Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2058: You are my hot sun (64)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xia Xiaodie looked up and looked at tony and Ah A. She was uncomfortable at first, but the two men made her amused.

"No need." Xia Xiaodie declined.

"Ma'am, this man must not indulge when he makes a mistake, and our boss is definitely a good seed.

Xia Xiaodie ticked her red lips. "I mean ... I have a way to punish him."

Tony and Ah A quickly made gossip expressions again, "Dasao ..."

Xia Xiaodie interrupted them immediately. "Let's work quickly. According to your requirements, I have modified this database. Please take a look."

Tony and Ah A play and go back to life, but go back to work, but they are the top leaders. They quickly return to work and seriously put into work.


Late at night, the door of the presidential suite opened, and Gu Yelin returned.

"Boss, are you back?"

Tony and Ah A quickly dropped the documents at hand and greeted them.

Gu Yelin drank a lot of wine, with a faint scent of wine on his body, but his deep narrow eyes were fairly clear, and he could not see much drunkenness.

Sitting on the sofa with his long legs, he lifted his long fingers and unbuttoned a shirt button. He lifted his thin lips. "Anyone else?"

Here is tony, Ah A and Xia Xiaodie are three people. Now tony and Ah A are both, Xia Xiaodie is gone, so Gu Yelin asked who was already clear.

"Boss, Dasao has returned to the room."

"Auntie is indeed a genius girl. In accordance with our requirements, Auntie has modified and adjusted the database. Don't make this database too beautiful!"

Tony and Ah A were full of praise and admiration was beyond words.

Gu Yelin's face didn't have much expression on his face, he got up and left.

"Boss, where are you going, how did you go to the bar tonight, surrounded by beauties, the most important thing is that he was caught by the grandma."

"Boss, I tell you, this time Grandma is definitely not coaxing. Grandma has spoken just now, she has a way to punish you well, so that you will never dare to look for flowers and ask Willow again, so you better avoid this ! "

Gu Yelin was going to leave, but when he heard this, his footsteps were stunned.

She ... said that?

Gu Yelin lowered his handsome eyelids and quietly traced a shallow arc to his thin lips.


In the corridor, Gu Yelin came to the door of Xia Xiaodie's room, and he raised his hand and rang the bell.

No one opened the door.

"Well," Gu Yelin started knocking on the door, and the powerful joints of the knuckles knocked a sharp and urgent sound on the door panel.

Still no one opened the door for him.

He knew she was inside.

"Xia Xiaodie, open the door!" Gu Yelin said.

In the room, Xia Xiaodie never fell asleep. She heard the knock on the door as soon as possible, her heart pounding and her breathing tightened.

Almost instantly she knew who was knocking on the door of her room.

Gu Yelin.

He came back from the bar.

It's just that he'll come back. It's almost midnight. What's he doing to knock on the door of her room like this?

Xia Xiaodie lifted the quilt and got out of bed. She wore a pink suspender nightdress. She took a black fringed silk scarf around the neck of her neck, and arbitrarily put it on the shoulder of Ying Run, and then came At the door, she said, "Are you asking me something?"

No sound outside.

"It's very late now, Mr. Gu, come back to talk tomorrow."

Gu Yelin's low-alcoholic voice passed in from the outside. "Xia Xiaodie, I have limited patience, open the door, otherwise I have a hundred ways to get in."


Xia Xiaodie put her hand on the doorknob and opened the door of the room.

Gu Yelin stood tall and upright at her door, and the palace lantern in the corridor was plated from behind him, like a layer of gold trim.

Xia Xiaodie looked up at Mei Qiaoyan's small face and looked at him, "General Manager, what urgent matter do you have to tell me now?"

Gu Yelin pulled her leg and went straight into her room.

Xia Xiaodie wanted to close the door and not let him in, but the man was fast and sensitive, and she could only watch him come in.

Gu Yelin arrived at the sofa, sat down, and two proud long legs laid on the coffee table in front of him lazily, and he said quietly, "I have a headache, come here and give me a rub. "

Xia Xiaodie walked over, she was more sensitive to the smell, naturally she had smelled his wine, and the taste of rouge gouache on the woman.

She slightly twisted her eyebrows without moving.

Gu Yelin opened her eyes and looked at her. The room was glowing with yellow lights. The girl's white skin was like the egg whites with freshly picked shells. Her hair was fluttering, her eyes were bright and her red lips were gorgeous. The touch made her look alive and fragrant.

Gu Yelin is also a straight male aesthetic, and never denies that he eats Xia Xiaodie's face.

"Why didn't you understand me?"

Xia Xiaodie looked at him, "General Manager Gu, if you break into my room at random in the middle of the night, this should already constitute harassment. If this thing goes out, I am afraid it will have a great impact on your reputation."

