Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1986: candlelight dinner

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Fu Xiyao got up and was ready to leave.


At this moment his low-alcoholic voice rang in his ear.

Fu Xiyao's footsteps were delayed, she did not look back, she was afraid that she could never walk again.

"Yaoyao, time is not here yet, can you ... stay for a while?"

Ling Limu told her so.

As soon as Fu Xiyao trembled, a lot of tears fell down. He humblely and piously asked her to stay and stay a little longer.

Now it was so difficult for him to meet her once, and he wanted to see her more, no matter how hurtful she said, whether his heart was as painful as a knife, as long as she could stay with him for a little longer.

Fu Xiyao didn't stay, she choked and choked, "I'm leaving now."

She left quickly.

Ling Limu watched her until her delicate figure disappeared into his sight, and he hadn't looked back.

He just looked at her disappearing direction, watching for a long time ...


Fu Xiyao went out, her delicate back slowly reached the wall, her whole body strength was evacuated, and she lifted her eyes hard, still there were hot tears falling down, burning her eyes and her heart.

At this moment, Zuo Li and Mo Zihao walked angrily, "Fu Xiyao, what did you tell Li Mu just now?"

Fu Xiyao quickly wiped away her tears. She stood upright and looked at Zuo Li and Mo Zihao without speaking.

Zuo Li and Mo Zihao just stood outside the window and saw it. Zuo Li was angry. "Fu Xiyao, Li Mu is so good to you. I ca n’t wait to dig you out of his heart. Now he's killed. You have no comfort. , Still falling down the rocks, we were really blind before, and we still treat people like you as our friends! "

"Zuo Li, what to talk to her, I just heard, she turned out to be the little princess of Guttingborg. A family like her is worth a lot of money. How do we deserve to be friends with her?"

Facing the blame of these two people, Fu Xiyao said nothing, she just lifted her foot and left.

Just came to the front, then three more people came in.

Yang Ting and Ge Jia led the elderly grandma in, "Ma grandma, don't worry, Liwu is here, you can see it soon ... Xi Yao, you are here too, great!"

Yang Ting walked to Fu Xiyao.

At this point, Zuo Li stepped forward and pulled Yang Ting straight away. "Tingting, this famous little princess in Gutenberg, the body of thousands of gold, don't touch her casually, even if you hurt her a sweat, you Can't afford it. "

Yang Ting frowned immediately, "Zuo Li, what are you talking about so yin and yang, Xi Yao is our friend!"

"She will leave Li Mu!" Zuoli suddenly said.

Yang Ting froze.

Ge Jia looked at Fu Xiyao unbelievably. "Xi Yao, they are saying ... really, you broke up with Li Mu? Why, Li Mu has such a big thing, we unite as one, It's over, you ... it's really hurting you to do this! "

"Xi Yao, in this case, why are you here to provoke Li Mu, Li Mu is not worthy of you, you can not come and play."

"Fu Xiyao, you are so disappointed that we will never have friends like you in the future!"

Yang Ting and Ge Jia both had red eyes, and her old friends looked at her indignantly and angrily, and at this moment broke up with her.

Fu Xiyao's two small hands were tightly pulled into a fist. "Anyway, I have already transferred, and transferred from C to Royal College. It will be endless in the future."

Fu Xiyao left with his back.

When walking to the front, Fu Xiyao saw Granny, and Granny was watching her.

In the face of a few friends in the past, Fu Xiyao can still stand still, but when looking at this gray hair, suffering the vicissitudes and loving her loving grandma so much, Fu Xiyao's footsteps stopped slowly.

This way, it is difficult to go, as if there is no end.

Granny wore clean and simple clothes, and cleaned herself up decently. She didn't break down, but she was as kind as before.

Granny stepped forward, she reached out and held Fu Xiyao's soft little hand, and patted it gently in her own hand, "Yao Yao, it is my family A Mu that has no blessing, it is A Mu who owes you ... good boy, let's go…"

Grandma waved her hands, and the eyes of the old man were wet.

Fu Xiyao wanted to speak, but her red lips moved and she couldn't say anything.

Fu Xiyao quickly left.


After finally going that way, Fu Xiyao left the hall, and there was already a royal luxury car waiting outside.

The rear door opened and Prince Rosen came out.

Fu Xiyao looked at Prince Rosen. "I have done what you said. You should be satisfied. Monitor it and give it to me."

Prince Lawson laughed, "Xi Yao, although you have proposed a divorce with Ling Limu, but Ling Limu has not signed yet, I need to wait until Ling Limu signs the letter, and you will get the divorce certificate before I can give it you."

Fu Xiyao retracted his hand. "Okay, but how do I know if you will lie to me, I will take a look at the monitoring now."

Prince Rosen thought for a moment, then winked.

The man quickly stepped forward, opened the thin tablet in his hand, and immediately released the monitor on the screen.

Fu Xiyao looked up, and Ling Limu's father suddenly stopped his heartbeat in a coma and died naturally.

"Xi Yao, are you optimistic?"

Surveillance was off, Prince Prince asked.

Fu Xiyao retracted his gaze, "I'm optimistic, I'll go first."

"Xi Yao wait a minute, I have made a reservation, let's have dinner together in the evening."

"Sorry, I've made an appointment."

Prince Lawson immediately displeased, "Who is it?"

At this time, a Rolls-Royce luxury car came galloping, then stopped, and the driver's window slid down, revealing a handsome and handsome face, Gu Yelin came.

Gu Yelin's narrow eyes looked over, thin lips drew a faint arc, "Hello Prince Rosen, I'm taking Yao Yao away now, are you okay?"

Prince Lawson was immediately vigilant when he saw Gu Yelin. This generation of business legend Lu Jinwen and the world's richest man Gu Guhan's empire successor Gu Yelin can be described as the son of a real talent. He has been a high IQ genius since he was a child. Now, his company quickly spread and penetrated the economy within two years, which is unstoppable.

Gu Yelin ’s assessment of Gu Yelin has always been ... the elegant and decent temperament that a rich successor should have, but everyone knows that Gu Yelin is deep and cool through a veil. He has Swords will shine with time.

Prince Lawson laughed quickly. "Of course it's not a problem."

Fu Xiyao got into the front passenger seat, Gu Yelin narrowed his eyes and smiled at Prince Lawson, "Prince Lawson, see you again."


In the Rolls-Royce luxury car, Gu Yelin handed something to Fu Xiyao. "The data that has just been deciphered, the original monitor is copied here."


More finished.

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