jin Zhe called out, then reached out and turned on the wall lamp in the room.

The warm yellow light sprinkled down, Jin Zhe looked up, and Feng Sinan slept on the bed, eyes closed.


Jin Zhe went to the bed and yelled several times, but Feng Sinan did not wake up.

Jin Zhe's heart sank, Feng Sinan's sleep had been very shallow, and a little movement would wake him up, not to sleep so deep.

At this time, what stepped on his feet, Jin Zhe lowered her head and saw a pill bottle of sleeping pills falling on the carpet, and all the pills inside spilled out.

The CEO took sleeping pills!

"President, wake up soon!"

Jin Zhe stretched out his hand to touch Feng Sinan, only to find that Feng Sinan's hands and feet were cold and without temperature.

Jin Zhe's eyes widened in horror. He didn't seem to be breathing. "Doctor, come on!"

This morning's Luoshuiwan villa was brightly lit. Feng Sinan swallowed a dozen sleeping pills and was pushed to the operating table for a rescue.

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