Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2014: You are my hot sun (20)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

The two hugged each other. Fu Xiyao put the beautiful face on his atrium, across the fabric, she clearly felt his strong heartbeat, banging, and picking up.

His temperature and his heartbeat made her feel secure.

Fu Xiyao evoked red lips sweetly.

"That evening…"

Ling Limu looked at the woman with her handsome eyelids in her arms, and murmured in her ears.

That evening…

Fu Xiyao's delicate white skin was red, and a little embarrassed, "What happened that night ...?"

"It was an accident that night, sorry."

what did he say?

Fu Xiyao's slender Yu Jie trembled and slowly released him.

The two pulled out a distance, Fu Xiyao looked at him with Qishui Qiutian, "For you, that night was just ... an accident?"

Ling Limu's deep black eyes could not see a trace of light, so that no one could see through his heart. He looked at Fu Xiyao and hooked thin lips with a shallow arc. "We are all adults People, I drank that night, what I did, I do n’t remember well now. If you want compensation, you can ask me terms. As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you. ”

He said that he drank that night and couldn't remember what happened ...

Fu Xiyao's slap face was pale, "Okay, I know."

Ling Limu squeezed her thin lips, her eyes still fell on her face, she was not hysterical, but was extremely calm.

"I don't need any compensation. As for that night ... you said it was an accident and it was an accident, Prince II, I will go first."

Fu Xiyao turned and left directly.

Ling Limu stood in place, watching her figure of Qiaoyan disappear into her sight.

At this moment, the queen came over and came to Ling Limu's side. "Li Mu, you can tell Xi Yao clearly. In fact, have you ever thought about a question, does Xi Yao really love you?"

Ling Limu glanced and looked at the queen.

The queen smiled, "How old was Xi Yao five years ago. To her, you are just a love affair. Maybe Xi Yao really likes you very much, but she hasn't deeply loved it yet. Otherwise, why did she leave you in prison four years ago and married Gu Yelin, and gave birth to a son quickly? "

"Xiyao is the eldest daughter of Gutenberg, and has her own responsibility and mission. In front of these, you can sacrifice."

"There is still twilight, don't you really feel weird, why did Xi Yao like you then?"

"As far as I know, Xi Yao suddenly transferred to Nanzhong and got involved with you. Did she like you so suddenly?"

Ling Limu's deep black eyes instantly resembled the splashing ink, and the thick depth was bottomless. In fact, he did not understand these years. How could the poor boy who had nothing at that time deserve her like?

One day, she suddenly broke into his life, like a dream of him.

Ling Limu looked at the queen, "What on earth do you want to say?"

"Liwu, this is for you."

The queen passed a piece of paper.

Ling Limu reached out and took it. This is a painting.

"This is the picture that Xi Yao drew at school that year. He painted a man who has the same appearance as you, but he is not you."

Ling Liwu's black pupils are full of this picture painted by Fu Xiyao. She paints very well, and if she draws a person with her heart, she can jump on the paper.

Her painting depicts a man who is 40 years old and has red candles swaying in the room. This man is wearing a wedding dress of dragon and phoenix. He is standing tall and straight on the windowsill, his face is like a jade, deep, Introverted and distinguished.

Ling Limu looked at the man, although it was just a face, but this man was so similar to him, like the same person.

But this man is not him.

Ling Limu looked at every line that sketched this man. Imagine 18-year-old Qiao Yan's sweet Fu Xiyao sitting in the school's classroom, with a small head focused and soft, drawing every inch of this man's facial features. Shen Yun, she hugs the corners of her lips, she should smile sweetly and happily.

Who is this man?

Ling Limu tightened her drawing, then looked up at the queen. He didn't say anything, but looked indifferently. "What you want me to do, I have done it. When can I see my grandma?"

"Liwu, your grandma is my elder sister. Do you think I will harm her? But the older sister is really bad."

Ling Limu sneered, "Then you better make sure my grandma can live a hundred years."

The queen looked at the man in front of him, and his deep eyes flashed a bit of chills, looking straight at you calmly, as if she could look deep into your soul.

The Queen acknowledged that the man in front of her was not comparable to her grandson, Rosen.

"Liwu, please rest assured, I will take good care of my sister. You just invited Xiaoli to dance but did not jump. Xiaoli is very sad now."

Ling Limu glanced sideways and saw Luo Li on the side.

Luo Li is only 18 years old and charming and charming. Ling Liwu suddenly left just now and did not dance with her. Now Luo Li has two little hands around her skirt and her red lips are holding a pair of big watery eyes.着 凌 LiTwi.

Luo Li is indeed an innocent girl, and any man will be moved to see it.

Ling Limu retreated slightly, "Let someone dance with her, I'll go first."

Ling Limu turned and left.

Luo Li's eyes were red on one side, and big teardrops fell down.

The queen also changed her face, and quickly added, "Lihui, tomorrow you will take Xiaoli to camp and play, and see what the sunrise is, and I will let you see the grandma when I return."

Ling Limu's long and upright figure has disappeared.


In the cloister.

Secretary He Chen followed Ling Limu and whispered, "President, Miss Fu has left, and now she is home safely."


"President, you can tell Miss Fu."

Ling Limu had no emotions, just glanced at her secretary, "Don't drag her in, it will be fine tomorrow."


At this time, Qingguo and a female colleague came over, and the two whispered, "I saw Xi Yao's husband just now, wow, it's really handsome."

"Oh my god, is that ... Prince Gu's grandfather Gu Yelin, the business giant today?"

"Yeah, yeah, Gu Yelin is really worthy of a face with Xi Yao, Jin Tongyu daughter, I quietly tell you one thing, just now Xi Yao took the medicine, or the water that Gu Yelin himself fed, sweet and faint Tired, that medicine, you know. "

Qing Guo blinked at her female colleague.


More finished.

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