Gu Yelin raised the eyebrows of Yingqi with amusement. The half-wrinkled state made him look deliberate and bewildered. "What effect can it have, the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried."

Xia Xiaodie's white fingers stunned. "Let this room rest for Mr. Gu, I'll go out."

Xia Xiaodie turned and left.

As Gu Qiaolin's figure moved further and further, Gu Yelin's narrow eyes narrowed suddenly, he got up and chased up steadily.

The big hand clasped her slender wrist, and then pulled it hard. Xia Xiaodie was forced to turn around, but before she could react, Gu Yelin pushed her to the wall again.

"Gu Yelin, what are you doing, let me go!" Xia Xiaodie struggled hard.

Gu Yelin arrogantly blocked her in his arms, and he slowly lifted his thin lips. "Just a mouthful of Mr. Gu, now he knows that he is Gu Yelin."

His hand fell on her soft waist and hugged her, "You woman, I really want to take out your heart and take a look, why are you so cruel to me!"

Xia Xiaodie looked angrily at the look of his gritted teeth, but he looked down at her with the same concentration in her eyes, and there was still a little ... helpless petting.

Xia Xiaodie felt a pain in her heart, and her two small hands were against him, trying to push him away, "Gu Yelin, you're drunk, don't use alcohol for murder!"

Gu Yelin looked at her struggling appearance and was anxious to get rid of him. His eyes were heavy and murmured in her ears. "Since you have said so, I will not let you down."


A string of melodious ringtones rang in the room, and Xia Xiaodie's phone rang.

Xia Xiaodie reached out her hand and took the mobile phone. It was a call from the hospital.

She quickly pressed the key, "Hey."

"Ms. Xia, come to the hospital quickly. Your mother has a heart attack and is undergoing surgery. The situation is not optimistic."

Xia Xiaodie's small face with a big slap turned white, "Okay, I'll rush over now."

Xia Xiaodie got out of bed and changed her clothes. At this moment, the door of the shower room opened. Gu Yelin took a warm towel and walked over.

The alcohol on him had cleared a lot, his eyes were clear, he was still wearing that black shirt and black trousers, had no time to take a shower, and his clothes were already wrinkled, but for a man like him, it just added the texture of a mature man.

Gu Yelin looked at her, "Why did you get out of bed? It's so late, what are you going to do?"

Xia Xiaodie ignored him and went straight out.

Gu Yelin dropped the towel in his hand to catch up, and then stretched out his arms and hugged her from behind. "Sorry, it's all my fault, don't be angry."

Gu Yelin probably didn't expect that the life of the proud man of this day would be such a low voice to coax a girl.

Moreover, he was not displeased with what she had done before.

Xia Xiaodie wanted to break away from him, "You let me go. I'm going to the hospital now, and my mother is in hospital."


Gu Yelin quickly held her cold little hand in her palm and took her out. "I'll go with you."

Xia Xiaodie wanted to shake off his big hand. She didn't need him to go with him, but he held it tightly. She looked up at the man's stiff shoulders and the warmth that his dry palm slowly passed to her cold skin. Her heart softened slowly ...


In the hospital.

The red light in the operating room was still on, and the operation inside was not over.

Xia Mu's health has always been bad. These years have been a medicine jar. Now the heart is getting worse and worse. Doctors say Xia's time is running out.

Xia Xiaodie loves her mother very much. In this world, her mother is her only relative. If her mother is gone, she is an orphan.

No matter how big the world is, she has no home.

Xia Xiaodie was scared every time her mother got sick and was hospitalized every operation.

Then the operating room door opened and a nurse in a white coat came out.

Xia Xiaodie quickly ran over, "How is my mom, and the operation is going well?"

"Miss Xia, the operation is still in progress, and there is no danger at this time."

After speaking, the nurse went in again.

Xia Xiaodie was sitting on the icy bench in the corridor, and her shoulders were warm, and a black coat was put on her shoulders.

Xia Xiaodie looked up, and Gu Yelin stood upright in front of her eyes.

Gu Yelin sat next to her, then stretched out her arms and caught her Yingrun shoulder, letting her lean on her exquisite chest. . "

Xia Xiaodie's cold face stuck to his atrium, where he had a strong and powerful heartbeat, and then took a look.

Inexplicable and reassuring.

Xia Xiaodie closed her eyes gently.

In fact, she has been used to it all these years. She is used to one person, and she can solve all problems by herself, but she cannot be comforted and embraced, because the grievances will be magnified, and she will become soft and weak and then want to rely on her.

After all, she was a 19-year-old girl.

Gu Yelin glanced and kissed her long, scented hair, whispering, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."


More finished.

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