Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2122: You are my hot sun (222)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Listening to this familiar voice, Gu Yelin's pupils flinched, was ... thinking? !!

At the time of Si ’s disappearance, there was no small pomelo in his life. Now when Si ’s return, his small pomelo is already four months old.

Thinking long gone.

Now thinking back.

"Thinking, is that you?" Gu Yelin quickly uttered.

"Well, brother, it's me, are you okay, daddy mommy okay, are you okay?" Gu Sizhen loved his family very much, this year and a half, this "Are you okay" filled With her strong love and dependence, she wanted to miss her daddy, mummy and brother.

"Okay, we are all good, just thinking. We miss you so much. After you disappeared, Mommy cried a few times. You are so big that you have never really left us. How are you? Back? "Gu Yelin's eyes were slightly red.

At this time, Gu Siyu, who fell on the ground in Haicheng, did not stand up. She just sat there, holding her knees, and let the big tears fall like a broken bead. The tears were blurred. Face, so cold in the early winter night, she slowly lip-hooks and laughed softly, "Brother, I'm fine, too. I'll go back now, and I want to miss you ... too."


It ’s been a hundred days since the Xiaoyou Pomelo, and the Gu family has issued a hot stamping invitation letter inviting all the elites to gather together to participate in the 100-day feast of the Xiaoyou Pomelo.

Fu Shu also received a hot stamping invitation when he reviewed the documents in the study. The 100-day feast will be held tomorrow.

"Young Master, I have scheduled your schedule for tomorrow, and I have prepared a private plane to let you banquet Gu Xiaoxian's hundred days feast tomorrow." Song Yi whispered.

With a pen in his hand, Fu Shu signed his name at the bottom of the document. He did not look up, but just asked, "How is the hospital?"

"Everything is normal. Asun is still in the hospital. I heard that Miss Si Yi returned home in the morning. It is estimated that it was porridge or the like. Nothing was found. The two were quiet as usual."

"I see, go on."


The 100-day banquet of Xiaoyouyou was held in the Gujia Manor. The red carpet champagne and the romantic white yarn rose were all famous celebrities.

Qing Xuan is here too. Although she and Gu Siyi are rivals, she still has to marvel at the aloof identity and luxurious financial resources of the Emperor Gu's family at the scene. The 100-day feast was attended by capitalists, ladies and celebrities. The feast of the flourishing age.

Gu Mohan and Tang Moer now retired. The company was taken care of by Gu Yelin. The two took the pomelo full-time. In this 100-day feast Gu Mohan was chatting with several big brothers. Tang Moer was holding a goose yellow. The small grapefruit in the blankets showed off everywhere.

"Qing Xuan, that is Gu Mo's mother-in-law, Tang Mo'er. She was a young man in her youth." Qing Xuan's agent whispered.

Qing Xuan looked at Tang Mo'er. Tang Mo'er wore a cheongsam and fur on the outside. A woman in her forties smiled with a smile, without losing the magnanimity and style of the heroine. Qing Xuan guessed it at a glance. Tang Moer.

"The few noble ladies around Tang Mo'er are all influential figures. Look, Qing Xuan, the closest to Tang Mo'er is Fu Shi's mother-in-law Lin Shizhen, which is ... Fu Shaozhu's mum."

Qing Xuan had recognized Lin Shizhen, and saw that Lin Shizhen was teasing the little pomelo in the blanket, and it could be seen that Gu Fu and the two masters were really close friends, even the two masters had good feelings. Like sisters.

Qing Xuan's heart was not a bit of a taste. They all said that Fu Shu and Gu Siyi were a pair of golden boys and girls from an early age. This was not a casual comment.

At this moment someone said, "Look at it, Master Fu Shao is here!"

Qing Xuan quickly looked up, and saw that the exclusive Gutenberg long luxury car slowly entered the lawn. Song Yi opened the rear door and Fu Shu got out of the car.

Today, Fu Shu is wearing a hand-made sophisticated black suit. He is as long as a jade, and his temperament is clear and cold. He walked into the hall with a steady step and came to the bright lights. His handsome face like a crown jade has caused The crowd sucked, the son is unparalleled, but the little faces of the ladies in the hall are red.

Qing Xuan's heartbeat accelerated, and she immediately wanted to come forward, but broke into a tall, tall body in her sight. Gu Yelin, one of the protagonists of this hundred days feast, came, and he came to Fu Shu's side.

Gu Yelin and Fu Shu, both in business and politics, were both overwhelming figures and shocked. They stood together and deceived everyone.

Qing Xuan stood in place, because those capitalists who came to the hundred days banquet were not qualified to go forward, and she was even less qualified.

Gu Yelin and Fu Shu stood in the middle of the hall, and the lights were bright. Fu Shu looked at Gu Yelin, "Ye Lin, congratulations, I wish the little princess Yuyou grapefruit go well."

Xiao Youyou was held by Tang Moer for a while, and she was very good, but after all, she was brought up by her own father. Xiao Youyou has a deep relationship with Gu Yelin, and she left her little mouth for a while. Looking for Daddy.

Tang Mo'er couldn't see the little pomelo crying. She quickly gave the little pomelo to Gu Yelin. "Little pomelo, don't cry, dad."

Gu Yelin reached out and hugged Xiaoyouyou. Xiaoyouyou grinned quickly when she saw her father.

Xiao Yuyou just stunned just now, a pair of black eyes still filled with crystal water, her eyes are like her mum Xia Xiaodie, Gu Yelin feels pain every time she looks .

Gu Yelin bowed his head, kissed the little white pomelo powder and fragrant small face, leaning on his daughter, his heart was soft like a pool of water.

Xiaoyou Yu is also very happy, smiling at her dad with a smile.

The people in the hall looked at this scene. They had different lives. The little princess Yu Gu was really a pet and a body. She was born with a golden spoon.

Soothing Xiaoyou, Gu Yelin looked up at Fu Shu, "Thank you."

Tang Morer said, "Ye Lin, everyone is here. Can the banquet begin?"

"Wait a minute, there is another person."

One more person?

Tang Mo'er looked at the guests here, and the guests' invitations were all her own. They all came, "Yalin, who else did you invite?"

Gu Yelin looked at Fu Shu and tickled his thin lips. "And ... think."

Gu Siyu ...

Something flashed fast in Fu Shu's cold black eyes.

Tang Moer froze directly, and she suspected that she had hallucinations. "Think ... think?"

At this moment, a soft waxy voice rang in my ear, "Mum, I am back."

Fu Shu raised his eyes quickly, and a graceful figure appeared on the carved railings on the second floor. Gu Siyi wore a top-selling DT high-definition wrapped long skirt and stepped on crystal high heels.


More finished.

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