Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1850: Su Xiaoying, let's remarry

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

"Sakura, since you know Nini is my daughter, you should know that I won't hurt her, my goal is you."

His goal is her.

Su Xiaoying tightened her phone, "Feng Sinan, what do you want?"

"Sakura, I won't let you study in California. You will come to the Luoshuiwan villa now, otherwise, I will fight with you for the custody of Nini and take her away. Don't let you see. "

Su Xiaoying took a breath, but he said such a thing?

"Feng Sinan, I have missed two chances to go to St. Louis College in California for you. Painting is my dream. I feel tired here. I want to leave here and start a new life somewhere else. Is this Is it too demanding? "

"This is the third opportunity given to me by St. Louis, California. If this opportunity is gone, I will never go to California again."

"Feng Sinan, you say you like me, but I don't feel your like at all, you always impose your own joy and sorrow on me. If this is what you like, then I would rather not!"

Feng Sinan on the other side took a deep breath and silenced for a few seconds, then his voice murmured, "I'll wait for you at Luoshuiwan Villa."


At Luoshuiwan Villa, Wu Min hurriedly opened the door of the villa. Outside the door was Su Xiaoying who rushed back from the airport.

"Miss Su, are you here?"

Su Xiaoying entered the living room, and she saw Feng Sinan at a glance.

Today Feng Sinan didn't go to the company. He wore a dark gray crew neck sweater and black trousers under his home. He retreated from the cold and spirited field of the business elite. .

Su Xiaoying was cold with a small face. She stepped forward and dropped the plane ticket on Feng Sinan's face. "Feng Sinan, I did not go to California, and I missed a third chance. This time you Satisfied? "

Feng Sinan didn't avoid it. The plane ticket wiped his handsome face and landed on the soft woolen carpet. He looked at her and tickled her thin lips. "Sakura, I don't want to fight with you, huh?"

At this moment a childish milk sounded, "Mummy ~ Mummy ~"

Xiao Ni Ni ran over and hugged Su Xiaoying's calf. She looked up at Su Xiaoying with a small face carved in pink.

The fire in Su Xiaoying's heart was also extinguished by the little angel Ni Nini. She would not quarrel with Feng Sinan in front of the child.

Su Xiaoying squatted down, reached out her hand and touched Xiao Nini's head, "Ni Ni, why are you here at Daddy?"

"Mom, it was Dad who picked me up."

"Nanini, don't you go to California with Mommy?"

This one…

Xiao Nini looked at Feng Sinan in embarrassment, and then looked at Su Xiaoying.

Xiao Ni Ni is still very young and a sensitive girl. She needs a complete family from the love of her parents. Now letting her choose any one is a kind of harm to her.

Su Xiaoying lost her mum when she was very young. She didn't understand the loneliness and pain caused by the lack of the original ecology.

Su Xiaoying quickly hugged Nini, "Nini, Mummy is joking with you. Mummy is not going to California for the time being, will you accompany Nini?"

"Okay, great."

Little Ni Ni danced happily.

At this time, Feng Sinan lowered his tall body and held Xiao Nini's soft body in her arms. "Nini, Daddy remarried with Mummy. In the future, the family of three and the baby in Mummy's belly will always be Together, never separated, okay? "

"Of course."

Xiao Nini held Feng Sinan's neck, kissed him, and kissed Su Xiaoying obediently.

Seeing her daughter so happy, Su Xiaoying's heart was very unpleasant, as if her heart was stung by a bee.


Xiao Ni Ni was very happy today. Su Xiao Ying showered her and told her a fairy tale. Xiao Ni Ni lay in her mother's arms very sweetly and went to sleep dreamily.

Su Xiaoying got out of bed lightly and covered her with a quilt.

At this time, a "click" came from behind, the door of the shower room opened and someone came in.

Su Xiaoying stood upright. At this time, a tall and tall body was pasted from behind. Two strong arms hooped her thin waist with a tight grip and hugged her directly from behind.

Su Xiaoying didn't even have to look back to know that he was Feng Sinan.

Feng Sinan buried Jun's face in her hair and took a deep sip of the sweet aroma on her body. She was intoxicated, "Nini is asleep, shall we return to the room?"

"Feng Sinan, let go of me!"

Su Xiaoying pulled away his fingers forcefully, and the soft and boneless body was still twisting uneasily in his hard arms.

Feng Sinan's raised throat rolled up and down twice, "You twist again?"

Su Xiaoying immediately felt the change of his body. Through the thin cloth, his strong muscles were hot and hot, and she twisted it slightly twice, and he reacted.

"Feng Sinan, Nini is still here, don't mess around! I'm sleeping with Nini tonight, you go out quickly!"

"Sakura, do you want to befriend me in front of Nini?"


Su Xiaoying was speechless. At this moment, Feng Sinan's palm turned, her soft body turned and faced him, Feng Sinan was very tall and formed an oppressive aura in front of her.

Feng Sinan clasped her small, soft face with a big palm, and rough fingertips gently rubbed her smooth, brocade-like delicate muscles. His deep narrow eyes looked at her extremely hot, "Sakura, Shall we remarry? "

He had been wearing that wedding ring in the third finger of his left hand, and now he was going to remarry her.

"Your fiancee is little princess sara!"

"I have terminated her engagement."


Last night Sara came to Luoshuiwan and rolled the sheets with him. Today he told her that he has dismissed Sara from Princess Marriage?

Su Xiaoying opened her face side by side and wanted to get rid of his big palm. "I won't remarry you, is it too mean for you to use Xiao Ni Ni to threaten me?"

Feng Sinan closed her eyebrows and kissed her red lips. "I used you softly and pleaded with you in a low voice, but if you ignore me, you still have to leave me. There is no way. I can only use Strong. "


Is this a reason?

This is just an excuse!

"Feng Sinan, don't touch me!" Su Xiaoying leaned against his strong chest and shook her little head desperately to keep him from kissing.

Because Xiao Nini was here, Feng Sinan didn't want to wake her daughter, so he reached out and directly lifted Su Xiaoying horizontally. "Don't wake Nini, let's go back to the room, whatever you want to do."

There was a bit of softness in his low magnetic voice, and a little bit of joy and pampering, especially pleasant.

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