Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1859: Her baby is gone

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

"Sakura, be careful, get down!" Feng yelled at this moment.

Su Xiaoying's response was fast. She crouched quickly, and her two hands clasped her head.

The bullet deflected.

This is a silencer gun, someone wants to kill her!

"Sakura, get in the car. It's dangerous here. Someone is going to do it for you!" Feng Yan immediately opened the door of the co-pilot.

Su Xiaoying's soft little face was all white, she did not expect that she had encountered a killer.

Someone shot at her.

Su Xiaoying quickly got on the sealed luxury car, stretched out her hand and fastened her seat belt, and Maybach galloped away.

"Dr. Feng, who are they and who on earth wants to kill me?"

Su Xiaoying looked back through the rearview mirror, and a black van chased after him aggressively.

Sealed her thin lips, "At first glance, these people's methods are like professionally trained killers. They should wait for you to come out of the Luoshuiwan villa and kill your life."

Few people have such deep hatred, because Su Xiaoying never complains.

She is a young lady of the Su family, and her popularity is very good. If you have to say that she has a reason to draw hatred, it is Feng Sinan.

Because of Feng Sinan, many people hate her.

Su Xiaoying immediately thought of a person in her head, and she burst out, "Sara Little Princess."

Feng Feng nodded. "It should be."

Su Xiaoying has seen this little princess sara twice. In her memory, the little princess sara is a naive, playful and romantic girl. I did not expect that it was such a girl who became enchanted with Feng Sinan and became dark and cold-blooded. Envy will distort the look of a person.

"Sakura, sit down." Feng Yan reminded at this moment.

Su Xiaoying had not responded yet, and the black van in the back bumped into it, banging.


Su Xiaoying's charming little face turned white instantly, and her small hand was placed on her slightly convex belly. The severe collision just made her belly feel a pain.

It really hurts.

Su Xiaoying felt the baby in her stomach twisting inside, very disturbed and afraid.

"Sakura, are you okay?"

Feng Yan stepped on the accelerator and quickly flung off the black van behind him. He looked at Su Xiaoying nervously.

Su Xiaoying wanted to shake her head, but the pain in her stomach made her unable to ignore, "Dr. Feng, my stomach hurts."

Feng Yi hit in a direction, "I will take you to the hospital now."

As soon as the voice dropped, there were two dazzling white lights in front and Su Xiaoying looked up, and saw that there was another black van in front of him, and the van hit him directly.


It seems that Su Xiaoying can't breathe, the little princess Sara sent this time is crazy, like dead men.

"Dr. Feng, be careful!" Su Xiaoying screamed.

Of course Feng Ye also saw the black van approaching in front of him. He turned his eyes sharply and rubbed the van in a hurry, but Maybach splashed a spark on the side fence and stopped. Came down.

Su Xiaoying's clean pupil shrank, and she watched herself and Feng Yan passing by the **** of death.

Maybach stopped, Feng Feng quickly got out of the car, he opened the door of the co-pilot, "Sakura, get out of the car."

Su Xiaoying's little hand is still on her slightly convex belly, she feels that the baby is moving more and more fiercely.

As a mother, she has a keen intuition. She feels that the child in her belly will definitely have something wrong.

There was a layer of cold sweat on Su Xiaoying's white forehead, and the painful teeth trembled, and her body trembled.

She struggled to get out of the car.

Feng Yi grasped her little hand and held her firmly and firmly. "Sakura, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Su Xiaoying looked up at Feng Yan, who had already been injured, and blood had soaked from his forehead and arm.

But Feng Yan looked at her warmly and softly, giving her the strength to keep silent.

"Dr. Feng, you shouldn't be here. These people are coming at me. Sorry, this time it hurts you."

Feng Hou lip, "Sakura, I said, we are friends."

Su Xiaoying nodded strongly, eh!

She and Feng Yan are friends. She has few friends in her life, but the appearance of Feng Yan has brought her endless help and warmth.

At this time, two dazzling white lights came over again, and the black van crashed directly into Su Xiaoying and Feng Yan.

"Sakura, watch out!"

Feng Yan pushed Su Xiaoying vigorously, and Su Xiaoying rolled down onto the lawn and avoided it.

Su Xiaoying felt a tightening in her stomach, and then a hot liquid burst out from below.

Su Xiaoying looked up and saw the black van bump into Feng Feng.

Feng Feng pushed her away in a moment of danger, but he was hit by a van.

This scene shrank in Su Xiaoying's pupils and enlarged, and she screamed, "Ah, no!"

With a slam, the van hit the seal.

In front of it was a large lake. After Feng Feng was hit by a car, he fell directly into the lake.

"Don't! Dr. Seal!"

Su Xiaoying clutched the lawn under her tightly with her two small hands. She watched Feng Feng fall.

At the last moment, Feng Feng's eyes were turned to Su Xiaoying, who kept looking.

Sealing his thin lips, he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Feng Yan liked Su Xiaoying, but he never said to her, he just said that they were friends.

Perhaps in this life, he will not say this sentence.

This love, Feng Yan chose to quietly put on the apex.

Feng Yan raised her thin lips and smiled.

Su Xiaoying looked at Feng Yan and smiled at herself, and soon, his figure fell into the lake, arousing a large splash of water.

The seal disappeared.

"Dr. Feng, don't ..."

Su Xiaoying thought of getting up, but after several struggles, she couldn't stand up, her white eyes were hot, and big teardrops fell down inside.

Dr. blocked ...

This shouldn't be his ending. Dr. Feng has a prominent background and paints giants. Even in the cold doorway of Feng Family, he still lives like a warm moonlight. So many girls admire him. He could have owned A brilliant tomorrow, but ...

But Dr. Feng died for her.

"No, Dr. Feng, don't die ..."

Su Xiaoying cried and murmured. At this moment, she felt a wetness below, and she looked at her skirt with red blood, and a large blood stain wandered down the green lawn.

Su Xiaoying reached out and touched her raised abdomen, her abdomen had slowly become stiff, and the baby who was still disturbed just now was motionless, and there was no sign of life.

Her baby is gone.


Baby, another ten thousand, there are updates in the evening

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