Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2048: You are my hot sun (54)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

He hugged her in full view.

The crowds almost shouted their throats-- sweet, so sweet!

--- Dare to be a bit sweeter, we can!


The game is officially over, Ge Hao admits that he will lose, and he will not be entangled with Xia Xiaodie anymore. As long as Xia Xiaodie appears, he will retreat and Gu Yelin takes Xia Xiaodie's hand to leave.

Walking to the Rolls-Royce Phantom, Gu Yelin looked back at the girl, "Want to eat Chinese or Western food at night?"

Xia Xiaodie pulled away her little hand with force.

Feeling her little boneless hand slip away from her palm, Gu Yelin narrowed her eyes narrowly.

Xia Xiaode welcomed his gaze, "Gu Gu, have you played enough? Do you want to give me an explanation of this series of irregular behaviors today?"

Gu Yelin picked up Yingqi's sword eyebrows, "Not in order? What do you mean?"


Xia Xiaodie thinks she knows this man very accurately, just ... shameless!

She wanted to lift her hands and wipe her red lips and that sugar ... she was forced to eat it, and now she had a refreshing and sweet taste in her mouth.

At this time Gu Yelin bullied him, his slender body was approaching, and even the low-alcoholic voice was lowered. "This is not the rule, it seems ... you have never kissed."

Xia Xiaodie's bright little face was hot and red. She should fight back with such a hooligan and teach him a lesson, so Xia Xiaodie raised her hand and fanned his handsome face.

But she didn't hit her. Gu Yelin quickly clasped her slender wrist, then stretched out her hand, and Xia Xiaodie's slender back pressed directly against the expensive body.

With a snap, Gu Yelin supported her with two big hands on her side, and her thin lips drew an arc of evil charm. "My girlfriend, I will kiss as soon as I want."


This man is really arrogant.

Also, what girlfriend?

Xia Xiaodie leaned against the car body and pulled away from each other. "General Manager Gu, what do you mean, when did I promise to associate with you, when did I become your girlfriend?"

Listening to this, Gu Yelin's eyes were darkened, and it was a bit dangerous to overflow for no reason. He lifted his thin lips. "Why, I sent a message to me last night and showed me a photo and asked if I liked it The person you are going to associate with, now want to deny? "

Texted him last night?

Xia Xiaodie has no such thing in her memory. How could she send a message to him?

This thing is tricky.

Xia Xiaodie quickly took out her mobile phone, opened WeChat, and opened the chat box. When she saw the chat record last night, her dark apricot eyes suddenly appeared cold.

Someone hacked her phone!

Xia Xiaodie's bright red lips sneered lightly, and the ground breaking on Tai Sui's head was almost death!

At this moment, a man's low-alcoholic and pleasant voice sounded above his head. "Remember? It was you who were very coy and sweet last night, were you?"

Xia Xiaodie looked up and looked at Gu Yelin, "Then I'm sorry to inform you, now we broke up."

What did she say and break up?

The arc of lip on Gu Yelin's lips also slowly disappeared, "Play me, huh?"

He had been in love for a day and was broken up?

He was stung by a girl?

"Whatever you think, anyway, we broke up, and again, I don't like you."

Xia Xiaodie's two small hands pressed against his master's chest and pushed him away, she lifted her feet and left.

But Gu Yelin clasped her slender haw wrist, and gently twitched, and she fell into his arms. "Xia Xiaodie, who do you think of me? "

Xia Xiaodie wanted to break away from his embrace, but she had no choice but to give him itching. The tall body of the man was like a wall, and he couldn't push it. "What on earth do you want to do?"

Gu Yelin sneered, he bowed his head and kissed her.

The flame of Gu Yelin's head was burning, depressed and ridiculous. He never thought that Gu Yelin was planted on a girl.

His life has never been so ridiculous, never!

Xia Xiaodie struggled hard to let him kiss her, but her soft waist was locked by him, and the arms full of aggression and **** were born to be superior and powerful, making people want worship and surrender.

Xia Xiaodie's face was red and hot, and she bit her lip with a bite of shame.

The faint **** smell quickly spread to the mouth, and Gu Yelin took pain and let go of her.

The dark corners of the man's eyes were a bit red, and the bright red blood on the corners of his lips lined his handsome handsome face with a bit of enchantment. Gu Yelin raised his hand, and wiped the blood with a lazy and wild hand "Isn't you playing too much with me?" I thought you were a clean man, but I didn't expect to think so much.


Xia Xiaodie didn't know what the man's brain had made up for, so he was confident enough to escape.

Gu Yelin stood upright, raised his hands and unbuttoned a black shirt, and never looked at her again. He got in the car directly.

