Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2044: You are my hot sun (50)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

In fact, Ge Hao really likes Xia Xiaodie, and he is reluctant to hit her. He is just very angry. No girl dares to treat him like this. Originally, Xia Xiaodie took a soft, spoiled or something, but he was angry. Fluttershy was still fighting him, so he slaps.

Now Xia Xiaodie tells him, dare you touch me and try!

Ge Hao looked at the girl's dark apricot eyes, and there was a cold Ganquan in it. Instead of a little fear, he calmly numb his scalp.

Ge Hao knew that Xia Xiaodie's IQ was amazing. At the age of 19, she was already a little doctor named E, but this was the first time he really realized that Xia Xiaodie was not an ordinary girl.

His computer is encrypted, and it's not ordinary IT can be hacked, but Xia Xiaodie is not only hacked, but also exposed the network within a few seconds, and the entire Geshi PR was killed by surprise.

Ge Hao looked at Xia Xiaodie and suddenly smiled, "Little Butterfly, do you know, you will only make me more fascinated by you. You have successfully stirred up my desire to conquer and challenge."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I will only be good to you, I will be responsible to you, let's not fall in love, we will marry directly, I will let you be the younger grandmother of the Ge family."

Ge Hao then reached out and hugged Xia Xiaodie.

Xia Xiaodie's bright and pretty little face "brushed" and it was completely cold. She reached out to push Ge Hao, "Let me go!"

"I don't let go, Kocho, let's be together now, and when you become my person, you will follow me down."

Ge Hao went to pull Xia Xiaodie's skirt.

Xia Xiaodie attended Ling Limu's and Fu Xiyao's wedding today. She didn't wear much. Now Ge Hao stretched out her hand. Xia Xiaodie's left neckline immediately shred a piece, revealing her left shoulder.


Xia Xiaodie stretched out her hand and gave Ge Ha a slap.

Ge Hao was thrown away with a handsome face, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and angry, "Little Butterfly, you are the first one to dare to hit me, I advise you not to struggle, you are now in my car, nobody Will come to your rescue! "

As soon as the voice dropped, the driver in front suddenly braked suddenly.

Ge Hao killed the past with one look. "What, even the car can't drive well, do you want me to drive you?"

"Less ... Master, ahead ..." the driver murmured.

Ge Hao looked up, and saw a Koenigsegg sports car in front of him, blocking the way.

"Who is this man, dare to block the path of Ben Shao? I don't think he wants to live!"

Ge Hao scolded, after all, the Ge family was a powerful and powerful man, and no one dared to stop the Grand Prince Ge Xiao's luxury car.

At this time, the driving door of the Koenigsegg sports car was opened, and a long, straight body came down.

Ge Hao Tongren shrank, shouting in shock, "Gu ... Gu Gu?"

Even Gu Yelin.

Xia Xiaodie raised her black apricot eyes and saw Gu Yelin at a glance.

Gu Yelin got off the sports car. He took off the pair of sunglasses on Jun's face, and walked steadily with long slender legs.

The back door was pulled open, Gu Yelin propped a big hand on the door frame, lowered, his deep narrow eyes came in with a little smile, "Ge Shao, sorry, I'm asking for someone. "

The cool breeze came in, and Gu Yelin's careless smile filled with an indescribable overbearing power. His deep narrow eyes moved from Ge Hao to Xia Xiaodie, and then fell on her. Torn neckline.

Xia Xiaodie naturally saw his gaze. It was impolite for a man to look at a woman like this, but he was very calm, just like when he was in her room by accident.

Xia Xiaodie quickly reached out her hand and covered her neckline.

Ge Hao was stunned. "Gu ... Gu, who do you want?"

Gu Yelin looked at Xia Xiaodie, "She."

"She ... she she she ... not President Gu, what is your relationship with Xia Xiaodie?"

Ge Hao has never heard that Xia Xiaodie and Gu Yelin have a relationship. The Gu family, the arrogant son, has never had a girlfriend, and her first love is all there.

Gu Yelin tickled her thin lips, and her low-alcoholic voice was confusing. "She, my girlfriend."

After speaking, Gu Yelin reached out and clasped Xia Xiaodie's slender haw wrist. With a gentle pull, Xia Xiaodie got out of the car and reached his side.

Ge Hao was shocked. Xia Xiaodie turned out to be Gu Yelin's girlfriend?


"Ge Shao, bye."

Gu Yelin left with Xia Xiaodie. Before leaving, Gu Yelin suddenly thought of something, and he looked back at Ge Hao. "By Ge Shao, my girlfriend will not worry about you in the future."

This sentence made Ge Hao's face pale, and Gu Yelin had noble blood flowing in his bones and blood. He had the brain and the means to fight seven inches. The sentence "I ca n’t worry about you" is his warning .

Gu Yelin opened the front passenger seat of the Koenigsegg sports car, then looked at Xia Xiaodie, "Go in."

