Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2026: You are my hot sun (32)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

"Ling Li Mu!"

Fu Xiyao yelled anxiously. He was still alive just now, but disappeared in a blink of an eye. Is it really her dream?

"Ling Li Mu! Ling Li Mu!"

At this time, Qingguo ran over and hugged Fu Xiyao. "Princess, where is the second prince here, are you looking at Huayan?"

"I know you miss the second prince too much, but the second prince has no news yet. The longer the time, the more dim the news, don't you scare me.

Qingguo is crying.

Just now Fu Xiyao's "bang" heart sank slowly, sinking to the bottom of the valley, a beautiful little face turned white, and her hands and feet were cold.

If there is no hope, don't give her hope, but just now she saw it clearly, and her Lingli Mu was there.

She can't read it wrong.

You must not read it wrong.

Fu Xiyao calmed down slowly, "Qinguo, I'm fine, don't be afraid."

"Prince, are you really all right?" Qingguo was still uneasy.

"I'm fine, rest assured."


Fu Xiyao returned to her room, she sorted out her emotions, and then went out to the presidential suite next door.

She couldn't read wrong just now, it must be Ling Li Mu.

Ling Limu is the mysterious big boss.

As for whether this Ling Limu is the Ling Limu of this life, or the former Ling Lingmu, Fu Xiyao is not sure yet.

If it was Ling Li Mu of the previous life, with his profound experience in life, achieving such a position in just three months, it would be perfectly fine.

Ling Li Mu in the previous life, he is the **** of business and a sharp weapon.

If it was really Lingli Mu of the previous life ...

Fu Xiyao's heart is about to ache. No matter how successful she is in this life, Ling Limu in the previous life is her most erosive pain in this life.

Wandering at midnight, she was dreaming day by day, always dreaming of his predecessors to middle age, when he and she were married, he touched her face again and again, not even a kiss, even I didn't know she loved him, he just fell in front of her like that, and died alone.

Is it really him?

Lingli Mu of the previous life is back?

Fu Xiyao looked at the closed door in front of her, her heart beating like a drum, and then she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door was pulled open.

Fu Xiyao's eyes brightened, "Ling ..."

The next second, her words caught in her throat, because it wasn't Ling Li Mu who opened the door, but Xiao Qian, the pretty girl just now.

The girl Xiao Qian appeared in his room again.

Xiao Qian looked at Fu Xiyao and was stunned, "Xi ... Princess Xi Yao ..."

Little people like Xiao Qian have also seen Princess Xi Yao in various TV magazines, so now she is deadlocked, showing an incredible shocked expression.

Fu Xiyao glanced at Xiao Qian, and then entered the presidential suite. She raised her eyes. There was no one in the large room, but there was a sound of water flowing in the bathroom.

"Princess Xi Yao, why are you here?"

"Where is Mr. Ling?"

"Mr. Ling is taking a bath inside ..."

Sure enough, Ling Li Mu!

She guessed right!

Fu Xiyao held back his heart, and Cheng Liang's pupils fell on Xiao Qian's pretty face. "How are you here, and what is your relationship with Mr. Ling?"


Xiao Qian just wanted to speak, at this moment, a "click", the door of the shower room opened, and a tall, tall body jumped into sight.

Ling Limu came out.

Ling Limu had just taken a bath and was wearing a clean gray shirt and black trousers. Like his 40-year-old, wearing a deep color like gray always reveals a bit of mysterious coldness, which is neat His short hair was wet and his body was filled with cold water mist. He looked at the young and handsome man, which was blushing.

Fu Xiyao's eyes narrowed and his eyes fell on him, making it harder to move away for half a minute.

"Mr. Ling."

At this moment Xiao Qiang called with admiration.

Ling Limu dropped the towel in his hand, and his dark black eyes glanced at Xiao Qian, then his voice was low and magnetic, "You go out first."

"Yes, Mr. Ling."

Xiao Qian left.

The room door closed, leaving two people inside.

Ling Limu's deep black eyes fell on Fu Xiyao's beautiful face, "Are you looking for me?"

Fu Xiyao blinked Yu Jie, he did not disappear from her sight, she then determined that all this is not a dream, he really returned.

Fu Xiyao's eyes were rippling with spring water, looking at him softly and brightly, "Do you know me?"

There was no emotional wave on Ling Limu ’s handsome face. He shook his head, his voice was indescribable, “I do n’t know.”

He said he didn't know her.

Fu Xiyao suddenly drew red lips and smiled.

Looking at her broken and bright smile, Ling Limu's deep eyes flashed quickly.

At this time, Fu Xiyao stepped forward and came to him. She straightened her delicate back and raised the delicate willow leaf eyebrows. "Mr. Ling, are you an alien, the world-famous princess Xi Yao, you say no Know? Believe you, ghost!

She chewed on the "big liar", and although resentful, she also showed a little joy and pride.

Ling Limu's eyes darkened and he didn't speak.

"Hey, I ask you, what happened to the girl just now, and you paid her back? I hope you can explain it to me!"

Ling Liwu Gao Yingying stood upright and looked at her, never speaking.

Fu Xiyao took another step forward, and she slowly drew the slender Yu Jie, then stretched out her small hand, holding his long fingers hanging down the sides of his pants.

Seeing that he did not resist, Fu Xiyao held his big palm with two small hands, and slowly put it on his beautiful little face.

She pressed her little face into his palm and froze like a little **** cat.

"You should think of me now."

Ling Limu looked at her. His memory is still in the last life. After 15 years, Fu Xiyao has more than 30 years. Although she has never grown old in her appearance, the improbable Princess Xi Yao is so elegant and noble. , Gentle, and charming.

The girl in front of her is only 22 years old, so beautiful and full of flowers, her flower-like jade face is full of collagen, revealing Shaohua's youth, beautiful and scary to touch.

When Ling Limu of the last life was at the age of 22, Fu Xiyao didn't dare to look at her more.

Now she came to his eyes.

At the moment in his eyes, she was incomparable.

Seeing that he was staring at himself with a handsome eyelid, a 40-year-old man even showed one of the most bewildering feelings of a man. Fu Xiyao blushed, she fluttered, two small hands tightly hugged him Shuo waist.

"Ling Limu, I will ignore you if you do this again, hum."


More finished.

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