Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1979: Husband, early

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Fu Xiyao's heart seemed to be tightly pinched tightly by a big palm, very painful.

In the last life, Ling Limu climbed up for her until she reached a height that only matched her. In this life, Ling Limu still worked hard for her, working very hard.

Even if Fu Xiyao knew that Ling Liwu in the future would be a noble businessman in power, at this moment Fu Xiyao still hoped in his heart that he could live simple, free and ordinary. Ling Limu was too burdened in his life, cold and restrained. He said that in order to be with her now, he was carrying more.

However, Fu Xiyao did not want to let go of his hand.

In the future, she will double his love.

Give him more and more love.

Fu Xiyao clenched his big hand, then nodded strongly, "My husband, I believe."

Ling Limu looked at her clear pupil, full of love for him. He slowly lipped his lips and whispered, "Are you ready for dinner?"

"already ate."

"That ..." Ling Limu bowed her head and kissed the hair in her ear. "Follow me now, will you?"

Fu Xiyao's beautiful face turned red immediately, "Well."

"Will you go back and say hello, I'll wait for you here."

"no need…"

Fu Xiyao looked up at the Moose Villa in front of him, and saw a handsome and noble figure standing on the carved railing on the second floor of the Villa, which was Gu Yelin.

Gu Yelin stood there, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, and the sleeves of the shirt rolled up two times, revealing his strong and thin wrists and the precious steel watch on his wrist. The successor to the Empire, his clothing was all There were no wrinkles in the ironing, all over him covered with a lofty indifference and indifferent indifference, and now his deep narrow eyes fell on Fu Xiyao and ... Ling Limu.

"Ye Lin," Tang Moer and Lin Shizhen came over at this moment, "Did you see Yao Yao, why did Yao Yao disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Gu Yelin calmly tickled her thin lips. "Oh, Sister Yaoyao just said hello to me, and she went back first."

Fu Xiyao naturally saw Shishi Mummy and Mo Er Mummy coming to her. She was originally stunned, but Gu Yelin didn't expect to relieve her easily.

Fu Xiyao smiled back in thanks.

Gu Yelin's narrow eyes slowly fell from Fu Xiyao's beautiful face to Ling Limu's face, and Ling Limu was also looking at him.

The two people are facing each other, even though they are of different origins, but they are both proud of the sky. Of course, they now do n’t know that the business legend of “Southern and North Ling” will occupy the economic lifeline of a century in the following long time. Now they are short. The eyes met, and sparks ran all the way.

"Husband, I already called my mum, let's go now." Fu Xiyao said sweetly.

"it is good."

Ling Limu led Fu Xiyao away.

"Husband, where are we going now?" Fu Xiyao asked.

"Go where I live."

"Where do you live?"



Gu family.

Gu Yelin returned home. Instead of sleeping, he worked in the study.

At this moment the knock on the door rang, and the maid came in and delivered a cup of coffee, "Master, your coffee."

Gu Yelin's slender five fingers quickly jumped on the keyboard, and the computer screen flashed with chaotic financial data. His handsome silhouette was flashed and dim. He didn't raise his eyes, but just lifted it slightly Lips, "OK, put down, thank you."

The maid went out.

After a while, the study door was pushed open, Tang Moer came in, "Ye Lin, it's so late, why don't you sleep?"

Gu Yelin is still looking at financial data, "Mom, go to bed first, I'll sleep later."

Tang Mo'er frowned. "Ye Lin, I'm worried about Yaoyao, the royal family, Gudenburg and Count Roy. I'm most afraid of Yaoyao being injured."

Tang Moer hurts Fu Xiyao as his own daughter.

Gu Yelin retracted his hand, took a sip of the coffee at the table, raised his deep narrow eyes, and looked at Tang Moer, "Mom, I saw the boy that Yao Yao likes today. It's very good, he will Yaoyao climbed up, but ... "

Gu Yelin shrugged Ying Ting's shoulder. "Sometimes my birth is a gap that I can't cross. True love is worth a few dollars, so I don't think they are together."

Hearing that “true love is worth a few bucks” in his son ’s mouth, Tang Moer ’s face was almost turning into bitter gourd. She gave Gu Mohan a son and a daughter. The children were amazing IQ since childhood At the time of the toy, the brothers and sisters were already playing computer data, and they were just a pair of freaks.

With the growth of Gu Yelin, he set up a company in Los Angeles. Every day when he went to Vanity Fair, he showed a sense of indifference and coolness from the business elite. He was 20 years old and had never been in love. Biology has no interest. What he is most interested in is data, data, data!

Tang Mo'er was sad.

"Ye Lin, when you and Yaoyao were young, we all thought that you were a couple, and ordered you a doll, but who knew you had grown up and alienated, you said that you are such a big person , Haven't even talked about love, you honestly tell mom, what's in your head? "



Since he was 18, the mother has urged him in his ears to urge marriage.

Gu Yelin quickly dropped his coffee and got up. "Mom, go to bed early."

He turned and left.

"Hey, Ye Lin, why did you leave, I can tell you, Yao Yao, but I grew up. If she is in danger, you must protect her, you know?


With a slam, Gu Yelin closed the door directly.

After eating a closed-door Tang Mo'er, "..."

How did she think it was cute?


Early the next morning.

Fu Xiyao slowly opened her eyes and woke up when the bright morning light was plated in through the layers of golden veil.

She is now in the hotel room, her delicate body still wrapped in a warm and broad embrace.

The slender Yu Jie trembled, Fu Xiyao opened her eyes, Ling Limu's handsome face quickly enlarged in her sight.

He hasn't woken up yet, and Fu Xiyao can look at his handsome face arbitrarily.

The broken waves of bangs covered his handsome and deep eyelids, and now he was a little softer and warmer than usual.

As soon as Bei's teeth bit his red lips, Fu Xiyao quietly stretched out her pale fingers to caress his face.

But the next second, a big hand stretched over and suddenly held her little hand.

Ling Limu slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

"Husband, early ~" Fu Xiyao smiled sweetly.


Ling Limu looked down and kissed her little hand.

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