Xia Xiaodie hesitated.

Gu Yelin copied his trousers pocket with one hand, with a funny hooked lips, "Relax, I never force a woman."

Forcing a woman is a very low thing, and Gu Yelin didn't go along with it.

"Thank you."

Xia Xiaodie got into the front passenger seat.

Gentleman Gu Yelin closed the door, then got into the driver's seat, and the Koenigsegg raced away.


Sports car.

Xia Xiaodie glanced at the man next to him. He unbuttoned a white shirt and exposed the man's raised throat knot. He was very handsome, with sculptural features. Now the bright neon lights at night are reflected through the bright windows In his handsome face, the charming makes people look away.

"Mr. Gu, thank you just now. Just let me off in the front, I can go home by myself."

Gu Yelin looked forward without squinting, and a slight arc was drawn on the corner of her lips. "I helped you, you just thank you?"

Xia Xiaodie looked at him, "What do you mean?"

Gu Yelin turned her head and looked at her with a narrow narrow eye, smiling, "Don't you know the best way to express gratitude?"


Xia Xiaodie butterfly fluttered like a cicada-wing, "Isn't President Gu just said that he doesn't like to force women?"

Gu Yelin retracted his gaze, indifferently, "put on my coat."

He asked her to wear his suit jacket.

Xia Xiaodie, "No, thank you."

"If you don't wear it, I'll assume that you are willing, but just ... to escape."

Xia Xiaodie saw his eyes fall on her torn neckline, where the slick shoulder on her left was looming.

In fact, this is nothing. Many girls at the dinner wore long dresses wrapped in chest straps. With the times advancing with the times, girls should advertise their beauty.

But the man's undisguised eyes fell on her, frank and wanton, Xia Xiaodie's bright face was uncomfortably red, and she stretched out her hand to cover the torn neckline.

At this moment, the man's low-alcoholic voice sounded in his ears, "Would you like to ... go to me?"

Would you like to go to me?

Even though Xia Xiaodie is a genius girl with high IQ, she is still in love at the age of 19 and has n’t pulled hands with the boy. Now listening to this, her pair of dark apricot eyes immediately fell into shock. Man's handsome face.

Gu Yelin glanced at her side with a smile, "Not wanting to go to me? Then we ..."

Xia Xiaodie didn't say a word, grabbed his suit jacket and put it on his body.


The man around laughed a little, as if joking at her.

Xia Xiaodie generally knew that he was… soaking her, getting dressed, she simply ignored him, and turned to look at the night scene passing by the window.

His suit was very large on her body, covering her pretty body tightly. The body odor still remained on the suit, the clear and clean masculine taste.


Neither of them spoke, and after half an hour, the Koenigsegg sports car stopped under an apartment.

Xia Xiaodie opened the seat belt. "Gu Gu, thank you very much this time, and your clothes. I'll take them off for you."

Xia Xiaodie reached out to take off her suit jacket.

"No need," Gu Yelin suddenly said.


Xia Xiaodie was puzzled, so she turned to look at the man in the driver's seat.

Gu Yelin pressed his right hand on the steering wheel while wearing a precious watch, and his whole body leaned back. With a lazy attitude, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Xia Xiaodie. give me."


This reason made Xia Xiaodie unable to refute. After all, she was wearing other people's clothes.

"Okay, then I'll go."

Xia Xiaodie opened the door.

At this time, Gu Yelin was heard saying, "Add a WeChat."

Xia Xiaodie turned her head and looked at the man.

Gu Yelin didn't have too many expressions on his exquisitely carved handsome face. He took out his mobile phone and said, "When will the clothes be ready, tell us by WeChat."


Xia Xiaodie really regrets wearing his clothes tonight.

She took out her mobile phone and added WeChat to him, "Goodbye Gu, goodbye."

Xia Xiaodie went away, Qiao Yan's body disappeared in the apartment soon.

Gu Yelin watched her leave, ticked her thin lips, and drove away.


Gu Yelin is now at the peak of his career. He rarely has time to fly back to the Gu family of the Imperial City. He has a lot of real estate under his name, so he temporarily lives in Qingluo Mansion. Tony and Ah A are also on his door.

"Boss, why are you back so early?"

"Jesus, we thought you weren't coming back tonight, and took Dasao to play."

Tony and Ah A frowned.

Gu Yelin threw the car keys on the coffee table. Two people who were too lazy to watch the gossip went directly upstairs and into the master bedroom.

Tony and Ah A got together in a sneaky way. "Hurry up, are there any Wechat hacking into Dasao?"

"Go in!" ...

Master bedroom.

Gu Yelin, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, raised his hands to unlock the buttons of the two white shirts. At this moment, a "ding" sounded, and the mobile phone in his pants pocket rang.

Gu Yelin took out her mobile phone and opened WeChat. Xia Xiaodie sent a photo.


More finished.

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