Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2078: You are my hot sun (84)

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She said that from beginning to end, it was his wishful thinking.

Gu Yelin stretched out her hand, holding her tightly waist and holding it tightly, then pushed her hard against the wall, and her narrow eyes were stained with a little bit of scarlet scar. He gritted his teeth. The word said, "You haven't said to associate with me, then what are you doing that text message to me, Xia Xiaodie, it's obviously you who want to run away first and want to run again?"

Xia Xiaodie looked at him, "Gu Yelin, that text message was not sent by me, but your WeChat was hacked by me, and I sent it to you. If you don't believe it, you can ask it yourself."


Gu Yelin's eyebrows frowned suddenly, and the whole man was as grim as a cold pond. "Apart from the short message, then ... you really don't like me, even if you haven't even touched it?"

Xia Xiaodie felt so painful in her heart, as if a knife was inserted in it, and then cruelly stirred again and again, the pain made her breathless.

She thinks that the man in front of her is not a man of the world after all, he is so perfect and beautiful, and she will meet a girl better and more suitable for him in the future, and she has too many fetters and can't cross.

"Gu Yelin, you should have known it very early. The reason I gave you a chance to approach is because Xia Yuanyuan cannot deny that both your hardware and software are standard. When you go to Aurora Island, I want to give you a Opportunity, but I ’m sorry, I still do n’t like you, even if it ’s not even a little bit, I ’m Yang Kaiqing and Zhumama. He is the one I like and will go down with. ”

Every word and every word of her resounded clearly in his ear, and she was telling him that she didn't like him, even if there wasn't even a little bit, from the beginning to the end, he was a one-man show.

Gu Yelin's masterful chest began to fluctuate up and down. He looked at Xia Xiaodie's small face, and asked, "Are you going with that Yang Kai?"

Xia Xiaodie knew that she nodded, and the two were dead.

In fact, he and she are very young, a 24-year-old and a 19-year-old. Maybe after years, there are other people around them. When they recall, each other is just a hurry in the youth memorial handbook.

Xia Xiaodie's white eyes were filled with crystal tears, but she didn't want him to see her pain and deep attachment at the moment, so she closed her eyes and nodded, "Yes."

She said yes.

Gu Yelin slowly withdrew his own hand and left her. He has always been a gentleman and gentleman, and there is no shortage of beauties around him. Naturally he cannot do things that force others, not to mention things like love.

This seems to be the third time, and the third time she said he didn't want him anymore, but every time he stuck it up, it was ridiculous.

When did Gu Yelin fall to such a point?

But after a love affair, he could afford it.

"Well, as you wish, I won't come to you again."

Gu Yelin turned and left.

he's gone.

He will never come again in the future.

Xia Xiaodie watched his handsome and erect body disappear into his sight, and the water vapor in his eyes grew more and more, he could no longer control it, and finally a large number of teardrops fell down.

At this moment, Xia Xiaodie couldn't help crying.

At this time, the apartment door opened, and Xia mother came out. She hugged Xia Xiaodie gently. "Little butterfly, don't be sad. You and Gu Yelin are not suitable. You are just bewildered by him for a while. Mom, mom is all for you. "

"We and the Yang family are close friends. Yang Kai was a mother who grew up watching him. His character and love for you are absolutely no problem. Kocho, listen to your mother and marry Yang Kai. not worried."

Xia Xiaodie gently pushed Xia Mu away, "Mom, I'm going to cook."

Xia Xiaodie went in.

Xia Mu knew that although Xia Xiaodie broke up with Gu Yelin, but she didn't want to marry Yang Kai. Xia Mu had a deep meaning in her eyes, and then she took out her mobile phone ...


In the kitchen, Xia Xiaodie was preparing dinner, and her fingers were burned because she was absent-minded.

"Little butterfly, are you okay?"

At this moment, Yang Kai ran over quickly, and he grasped Xia Xiaodie's small hand nervously.

Soon, Xia Xiaodie pulled back her hand, her face pale, her eyes shook redly, "I'm fine."

Yang Kai watched Xia Xiaodie's sadness, her lips warmed, he sighed, and then caught Xia Xiaodie's hot fingers and rushed in the cold water. "Xiaodie, is your aunt forced to marry you again? Now, rest assured, I don't agree, and my aunt is okay. I'll tell my aunt later that I already have a girlfriend, but just treat you as my sister, so my aunt won't embarrass you. "

Xia Xiaodie looked up at Yang Kai, "Yang Kai, thank you."

"Are we still so polite between us, Kocho, what are your plans for the future?" Yang Kai asked.

"In the future, I want to study hard and work."

"Okay, I support you."

Yang Kai and Xia Xiaodie looked at each other and smiled.

