Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2016: You are my hot sun (22)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

South Harbour Villa.

In the room, Fu Xiyao had just taken a bath and she wore a silk pajamas. She was holding her mobile phone and listening to his low and magnetic voice in his ear. He told her --- if he did n’t want to have a baby, then forget it. .

He knew she was taking medicine.

She did take medicine, and she had only had a baby for three years. She had suffered a lot during pregnancy. If she had not been escorted by her husband and wife all the way, I am afraid she would not be able to protect her mother and her child. Time conditioning the body.

Besides, given his and her current condition, how did she get pregnant?

"Ling Liwu, I ..."

"Go to bed early, hang up first."

"Beep" twice and hung up the phone directly.

What Fu Xiyao originally wanted to say, wanted to tell him about Xiaodoudou's life, and he caught it directly in his throat. His voice disappeared at the other end, but only the busy voice kept coming.

He hung up.

Fu Xiyao drew a slender Yujie. What happened to him and how strange it was? This was the first time he had hung up on her phone.

At this moment, there were two "snoring" sounds, and someone knocked on the door outside.

Fu Xiyao quickly walked over and opened the door of the room. Gu Yelin was outside the door.

"Brother Ye Lin, are you back?"

Gu Yelin stood outside the door handsomely and expensively. He took off his outer suit, and inside was a clean white shirt, tied in a cold and expensive black belt. He nodded, "I just got the news, tomorrow Ling Li Mu is going to take Luo Li to go camping outside. Would you like to go with him? "


Fu Xiyao jumped in his heart, he was going to take Luo Li out to play?

"Yao Yao, did you chat with Ling Li Mu today? What does he mean?"

"He ... he said ... me and him are past things ..."

Gu Yelin copied his hands into his pants pockets and narrowed his narrow eyes.

Fu Xiyao quickly said, "Brother Ye Lin, although he told me so, but I don't believe it. The second prince returned to the royal family on such an important day, but I didn't see my grandma, don't you think it's strange?"

Gu Yelin picked up Yingqi's sword eyebrows and said, "Huh."

"I suspect that Granny is in the hands of the queen, and Ling Limu must have a plan, so I can only cooperate with him. He doesn't want me to approach, I won't approach, he doesn't want to tell me, so I won't ask a word Now, the grandmother is very old, and the old people can't stand a little tossing. Ling Limu must be very passive now. I can't help him. The only thing I can do is to protect myself and my little friends, so as not to worry about him. "

Gu Yelin tickled his thin lips, and he looked at Fu Xiyao with a smile. "Yao Yao, I didn't expect you to be so good as Ling Liwu's girlfriend."

"Brother Ye Lin, don't make fun of me, will you come with me tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow I have something to deal with, if I can, I will go with you."

"Brother Ye Lin, I can do it myself. You can do it for you."

Gu Yelin smiled, "OK."

Gu Yelin turned and left.

Fu Xiyao closed the door of the room and returned to the bed. She lowered her eyes and kissed her little face.

Taking out her mobile phone, she turned out the familiar phone numbers and wanted to dial out.

He's weird tonight, she's a little worried.

Before making the call, the melodious ringtone of the mobile phone rang, and Ling Limu's call came.

He just hung up on her phone and now he's calling again.

Fu Xiyao quickly pressed the key to connect, "Hey."

No sound at that end.

Fu Xiyao grabbed her phone and was a little nervous, "Hey, Ling Li Mu ... Ling Li Mu ..."

On the other side, Ling Limu reached out and opened the driver ’s door and walked out. The neon lights were bright outside. There were many love couples on the road. He held his mobile phone with his long fingers and listened to her nervously, "Ling Twilight. "

Ling Limu's handsome face was a little pale, but there were some soft ripples and smiles in those deep black eyes, "I'm here."

Fu Xiyao was scared to death without hearing his voice. Now she heard him speak. She suddenly felt that he was intentional and made her nervous. "Ling Liwu, is this fun? Are you childish and naive?"

Ling Limu tucked her thin lips and whispered, "I just ... want to see if you were nervous because of me, don't get angry."

Fu Xiyao's heart tightened, "What's wrong with you? Do you have anything to ask me?"

The arc of Ling Limu ’s lips is unchanged, and her eyes are flashing with deep tenderness, and all his humble and devout admiration for her, “No, I just hung up on your phone to make you angry, so I called you again It's late, go to bed early, good night. "

"Good night then."

Fu Xiyao hung up.

Listening to the busy tone of "Dudu" at the end, Ling Limu's footsteps stopped slowly, he thought, it doesn't matter if she loves him or not, it's not important who he substitutes for. What's important is that he owns her .

Ling Limu slowly closed his eyes, and his long, straight body fell down.

--- Gosh, someone fainted there!

--- Sir, what's wrong with you, you have a lot of blood on your forehead, hurry up, call!


The next day.

The Rolls-Royce Phantom Car stopped on the lawn. Xia Yuanyuan, in a long red dress, got out of the car. She lowered her waist and looked at the man in the driver's seat through the sliding window. Come to my house? "

Gu Yelin was sitting in the driver's seat, wearing a black shirt, and a pair of large and stylish black sunglasses hanging on the tall bridge of his nose, the whole person exuded a touch of laziness and elegant elegance flowing from the blood.

He turned his head, and those deep and narrow eyes hidden behind the sunglasses fell on Xia Yuanyuan's beautiful face with delicate light makeup, and then lifted her thin lips with a smile, "If I don't go in and sit, your database will Can't get it out, right? "

Xia Yuanyuan was stiff, and the man who embarrassed her could easily tear her camouflage in such a careless smile, probably only the man in the luxury car.

At this moment Gu Yelin opened the door of the car and came up with his long legs. "Then go in and sit."

Xia Yuanyuan was full of energy immediately. Gu Yelin went to Xia's house to be a guest. This incident spread out that Xia's stock would increase by tomorrow. Her own worth would also be different than before.

"Gu, I'll open the door."

Xia Yuanyuan kept up.

The maid opened the door of the villa, and Xia Yuanyuan said happily, "Daddy, Mommy, I'm back. Look at me, I'll bring Mr. Gu back!"

Gu Yelin went into the living room with his hands in his pants pockets. Xia Fu and Xia Mu were all there, and at the same time, there was a girl.

The girl was wearing a university uniform, a water-blue shirt, a cute bow tie, and a skirt to her knees. A pure, long hair spread down softly, revealing her bright and delicate goose egg face.


More finished.

What is a pet, a baby said well, this book, other cps are intertwined with love and hate, only Li twilight and Xi Yao, full of love, can not write the sweet pet articles like running accounts, group? Da.

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