Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1868: Sakura, can I kiss you?

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!


Lan Xin took a breath of air, and Feng Hao rewarded her to the two men in black?

He found a woman outside himself, and now he is going to destroy her?

Lan Xin probably knows that he has no value now. This Feng Hao wants to kill people!

Lan Xin said nothing, turned and ran away.

Thirty-six counts go up.

"Help! Help! ..."

Lan Xin called out for help while running, she hoped that someone would come to her rescue.

But the ideal is beautiful, and the reality is skinny. Just after Lanxin ran two steps, the two black men behind them caught up, covering her mouth and nose, and dragging her into a dark little in the room.

Do not.


Lan Xin can't breathe anymore, and the whole person seems to have fallen into the abyss.


Feng Sinan and Miss Qian Lucy, an oil tycoon, walked in the corridor, followed by Secretary Jin Zhe and Lucy's assistant.

Lucy looked at Feng Sinan next to him, and raised his red lips. "Mr. Feng, we have met before, I wonder if you have any impression?"

Feng Sinan's handsome and noble face didn't have any emotional ups and downs, just watching lucy slightly raised his narrow eyebrows, raising his hands and feet was the charming charm of mature men, "is it?"

"About three or four years ago, we met at a high-end cocktail party in Sydney. By chance, you asked me to dance."

Feng Sinan sketched a thin arc of **** thin lips, "I have no impression."

Lucy was a little disappointed. She had a good opinion of Feng Sinan. This time, she also invited her to cooperate for the sake of Feng Sinan.

Her disappointment was not that Feng Sinan couldn't remember, but that everyone was a mature man and woman. She took the initiative to show that she had already performed so clearly, but Feng Sinan obviously did not respond.

He has no interest in her.

Lucy smiled. "This is the first time I've been here. Before my visit, my daddy talked. Let Mr. Feng take a moment to accompany me around."

Feng Sinan came to the door of his room, and he stopped. Gao Daying's body stood calmly, and his narrow eyes fell on Lucy's beautiful and enchanting little face. "Of course I would be honored if I had time."

Lucy showed a look of appreciation. "Mr. Feng, are we going to make plans in this room?"

Lucy wanted to enter this room.

But Feng Sinan was standing in the doorway, and his clear palm was softly placed on the doorknob. "Miss Lucy, I have already booked your secretary in your room. I will send the plan to you. There is a problem Let's talk again. "

Feng Sinan would not let her enter the room.

Lucy looked at the closed door in front of her, and the woman's keenest sixth sense made her feel that there was someone in the room.

And still a woman.

Lucy's eyes fell on Feng Sinan. His current situation is the first step in his career. It is not good, but it is not bad. After all, he has lost his blessing of wealth and power. He still has his own strength. This is the most important.

Lucy never doubted that this man named Feng Sinan, all he needed was time.

But in his current situation, it is necessary to cooperate with her, he is in a passive state.

However, the man was not passive at all.

Calm and calm, raising his hands and feet still exudes a sense of supremacy and control.

Lucy admits that she feels this way.

Feng Sinan is a pretty charming man.

But who was hiding in his room?

"Mr. Feng, isn't your golden house hidden in this room? Isn't there a big beauty hiding in it?" Lucy laughed.

Feng Sinan looked at Lucy and nodded. "My fiancee, introduce you to me when you have time."


Lucy never expected that the woman hidden in Feng Sinan's room turned out to be his fiancee.

Does he have a fiancee?

Lucy froze.


Su Xiaoying slumbered, and had nightmares again.

In her dreams, she was hit by a car and then crashed into the sea, and she bleed so much blood that she lost her child.

Princess Sara's words echoed in her ears --- you can't get pregnant anymore.

Su Xiaoying opened her eyes suddenly, she woke up from her dream.

In the eyes is a soft yellow light, the table lamp on the bed is filled with tranquility, full of quiet warmth.

Su Xiaoying got up and got out of bed.

She opened the door of the room and went out. In the study next door, she heard Feng Sinan's low magnetic voice.

He seemed to be talking to someone, and his deliberately lowered voice sounded magnetically in this silent night.

Su Xiaoying walked over, and the door of the study was not closed. She looked in through the seam of the door, Jin Zhe was sitting on the office chair, tapping the keyboard in her hand, and Feng Sinan stood tall and long at the desk. With a cup of coffee in his hand, his handsome eyelid is pointing at something.

Su Xiaoying looked at Feng Sinan, and it was almost twelve. He was still working.

At that shareholder meeting, he lost everything, she didn't ask, he didn't say, but he became extra busy.

He is really busy.

I do n’t know if Feng Sinan was too alert, or he was stubborn. Soon, Feng Sinan turned his head and saw Su Xiaoying standing by the door.

Su Xiaoying wore a pink nightdress with a delicate skeleton inside, her face was white and soft, and there was no pitiful charm.

Feng Sinan quickly put down the coffee cup in his hand, took out a black coat and walked out, and put the black coat on her weak shoulder. Feng Sinan held her in his arms, a little bit strange Said, "It's cold at night, why did you get out of bed like this?"

Su Xiaoying felt the warmth. His coat and his arms were all warm.

She hangs the butterfly Yujie and doesn't speak.

At this time, Feng Sinan held her small face with a big palm, and her rough thumb rubbed her cool and delicate muscle. "Did you have a nightmare again? When I'm done here, I will go back to sleep with you."

Su Xiaoying ran into his somber narrow eyes, he looked at her brightly and sternly, with deep affection for pity.

Su Xiaoying frowned, "I'll go back to the room first."

She pushed his arms away and turned to leave.

But Feng Sinan held her aside. The perfect height difference between the two made him look down slightly. "Sakura, can I kiss you?"

Su Xiaoying Yu Jie trembled.

Feng Sinan held her little face and slender fingers shuttled into her long hair. He stared deeply at her cat-like bright eyes. When he made this request, she was surprised, confused, and at a loss.

He hasn't touched her for a long time.

He is a normal man. After working hard outside, when he returns home, he wants to hold her soft body, even if she does not accept that kind of intimacy, he just needs to kiss her.

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