Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2008: You are my hot sun (14)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

In the corridor, the queen looked at her grandmother and called a "sister".

Princess Luo Ling and Secretary He shook at the same time, and instantly changed their faces.

Grandma also stopped. In fact, Grandma was a few years older than the Queen, but Grandma was already full of white hair, and the Queen was very well-maintained, and she wore elegant and luxurious clothes. The two of them looked very different.

At this time Granny also looked at the Queen, and suddenly a lot of things came out in Granny's eyes, but she calmed down quickly, and Granny nodded decently again, "Queen, hello."

"Sister, you ..."

The Queen wanted to speak, but at this moment, the door of the room in the front of the Presidential Suite opened, and a long and handsome body broke into view.

Ling Liwu came out. He had just taken a bath. He wore a black shirt and black trousers. He didn't have a belt around his slender waist. The black shirt dangled casually and handsomely. Water mist, fascinating red heartbeat.


Ling Limu walked over.

"A Mu." Granny walked to Ling Li Mu's side.

The queen's shocked eyes moved from her grandma's face to Ling Limu's handsome face, "You ... Mr. Ling, are you the grandma of this grandma?"

Ling Liwu's deep black eyes fell on the queen's face. Perhaps she noticed that the queen's complexion was different. Ling Liwu's black eyes narrowed slightly. "Yes queen, this is my grandma, what's the problem?"


At this moment Granny quickly interrupted the queen's words, "Amu, I'm dizzy, let's go back to the room."

"Okay, queen, goodbye."

Lingli Muyu helped her into the presidential suite.


Watching the ancestors and grandsons disappear into their own eyes, the Queen hasn't looked back for a long time.

At this time, Princess Luo Ling tentatively said, "Queen, do you know Ling Limu's grandma, why do you call her sister? Is Ling Limu's grandma the same ... who disappeared ... the long princess?"

This is a secret from the royal family. At that time, there were two princesses in the royal family. They heard that the long princess had acquired the virtues and acquired high reputation. It is no surprise that the long princess is the future queen.

But many years ago, the long princess suddenly disappeared and left the royal family.

So just now Princess Luo Ling heard the queen's grandmother Ling Limu's "sister", and she was frightened.

The Queen turned back and glanced at Princess Luo Ling, "Yes, that grandma was the oldest princess of that year, my sister."


Princess Lorraine took a breath of air, "Well ... isn't Ling Li Mu a royal bloodline and distinguished status?"

"Ling Limu is my sister's grandson. He is naturally the second prince of the royal family, just like Rosen."


Princess Luo Ling was already in the place, how could she have thought that the poor boy who had nothing had become a generation of financial giants. He was still the blood of the long-lost princess and was the distinguished High Prince.

Princess Luo Ling thought a lot, "Queen, Rosen is no longer there, then the supreme position after that is naturally ... Ling Li Mu's, but Ling Li Mu is extremely obsessed with the eldest daughter of Xi'an Fu Xiyao, if he is in power I'm afraid the first thing we have to deal with is us. "

What Luo Ling could think of, the Queen had long thought that this Ling Limu was not with them.

However, Ling Limu is the blood of the royal family. With his heavenly pride, Rosen can hardly compare with him. The royal family really needs him so much.

"You don't care about this, I have my own way."

The Queen turned and left.


In the presidential suite.

Granny sat on the sofa, Ling Limu asked with concern, "Grandma, do you still have a headache? Would you like me to call a doctor?"

Their ancestors and grandchildren lived together for so many years. Ling Limu loved her grandmother deeply, but he couldn't resist the time and could only watch her grow up day by day.

In this life, grandma has never enjoyed a blessing.

Grandma shook her head and smiled kindly. "You don't need to call a doctor, your head doesn't hurt anymore. Hey, people are old, and they don't work. Ah Mu need not worry."

"Ma, what did you say to the queen just now? I think the queen ... knows you?"

Grandma quickly denied, "How can a big man so high above the Queen know me? I guess the Queen sees me as your grandma, so she just said a few more words to me."

Ling Limu lifted her thin lips and wanted to speak again, but Granny grasped his hand, "Where is Yao Yao? Today is your birthday, is n’t Yao Yao celebrating your birthday with you, why didn't I see Yao Yao? ? "

Sure enough, when mentioning Fu Xiyao, Ling Limu's attention was pulled away. The handsome eyebrows quickly overflowed with softness. He looked at the closed room door with thin lips, "Yao Yao didn't know you were coming. I didn't tell her that she was tired and was asleep. "

Granny is here, "A Mu, you and Yao Yao ..."

"Yao Yao has been divorced, and today I had my best birthday gift for my birthday."

Granny was pleased with her eyes. She patted Ling Limu's hand with a long heart, "Amu, four years ago, others didn't know Yaoyao, you and I knew it."

"Yao Yao is the eldest daughter of Guttinburgh, carrying glory and mission on her body. Four years ago, the royal battle between the royal family and Guttinburg officially kicked off. Facing the double pinch of the royal family and Earl Roy, Guttinburg chose and empowered business Gu ’s marriage, Yaoyao married someone and gave birth to a son. Do n’t blame her, you know? "

"When you went to jail, Yao Yao often secretly went to the orphanage to see me. She didn't show up, she secretly stood in the corner, looked at me from a distance, and I didn't pierce her. At that time, her belly was so big. She is about to give birth, but she comes every day. "

Saying the grandma sighed heavily, "Yao Yao is really a good girl and has a deep affection for you. Now that you are together again, you must be responsible for Yao Yao, you know?"

In fact, in fact, the grandmother was most afraid of Ling Limu's path to power struggle. She sighed, like a shuttle's time, telling an endless story.

But Yaoyao is so beautiful. Whoever makes A Mu meet such a good girl who loves him in his life, Granny also recognizes.

Ling Limu looked at the closed room door. He knew his favorite girl was inside. As long as he pushed in, he could smell her fragrant and warm aroma. He hooked his lips and nodded gently. "Grandma, I love her."


Ling Limu wants to send Granny, but Granny insists that Ling Limu stay with Fu Xiyao, so Secretary He Chen sends Granny back.

He Chen went to drive, and Granny was waiting.

Then the queen came over, "Sister, I haven't seen you for years, let's talk about it."

Granny looked at the queen. "There is nothing to talk about between our sisters."


More finished.

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