Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2153: You are my hot sun (253)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Now Xia Xiaodie is gone, Xiao Yuyou is all about Gu Yelin.

Gu Yelin kissed the forehead of the young grapefruit, "Grapefruit, I love you."


Xiao Yuyou officially went to kindergarten. In the morning, Gu Yelin drove Xiao Yuyou into it in the morning, and patiently talked to the head teacher and teacher about Xiao Yuyou's living habits.

--- Wow, is that pomelo grapefruit? Pomelo grapefruit is so beautiful. Like a little princess, I want to be a good friend with her.

Now the children all know how to look at the face value, and everyone is turning around the little pomelo, very happy.

--- Yuyu, is that your daddy? Your dad is so tall and handsome, unlike my dad is a fat man, you are so happy.

Everyone is very envious of the handsome daddy of Yuyou.

At this time Gu Yelin came over, he squatted down and looked at Xiaoyouyou's soft and black eyes. "Yuyou, you have to sleep here at noon. Daddy will come to pick you up in the afternoon. The teacher is very gentle , If you have something to tell your teacher, do you want to be obedient? "

Xiao Youyou nodded, "I know Daddy."

Gu Yelin left.

Xiao Youyou was sitting in the classroom. She looked out the window and just started school today. In fact, many of the children were sent by Daddy and Mummy.

But she doesn't have a mummy.

She only has daddy.

Xiao Yuyou hangs a slender plume and is a little unhappy.

--- Pomelo, do you want to eat this candy?

Xiaoyou Yu shook her head, and the polite milk thanked him, "Thank you, grandma won't allow me to eat sugar, she will have tooth decay."

--- My daddy won't allow me to eat, but my mum will secretly eat two of them. Today I went to kindergarten. My mum took me to the mall to buy a box of colorful candy, and asked me to eat at school Sleep sweetly obediently, this candy is sweet.

When it comes to his mum, the children smiled happily.

Xiao Youyou looked at the children and enviously said, "Your mommy is very kind to you."

--- Yes, my mummy is the one who loves me the most. I sleep with my mummy every night. The mummy is fragrant and speaks softly and beautifully. I love my mummy the most.

Xiaoyouyou's big eyes revealed novel envy and longing. It turns out that there is such a good mommy. If her mommy is still there, it must be fragrant.

Xiao Yuyou is sad.

The day passed quickly, and Xiaoyouyou easily adapted to the kindergarten life. She was very obedient, and the children rushed to play with her.

After school, the child was picked up by her mum. "Yuyou, this is my mum. My mum is here to pick me up. See you tomorrow."

The children followed their mummy happily.

Xiaoyou You looked at the happy figure of the child and gave a little muzzle. Daddy hadn't come yet. Xiaoyou You went out of school with a schoolbag alone.


Xiao Youyou has been walking on the street for a long time. Although she is the little princess of the Gu family, she has been receiving the best education, she is intelligent and has the ability to stand on her own.

Xiaoyou Yu, carrying a small schoolbag and other green lights, was walking on a zebra crossing. I didn't know how long she had been there, where she had been, and when she stopped, she was on a beach.

The fine and golden sunset was sprinkled on the sparkling sea, the cool breeze was blowing, and there were many people on the soft sandy beach. Everyone stepped on it with bare feet and laughed.

Xiao Youyou went to the beach. Two little white hands clutched the shoulder strap of the schoolbag. She shouted loudly to the sea, "Mum, where are you?"

Her tender milk was passed to the distance by the sea, but no one responded to her.

Xiao Youyou's eyes are red, maybe a few years later, maybe when she grows up, she will slowly digest the fact that Mummy is not around her, maybe she will get used to it, maybe she will learn Find your own happiness in a place where there is no mummy.

But at this moment she was really really sad.

"Mum, where are you, Yuzu misses you so much!"

Yuzu really misses Mommy!

Yuzu really wants mommy!

Then suddenly a voice sounded in my ear, "Little girl, dodge!"

Xiaoyou Yu turned around and saw a ball flying towards her little head.

The speed of the ball was too fast, Xiaoyou Yuyou opened her eyes wide, and when the ball was about to hit her head, a white hand stretched over and pulled Xiaoyou Yu directly, "Be careful!"

Be careful!

There was a very soft voice above his head, which was unusually nice.

Xiao Yuyou looked up at the small face carved in pink and jade, she first saw a pair of black pupils that looked exactly like her. No, the pupils were more beautiful, brighter and more eye-catching than hers.

Xiaoyou Yu was rescued by a woman who wore a black dress with a slim figure and brown seaweed hair lazily scattered. In the golden sunset, the woman had a delicate and bright face with red lips and white teeth. Describe her good-looking.

Now Xiaoyuyou is in the arms of a woman. Xiaoyuyou smells the fragrance of the woman, very fragrant and fragrant. Is this the smell of Mommy?

Xiao Youyou looked at the woman infatuatedly. The woman held her delicate red lips and rubbed her little head. "Child, are you scared? It's all right, don't be afraid, but your father and mother, It would be dangerous for you to be here alone. "

Xiao Youyou has been used to seeing beauties since she was a child. For example, her aunt Gu Siying was so charming and beautiful that she couldn't look away, but Xiao Youyou felt that the woman in front of her looked better.

"Pretty sister, thank you. I came out alone, and my father didn't know yet."

"Ah, no. Children can't run around alone, they will be caught by bad people. Where is your house and your sister will send you home?"

Xiao Yuyou's eyes brightened and she just wanted to nod her head, but Gu Yelin's anxious voice came from her ear, "Yuyou, where are you?"

"Pretty sister, my father is here." Xiao Youyou said disappointed.

"That's good. You stand obediently waiting for your father, my sister will go first."

The woman left and got into a luxury car on the side of the road. An assistant-like person followed her. "Miss mimi, Madam has been waiting for you for a long time. This time you can come back and be happy."

Xiao Youyou stood in the same direction as she watched the woman disappear, then Gu Yelin came over, "Yuyou, how are you here, do you know Daddy is looking for you and going crazy?"

Xiao Yuyou looked up at his dad. Gu Yelin was in a hurry. He adjusted the surveillance camera and drove all the way. His master's chest was still panting, and he held the car key in his hand, even his narrow eyes. They all got a little scarlet because of their frantic anxiety.

Xiaoyou Yuk lowered her head, "Daddy, sorry."

Gu Yelin squatted down and hugged Xiaoyouyou tightly into her arms. "Yuyou, sorry, Daddy is not fierce at you. Do n’t run away next time. Daddy is really going crazy for you, father. The land cannot be without you! "


More finished.

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