Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2144: You are my hot sun (244)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Qing Wan passed a photo to Fu Shu.

Fu Shu didn't reach out, just asked lightly, "What's this?"

"It's a picture of that man, and Gu Siyi was with that man."

"That man?" Fu Shu raised his eyebrows, and a pair of cold black eyes stared deep and sharp at Qing Wan, as if to see through her heart. "How could you have a picture of that man in your hand?"

Fu Shu has always been sharp, yes, why did Qing Wan, who had never left that villa, get this picture?

Qing Wan was of course prepared. She looked at Fu Shu. "This photo I picked up at the door of the villa this morning. Obviously someone wants to give it to you through my hand."

There was no change in Fu Shu's expression, and he reached for the photo.

The photo was in a yellow sealed bag. Fu Shu didn't open it immediately, he left the room in his hand.


In the room, Qing Wan watched Fu Shu disappear into his sight. He didn't ask the man in black to take her away immediately. He obviously wanted to check the authenticity of this photo.

Qing Wan tightened her fist and pinched her nails into her hand. She lost all her life. Since she is not good, no one should think about it.

Qing Wan took out her mobile phone and dialed out a phone number, which was called to Lord Xiliu, Fu Shu's number one political enemy, and looked down upon the entire royal family and Gutenberg.

The call on that end was quickly connected, and Lord Xiliu's voice passed over, "Hey, Miss Qingwan, I finally got your call, and I knew you would figure it out."

"Lord Xi Liu, you don't need to say anything. I promise to cooperate with you. I have given that photo to Fu Shu."

"Great!" Lord Xiliu praised Qing Wan arrogantly, "Miss Qing Wan, if you can be harder earlier, Fu Shu that man does not belong to you, only Gu Siyi in his heart, of course Gu Siyi also love With Fu Shu, otherwise, why wouldn't she tell Fu Shu who that man is? She would rather be wronged and misunderstood than tell Fu Shu that the man is actually Fu Shu's second personality, in fact Fu Shu is a monster, hahaha. "

Listening to Lord Xiliu's proud laughter, Qing Wan was also very embarrassed, her favorite man, but she betrayed him.

"Lord West, what do you want to do?"

"Of course it is to stimulate Fu Shu, to completely inspire Fu Shu's second personality, and then replace the real Fu Shu. Do you think the people will accept a monster with a second personality? Of course, to open Fu Shu's second personality This key is Gu Siyu! "

Gu Sizhi knew this, too, so she didn't tell anyone, and she didn't tell Fu Shu, in fact, he had a dual personality.

Now that Fu Shu has the photo in his hand, when he sees that his beloved woman is extremely close to another man, he does not know whether Fu Shu will go crazy.

Qing Wan felt free and cheerful, "Lord Xi Liu, I only have one request, Gu Siyu is mine. When you succeed, give Gu Siyu to me. I will torture her well, and let her give me a **** and ask me for mercy."

"Okay, no problem." Lord Xiliu agreed happily.


In another presidential suite, Fu Shu looked down at the sealed bag with a handsome eyelid. After a few seconds, he opened the bag and the photos inside were taken out.

The photo was taken in winter. It snowed that day and the whole world was crystal clear. In the snow, Gu Siyi wore a thick black cotton suit with a hat on her head, and she was holding her feet on her toes and holding them with her hands. The man's neck, the man lowered his eyes and kissed her.

Because it was only on the side, Fu Shu couldn't see the look of the man. The man and Gu Siyi wore a couple cotton jacket, and the two happily kissed in the snow.

Fu Shu's long five fingers tightened the photo, and Qing Han's eyes quickly overflowed with a scarlet bloodshot, even if he had imagined in her mind thousands of times and tens of thousands of pictures of her with that man, but now it's true Seeing this scene, he was still covered with a huge Yin Yin.

She really was with that man.

She spent the whole six months with that man, who had a child.

Although he and her childhood friends, he never touched her, now she belongs to another man!

Fu Shu Jingshuo's chest began to pant up and down, and he reached out and turned everything on the table to the ground. During this time, his mood became increasingly uncontrolled.

My head hurts.

Who is that man?

Why can't he find him?

That man didn't seem to have existed in this world, but he had actually come, taking away all his most precious things.

Fu Shu narrowed his eyebrows and breathed, like a ferocious beast, with memories of the last life in his mind.

Gu Siyu of the last life also married him, but she did n’t love him. After so many years of marriage, he and she had been sleeping in separate rooms. He knew that she loved a man in his heart, that man was not Asheng, and he did n’t know that the man Who, but Gu Siji loved his life!


Gu Siyu published a new manuscript for the diamond ring. Tomorrow is the press conference. She has been working.

As for Fu Shu, she was waiting for Fu Shu's call.

At this time, a string of melodious ringtones rang, and the call came. Fu Shu called.

Gu Siyi pressed the button to answer the call, "Hey."

"it's me."

Fu Shu's voice passed into her eardrum. There was nothing unusual, quite calm and restrained, but with a slight husky.

But Gu Sishang heard a hint of repressive danger, "Fu Shu, are you calling to sign a divorce with me?"

"Oh," Fu Shu rolled a sensational laughter from his throat, "Si Yun, you can't wait to divorce me?"


"Okay, Shanshuiyuan, I'm waiting for you. Only this time, I agree to divorce." Fu Shu hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the busy voice at the other end, Gu Siyi put down his cell phone, and he asked her to go to Shanshui Garden at night?

She had only been to Shanshuiyuan once, and that was her and his wedding room. She went once that wedding night, and left that night.

If she could, she didn't want to go all her life.


Landscape Garden.

The maid opened the door. "Ma'am, are you back?"

"Well, what about your young master?" Gu Siyi asked, changing his shoes at the entrance.

"Mrs. Hui, Master is back, now in the upstairs room."


Gu Siyi went upstairs, pushed open the door of the master bedroom and walked in. There was no light in it, and his eyes became dark.

Gu Siyi wanted to turn on the wall light, but then someone suddenly approached behind him, pulling her directly into her arms.


Baby, it's more finished today.

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