Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2011: You are my hot sun (17)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

At this time, Xia Yuanyuan also saw Fu Xiyao. She came over and drew red flames. "Miss Fu, hello."

Fu Xiyao responded politely, "Hello Xia."

"Wow, Yuanyuan, that bracelet on your wrist is so beautiful."

"Ye Yuanyuan, who gave you your bracelet? It's not about you falling in love. Tell us, who is your boyfriend?"

A lot of Miss Jin came around and looked at Xia Yuanyuan's slender Hao wristband with excitement and envy.

Fu Xiyao also glanced at that bracelet was made by king personally.

Gu Yelin is the true pride of God. In addition to his father Gu Mohan and his grandfather Lu Jin Wengui being two generations of business legends, his mother Tang Moer and grandmother Lin Xuanxuan are the founders of classic jewellery. Brands, new items released every season are leading the tide, these ladies are eager to buy, as for the king's private order, you can't buy it with money.

Now Xia Yuanyuan wore a bracelet like this on her wrist, and Fu Xiyao almost instantly confirmed that the woman on Gu Yelin's car was the Xia Yuanyuan in front of her.

However, Brother Ye Lin likes Xia Yuanyuan's type of woman?

Fu Xiyao scratched her red lips lightly, always feeling that Ye Lin's brother didn't go well with this Xia Yuanyuan.

Ye Lin's elder brother is a perfect and shy man. It seems that any woman standing next to him will become inferior.

At this time, Xia Yuanyuan's eyes fell on Fu Xiyao's beautiful face, "Yes, this bracelet was sent by my boyfriend."

"Wow, Yuanyuan, you are really in love."

"What kind of man can actually capture the heart of our young lady Yuanyuan, we are so curious." ...

The money around them exploded.

At this point, Qingguo returned, and Qingguo stood beside Fu Xiyao, whispering, "Xi Yao, how do you think this Miss Xia is hostile to you? She seemed to show you the bracelet on purpose just now."

Fu Xiyao wore a black coat today. Such a rare cold-colored coat lined her stunning features more and more beautiful. She stood pretty, her beautiful pupil looked at Qingguo and smiled lightly. Say something. "

Qing Guo can see things, can she not see?

But Fu Xiyao didn't take it seriously.

Then someone heard a scream, "Look at it, the second prince is coming!"

Here comes the second prince!

Fu Xiyao's heart tightened and he quickly looked up.

I saw a long luxury car of the royal family slowly entering the red carpet, and the black supreme luxury car immediately brought out a cold and powerful aura, which is admirable.

Click, click, all the spotlights in the media are over, black heads are surging, everyone wants to come forward.

But the security on several levels inside and outside kept the order strictly and did not let anyone come forward.

At this time, the royal luxury car stopped slowly, someone opened the rear door, and a long, straight body jumped into sight.

Ling Li Mu!

Really Lingli Mu!

Fu Xiyao Chengliang's pupils fell on Ling Liwu's handsome face, and after a while of contraction, Granny was really the long-lost princess, and he was ...

Ling Limu got out of the car. Today, he was wearing a fine black suit, handsome and cold, full of a sense of indifference to the extreme, and attracted all eyes like a magnet.

--- Wow, the second prince is really financial giant Ling Liwu, he is so handsome!

The ladies around them gave out a scream, probably excited to want to directly fall into Ling Limu's arms.

"Xiyao, look, the queen is here."

Fu Xiyao stared, and the queen came out with Mrs. Yun, Earl Roy, and Princess Luo Ling and Luo Jin to welcome Lingli.

"Twilight, welcome to the royal family."

The queen walked over and took Ling Limu's hand.

--- Welcome to the return of the second prince!

All the flashlights fell on Ling Limu's handsome face. Ling Limu was standing beside the queen at this moment, standing on the high steps, and his deep black eyes faintly walked through the crowd, accepting coldly and handsomely. With all admiration and worship.

Fu Xiyao looked at this scene, her white eyes were a little red, no matter what, he found his own home. It turned out that there was noble blood in his body. These are the glory he deserves, her Ling Li Mu, oh no, her His Royal Highness the Second Prince!

The queen took Ling Liwu into the royal family, and Qingguo said, "Xi Yao, let's go. There is a feast in the royal family. We should go to participate."


Royal feast.

Fu Xiyao Chengliang's eyes looked over, and Ling Limu was with the queen, and the queen took Ling Limu to see many weighty officials.

Now Ling Li-Wu is standing in the middle of the bright people, champagne gold lights are plated from the top of his head, like a layer of gold light.

At this moment, Princess Luo Ling came over and whispered, "Xi Yao, don't look at it any more. Ling Liwu, who had nothing but four years ago, was abandoned by you. Now Ling Limu, you can't afford to climb high."

"I don't see all the gold and celebrities Shuyuan who came to this feast. They have beautiful faces, talented people, small birds, and charming people ... They are all available. These girls are selected by Lingli Mu, Queen It's time to choose the princess for Ling Liwu. "

Fu Xiyao felt a little uncomfortable, and after that night he never contacted her again, and she felt a little bitter in heart.

However, Fu Xiyao's beautiful little face showed nothing, and she planned to turn away.

But then the Queen came, "Xi Yao, where are you going?"

Fu Xiyao stopped.

The Queen laughed, "Xi Yao, I have found my eldest sister who has been separated for many years. Now that the second prince is officially returning to the royal family, you just happened to meet the second prince."

Fu Xiyao lifted his eyes and saw Ling Limu come over.

The crowd automatically gave way, Ling Limu stepped in front of her in a calm and steady step, and his deep black eyes fell on her stunning little face.

For a time, the four eyes were opposite.

When the two last met in the hotel room ...

Fu Xiyao's delicate white skin appeared a little unnaturally light red, but she said generously, "Hi, second prince."

Ling Limu looked at her and didn't answer her, but slightly tickled her thin lips.

He smiled.

Although the arc of his lips was very shallow, Fu Xiyao smiled when he saw him.

What is he laughing at?

Fu Xiyao uneasily raised his pale hand and hooked a strand of hair on the cheek behind his ear.

At this moment a sweet voice rang in my ear, "Second Prince."

Fu Xiyao lifted his eyes and saw that Luo Li's only daughter Luo Li came.

Luo Li is only 18 years old this year. She is a charming and charming girl. She came to Ling Limu's side and looked at him with affection.


First change.

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