"Rice is ready. I'll call my aunt for dinner."

Yang Kai called Xia Mu.

Xia Xiaodie took the bowl and chopsticks into the kitchen, and then saw Yang Kai rush out, "Little butterfly, it's not good, my aunt is gone!"


With a snap, Xia Xiaodie's bowl fell on the carpet and shattered to the ground.

At this time, a string of melodious ringtones rang, and Xia Xiaodie called.

Take out the phone and look, Xia Yuanyuan called.

Xia Yuanyuan?

Looking at the name jumping on the screen of her mobile phone, Xia Xiaodie understood something. How did her mother know when she went to Aurora Island with Gu Yelin? It seems that Xia Yuanyuan intentionally told her mother.

Xia Xiaodie quickly pressed the button, "Xia Yuanyuan, my mother, what do you want?"

"Xia Xiaodie," Xia Yuanyuan's proud laugh passed over, "Do you think you won between me and you, haha, you are wrong, I'm the winner who can really laugh to the end, I can't get it Gu Yelin won't let you get it! "

"Look, your mother is in my hands now. If you want to save your mother, you and Yang Kai will immediately marry!"

"Xia Xiaodie, don't play tricks with me, your mother can't stand any stimulation, I'll wait for your marriage news."

"Beep" twice, Xia Yuanyuan hung up the phone directly.


The Rolls-Royce Phantom luxury car stopped at Qingluo Mansion. Grandma quickly opened the door of the villa. The air-conditioning from the outside came in, accompanied by a tall, tall body.

Gu Yelin is back.

"Master, are you back?"

Tony and Ah A quickly ran over in the living room. "Boss, are you back, how about it, did you find a big sister?"

Gu Yelin walked in, and his deep narrow eyes were still stained with red blood, but his face was not moody and angry, but the depressed chill made people tremble. He looked at tony and A, and lifted his thin lips "Do you have anything to tell me?"

"What are you talking about, boss?"

"Jesus, can you give me some hints?"

Tony and A have already seen that Gu Yelin's mood is not right, the two exchanged a look, a little scared.

Gu Yelin's low voice was flat and cold, "Did you send that pretending to be her?"

Tony and Ah A's faces changed, and they quickly became stuttered, "Boss ... Boss, do you know?"

"Sorry Boss, we ... we see that you like Dasao very much, so ... so ..."

Gu Yelin opened his long legs and walked in. The trousers cut like a blade brought out a strong and powerful aura. He reached out and raised his sleeves, and then a strong fist smashed. past.

"Boss, spare your life!"

Tony lamented.

Ah A didn't expect this mutation, and quickly called out, "Boss!"

Grandma has been here for such a long time, and she has never seen her self-cultivated young master with such a big temper. When he was so out of control, "Master!"

Gu Yelin smashed a fist in the past, but at that moment, his fist was still deflected, and he slammed directly on the coffee table next to him.

Such a good quality coffee table was smashed out of a hole, the glass shattered, and Gu Yelin's hand blood flowed endlessly.


"Master, you are injured. Sit down and let me bandage you." The grandma responded first, and went to the medicine box in a hurry.

Tony and A were so scared that the atmosphere did not dare to let out, the blood on Gu Yelin's hands dripped like a broken bead, and the eyes of the two were red.

"Boss, you bleed, it's all our fault!"

Both are crying.

Gu Yelin didn't look at the two men, and ignored the grandma who had already taken the medicine box. He went directly upstairs and closed the door.


In the room, the noise outside had nothing to do with him, Gu Yelin lifted his long fingers and untiedly unbuttoned the coat, then slammed the coat on the sofa.

There was still blood in his hand, and Gu Yelin casually pulled a piece of cloth to bandage the wound. He stood upright in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and his thin lips drew deep self-deprecation and sneer.

It turned out that everything was fake.

She's right. She never said she wanted to associate with him, and she didn't like him even a little bit. He was ridiculous.

Gu Yelin poured himself a glass of wine, then drank it, and soon he no longer needed the glass, and filled the bottle directly.

It's okay, it's just a love, oh no, it's just his love, it's just his ... first love.

I've been drunk tonight and everything will pass tomorrow.

Gu Yelin was drunk on the carpet. At this time, his cell phone was on, and his sister Gu Siyi's phone calls one after another.


Early the next morning.

The room was full of alcohol, and Gu Yelin was awakened. "Master, wake up soon. It's not good. Miss Si Yan has an accident."

Gu Yelin sat up, and as a result of the hangover last night, his head hurt.

Grandma, Tony and Grandma looked at him with red eyes, extremely dignified.

"What's wrong?" Gu Yelin raised his hand and frowned.

"Master, Miss Si 菡 ... crashed."

--- More finished.

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