Rolls-Royce Phantom Rush away.

Xia Xiaodie stood in place. She watched the top luxury car rush out, as arrogant as ever ...


Xia Xiaodie returned to the apartment. The area of ​​the apartment was not large, but the environment was quiet. The mother and daughter lived in the right place. As a genius girl with high IQ, Xia Xiaodie started to make money very early. Bought the money.

Back in her room, Xia Xiaodie turned on her computer, and rolling numbers quickly appeared on the screen. She began to check the hacker who had hacked her WeChat.

Soon, it was found.

Xia Xiaodie ordered enter.

On the other side is the Qingluo Mansion where the earth is gold. The apartment door was pushed open, and the cool breeze from the outside invaded, accompanied by a long and tall body.

Gu Yelin is back.

Tony and A are sitting in front of the computer and doing data. They looked up, "Boss, you are dating Dasao today, why are you back so early?"

"Oh, boss, what's wrong with your mouth, wow, you and Dasao ... so fierce!"

Gu Yelin threw the car key in his hand on the coffee table, and then stretched out his legs and gave Tony and A A, "No one speaks like you are dumb."

Gu Yelin sat on the sofa, leaning back upright with his upright back, stretched out the back of the sofa with one arm, and the young and noble gangster gave the head.

Tony and Ah A made a look. Boss is in a bad mood, isn't it ... the date failed?

Thinking of the small gestures made by the two of them last night, Tony and A A felt chilly between their necks.

At this time, the aunt in the villa took a cup of tea and passed it, "Master."

Gu Yelin raised his hand and pinched the handsome brows. Although his heart was irritable, he didn't show much except for the gloomy chill. His deep narrow eyes glanced at Tony and Ah A. "Is the data ready?"

"Hurry up, boss, wait a minute."

Tony and Ah A have reached the last step. They want to move the keyboard, but the next time, the computer screen is "brushed" and completely black.


It took them a few nights to do the data and it was hacked!

"Boss, there are masters who hack us!"

Gu Yelin has already seen that some people can hack here, of course, masters.

"Boss, save us, the data is gone!"

Ah A mourns there.

Gu Yelin got up and asked A to walk away. His long fingers moved quickly on the keyboard. He found the hacker's IP.

This IP looks so familiar, right, that is the IP that hacked his phone last time.

Gu Yelin tickled his thin lips coldly, and he quickly checked this IP, which turned out to be E.

"Boss, is it E's hacker who is hacking us?"

Gu Yelin's face didn't have any emotions. "Contact the president of University E. I will see this mysterious hacker tomorrow."

The mysterious hacker who can confront him twice and cut off his hands twice, he will unveil his veil tomorrow.


Tony did it.

At this time, the black screen lighted up. Ah A was overjoyed. "It really is the boss. This level is beyond our reach."

Gu Yelin glanced at A A, "The data is gone."


Ah A lay there and looked at it. The fruits of the hard work of staying up late for a few nights were really gone, that hacker ... How cruel!

"Boss, what shall we do?"

Gu Yelin stood up and looked at Ah A with his narrow eyes, "You didn't carry me outside to cause trouble?"

No, except ... Auntie ...

Ah A quickly shook his head seriously, "Boss, how dare we?"

"You better be honest with me."

Gu Yelin left a sentence and went upstairs.


Early the next morning.

The Rolls-Royce Phantom luxury car stopped at the gate of University E, Gu Yelin got out of the car, accompanied by Tony and Ah A who stayed up late to make up the panda eyes.

Tony and Ah A wanted to bring their weapons and killed the arrogant hacker directly, killing them so miserably.

"Boss, you look at it, big sister!" A yelled excitedly at this moment.

Gu Yelin today wore a handmade version of a white shirt and black trousers. He was young, handsome and noble with fine lining. He looked up and glanced.

Xia Xiaodie just came to school. Today she did not wear a school uniform, but instead wore a long black and white T with a well-behaved bow tie. A pure long hair was pierced with a ponytail at will today, revealing her bright and pretty Small face, strong eye-catching.

However, Xia Xiaodie had a boy beside her.

Xia Xiaodie never lacked a suitor, but her attitude was very alienated and indifferent, but the boy was very ordinary. Xia Xiaodie and the boy stood together and did not know what the boy said. She always drew a cold red lips A smile.

"Boss, something big is happening, Ma'am has a new love, you are green!"

Gu Yelin gave A A a cold look.

Ah A shut up quickly.

"Let's make it, let's go first!"

Xia Xiaodie was originally standing with the boy. At this time, tony and A A broke in and separated them directly. When Xia Xiaodie looked up, Gu Yelin had already taken a steady step from her and the boy .

Did not look back.


More finished.

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