Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2094: You are my hot sun (102)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xia Xiaodie knows that in fact he cares about her body, and this bowl of soup medicine is also the most mature and sane decision.

As early as half a year ago, he and she had no future. How could it be possible to have a child in bondage, which is not fair to the child.

She just wants to be with him now, she is happy every minute and every second with her, and she cherishes it even though she is a little ashamed, but she takes the initiative to reject all the cold words and clings to him. Let him spend more time with her.

Three years ...

Although half a year has passed, she can still be with him for two and a half years, and she still has a lot of time.


Xia Xiaodie and Grandma went downstairs and went into the restaurant to prepare breakfast.

At this time, a jingle sounded and someone came.

"Who is this?"

Grandma quickly ran to open the door.

Outside the door was Li Fan, Gu Yelin's personal secretary.

"Secretary Li, why are you here? The young master has already gone to the company." A Zhe said in surprise.

Li Fan nodded professionally and politely, "Ah, I know, the president called me to come."

At this time Xia Xiaodie came out, she looked at Li Fan at the door, "Secretary Li, hello."

"Ms. Xia, hello, this is the gift that the president asked me to prepare for you. Please accept it. I have nothing else to leave first."

Li Fan put the gift down, then turned and left.

Xia Xiaodie looked at the delicate gift box on the coffee table, and then she stretched out her tiny white hand and opened it. Inside was a green jade bracelet.

Bracelets are crystal clear and worth a look.

Xia Xiaodie was sitting on the sofa. He even asked the secretary to send him a gift. She knew he was reminding her that there was a deal between them.

She does a good job and he will not treat her badly. He has always been good at money and is generous to women.

Xia Xiaodie drew a slender Yujie.


After leaving the Qingluo Villa, Xia Xiaodie didn't take a taxi to school. She walked along the way, and suddenly came across a cosmetics counter.

Through the bright display window, Xia Xiaodie saw lipsticks on a whole row of shelves, all kinds of big-name lipsticks in various colors.

Xia Xiaodie stopped, and after looking at it for a while, she walked into the counter.

"Miss, do you want to buy lipstick?" The shopping guide asked warmly.

Xia Xiaodie held out her finger and pointed, "I want this one."

"Miss, this is grapefruit. It's a very young girl with a white color. You can try it."

Xia Xiaodie sat in front of the mirror and applied grapefruit-colored lipstick to her diamond lips. She was originally a young girl with a beautiful face, and her beautiful little face was eye-catching. Everyone reveals a bit of soft spring, the light flows.

She didn't like jewelry diamonds, pearl agate at all, all she liked was ... such a lipstick, but he would not give it to her again.

It doesn't matter, she can buy it herself.

"I need this one and wrap it for me."

"it is good."


Xia Xiaodie went to school, and Dr. Han came at the end of the afternoon. "Little butterfly, get in the car, I will take you to a place."

"Professor, where are we going?"

"You know when you go."

When the luxury car stopped, Xia Xiaodie looked at the XX bar in front of her, "Professor, why did you ... take me to the bar?"

Dr. Han smiled cheerfully, "Little Butterfly, as a senior student of our E major, it is not possible to learn alone, but also to understand the entertainment life."

What do you mean?

At this point alone came over, "Dr. Han, Xia."

Xia Xiaodie looked up and turned out to be ... Wei Youlin, she suddenly understood everything, Dr. Han this is to match her with a red line.

Dr. Han ’s most proud disciple is Xia Xiaodie. Now Xia Xiaodie has no father and mother. Dr. Han regards Xia Xiaodie as her daughter. Prof. Wei, grandson Wei Youlin, is a very good friend, and missed the village There is no such shop anymore, so Dr. Han wants to lift Xia Xiaodie's sedan and let her step directly into the pyramid in the circle after graduation.

"Little Butterfly, what are you doing? Let's go in together."

Dr. Han pulled Xia Xiaodie directly in, and looking at Xia Xiaodie Qiaoyan's figure, Wei Youlin raised her lips gently, and then followed closely.


In the bar.

Xia Xiaodie just came out of the school gate, so she took off the black down jacket outside. She was also wearing a school uniform inside. It was a black long T-shirt, a white doll collar, and she was so good to the knee position. Put on round leather shoes, dressed as a 19-year-old girl, in this hustle and bustle bar is really pure and dripping water.

There are also a pair of dark and clear apricot eyes on the small face with big palms, without makeup, clean and bright, eyebrows are picturesque, and grapefruit-colored lipstick is applied to the rhombus lips.

From the door to the seat, Xia Xiaodie's eyes on the men in the bar still fell on her, and she dared to whistle twice.

Dr. Han has taken the opportunity to leave, so only Xia Xiaodie and Wei Youlin are left.

"Student Xia, what would you like to drink?"

Xia Xiaodie quickly shook her head and declined, "I don't drink, I will be drunk."

Wei Youlin looked at her and couldn't let it go. Wenrun Ruyu smiled, "Student Xia, I sent you a WeChat last night. You didn't reply. I had no choice but to borrow Dr. Han's name to invite you out. Don't blame me. "

Xia Xiaodie suddenly remembered the WeChat sent by Wei Youlin last night, she saw it, but then ... she was with Gu Yelin ...

"It's all right."

"Student Xia, in fact, I heard about your name before the summit forum. Later, when I saw you, I was more interested in you ... at first sight."

Xia Xiaodie looked at Wei Youlin. She is no longer a worldly girl. She has always been surrounded by suitors. Even Gu Yelin has pursued her fiercely. Come out.

Dr. Han and Prof. Wei's mind, she also knows.

Frankly speaking, Wei Youlin is really good. She has no home. An orphan, she will have to go on her own. If she associates with him, her life will be smooth.

Xia Xiaodie looked at Wei Youlin, "Wei Shao, thank you for your kind intention, but I'm sorry, I can't accept it."


"Because, I already have someone I like."

Wei Youlin was slightly surprised, "How come, I heard that you haven't made a boyfriend yet, are you ... secret love?"

Xia Xiaodie couldn't tell her about Gu Yelin. She and he had been out of sight. The agreement she signed half a year ago clearly had this and should not be exposed.

Xia Xiaodie nodded her head, "Okay."

Wei Youlin smiled calmly, "What's this? Since you haven't been with the man you like, I still have a chance."


More finished.

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