Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2119: Protect her

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Fu Shu returned to the 361 Mansion. The doctor came and helped him bandage the wound. But compared to trauma, Fu Shu was more serious with internal injuries. After all, the two cars collided violently. The doctor told Fu Shu to pay more attention to rest and recuperation. .

The doctor left, Fu Shu went into the bath room to avoid the wound and took a cold shower. He had a clean habit and couldn't stand the **** smell on his body. When he came out, he wore a clean black shirt with short hair, wet and covered with cold. Water mist.

At this moment, the knock on the door rang, and outside the door was Song Yi, the secretary. "Master, I brought Hailing."

Song Yi went to the scene of the accident and brought Hailing, the perpetrator, quickly.

Fu Shu, "Jin."

The door was pushed open, Song Yi came in, and behind them were two black bodyguards, who threw Hai Ling directly on the carpet.

Hai Ling was badly injured, covered with blood, and rammed by the top luxury Maybach and hit the wall. Hai Ling can say that there is only one breath left.

Hai Ling slumped on the carpet weakly. She looked up weakly. Fu Shuzheng was standing beside the floor window, unlike the rigorous formal dress in usual days. The black shirt on Fu Shu hangs randomly, and the black underneath is black. Two trousers and shirt buttons were loose, revealing his delicate man's collarbone.

Fu Shu stood next to the floor-to-ceiling window. The bright neon lights outside and the luxurious room-like design of the palace gave him a layer of mysterious and noble colors. There was no gold-lined glasses on the face of the crowned jade, and Swen retreated. In the disguise, his dark eyes, as deep as a cold pool, are standing on her face.

Hailing now sees this man still throbbing, this extraordinary man raises his hands and throws his feet in a clear and noble manner, making people want to worship and look up.

"Fu ... Fu Shaozhu, I hurt so much ..." Hai Ling said weakly.

Fu Shumai opened his long legs and walked over, then squatted down in front of her. He lifted his thin lips and smiled casually, "It hurts?"

As long as such a man is a little gentle, the woman's brain can make up for a tender show. With such a question, Hai Lingqiang's consciousness gradually disintegrated, and his whole body was in pain, like a fire. The panic and fear that came over swept her entire brain.

Hai Ling slowly reached out his hand and grabbed the corner of Fu Shu's trousers and pants, like holding a life-saving straw, "Fu ... Fu Shaozhu, I ... I ..."

Hai Ling shuddered her lips, and the tears in her eyes "woke up".

Fu Shu still maintained a squatting position on one knee. He looked at Hai Ling's pale face, his lowered voice was a little soft, "Can you speak now, tell me, why should you hit her, huh?"

Hai Ling knew that this "her" was Hai Lan. "It was her. It was she who ruined my reputation and my life. She stunned me and threw it on President Jin's bed!"

"Fu Shaozhu, President Jin is so disgusted that he is entangled in me. He doesn't know where the room video came from. He actually squeezed the video to force me and forced me to marry him, otherwise he would let the video be exposed."

"Zong Jin is so old and so ugly. He is 40 or 50 years old. His daughter is as old as me. He even wants to marry me, hey!"

"I hate it, I hate it, I'm sorry, I'll take Hai Lan to **** together!"

Hai Ling really hated Hai Lan. That night, she was with Jin. Her parents had already spent a lot of money to suppress all the negative news, but suddenly things changed again.

That video of Mr. Jin did not know where he came from, he would take the video to the Hai family to marry her, otherwise he would expose the video and let her reputation be wiped out.

Hai Ling felt that her life had really been ruined, and she was afraid to go out now because she was afraid of others' pointing and colored eyes.

Hai Ling tightly dragged Fu Shu's robe, a man she loved with all her heart, and stayed beside her so tenderly that she felt he was healed of all his pains.

Fu Shu looked at Hai Ling's resentment and helpless crying. The arc of his lips didn't change. He smiled, "Since you know that there is a video in President Jin's hand, why didn't you send someone to check it? Who gave him the video? "


Hai Ling froze, she looked at Fu Shu stupidly.

Fu Shu's low-alcoholic voice is unusually magnetic and pleasant. "Yong Jin's pig's head, he will think of using video to threaten you to marry him. There must be someone pointing him behind this."

Talking about Fu Shuqinghan's black eyes fixedly looking at Hai Ling, he slowly converged all smiles. The ink feeling on the bottom of the eyes caused a shiver for no reason. "Do I need to continue to say It ’s me who gave him the video of Mr. Jin, who asked him to entangle you. "

Hai Ling had already felt something just now, but she didn't want to believe it. Now Fu Shu told her personally that the life-saving straw she had been holding tightly was like a huge wave of tumbling waves that turned her up suddenly. Then swallowed it.

It turned out to be him!

"You ... why are you doing this?" Hai Ling shivered, even the teeth were shaking. "Are you ... for Hai Lan?"

"You said your life was ruined. In fact, this is your fault. These evil results are just backwashed on you. By the way, I forgot to tell you," Fu Shu moved, and the body of Wu Changruyu moved forward. Came to Hailing's ear and lowered his voice, "She is not a person you can affect. For so many years after we were married in the last life, she didn't let me touch it. If I didn't touch it, I wouldn't touch it. She resented her for hating her, but as long as I was there, no one could hurt her for half a point, even if she touched her hair, whoever dared to touch her, I would send him ... to hell! "

Hailing's pupil Ren contracted for a while, and his face was ashamed at this moment. At this time, Fu Shu had stood up and told his secretary Song Yi, "Take her down and give it directly to the police."

"Yes, young master."

Two black bodyguards approached and pulled Hailing out.

Hai Ling glanced at Fu Shu for the last time. He was hidden in the dim light so that she couldn't understand it. She couldn't understand what he said just now, what past life, what this life, but she understood that Fu Shu was protecting Hai Lan. He guarded her!



When she came in just now, he could tell her, but he smiled at her and made her physically and mentally dependent. At this time, he suddenly reached out and pushed her into the abyss. The man is like a **** from Satan, dark, Cruel and dangerous.


Hai Ling was tortured by all the sadness and pain, and she screamed out of control.


Hai Ling left, Song Yi looked at Fu Shu and whispered, "Young Master, Miss Qing Xuan is here."


There is one more.

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