Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2157: You are my hot sun (257)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

The sports car door opened and Gu Yelin came out.

Tonight's Gu Yelin wore a black shirt and black trousers. The 30-year-old man has reached the most mature, handsome and attractive age. The cool breeze of the night blew his black shirt, charming Make people look away.

Gu Yelin looked at mimi on the second floor with one hand in his trousers pocket, softly lifting thin lips, "I give you roses, do you like them?"

Mimi wears a silk nightdress, brown seaweed hair, the same look and eyes as Xia Xiaodie, and now has the identity of Mrs. Jade's daughter. With a smile, she is charming and elegant. And did not speak.

At this moment, there was a fireworks explosion in the clear blue sky, and the gorgeous fireworks formed a sentence --- I love you!

Mimi smiled brightly.

But soon I love you and three more words appear after Xia Xiaodie.

I love you Xia Xiaodie!

Mimi retracted her smile, and she looked down at Gu Yelin downstairs. "General Manager Gu, I've said it N times, I'm not Xia Xiaodie, I'm just mimi."

"Little Butterfly, what happened in the past three years, why did you lose memory, why did you forget me, and you are Xiaodie."

"General Manager Gu, I did n’t say anything related to the name Xia Xiaodie from beginning to end, but you, you have always mistaken me for what Xia Xiaodie, the story between you and Xia Xiaodie, and Xia Xiaodie's life has nothing to do with me. I'm just my mimi. If you can't accept this, then we don't need to meet again in the future. "

Mimi turned directly back to the room.

Gu Yelin stood downstairs and frowned slightly. Mimi was very inconsistent with the name of Xia Xiaodie. She did not like what he mentioned. Why?

Is it because she has amnesia, but she is still very inconsistent with Xia Xiaodie's life, so she doesn't like what he mentioned?

But in Gu Yelin's eyes, he recognized that Mimi is Xia Xiaodie, and there can be no one in this world exactly like Xia Xiaodie.


Mimi got up and went downstairs. She squeezed her shoulders in the living room and said, "Mom, you've got a lot of toughness recently. Would you like the meal prepared by the chef?"

Madam Yuzhen really likes mimi, she took mimi's hand, "Like, mimi, just leave these things to the next person to do it. You can tell me honestly, what do you think of Gu Yelin, the crown prince of the Gu family? What are you thinking? "

The big girl next to Mrs. Yudi looked at Mimi and had to admit that Miss Mimi was very interested in Mrs. Yubi. She started with the meal and helped Mrs. Yubi to adjust her body. This Missi Mimi is ... a very smart ... and a very powerful woman.

Mimi smiled shyly. "Mom, I'm still young. I want to stay with you for two more years. I don't plan to consider marriage for the time being."

Mrs. Jade laughed and laughed.

"Pretty sister." At this moment Xiaoyouyou ran over.

Mimi quickly stepped forward and touched the small carved face of Xiaoyou Yuyou powder, "Pomelo Yuyou, are you alone today?"

"No, my dad is here too."

Mimi looked up and Gu Yelin came in.

"Little ..." Gu Yelin wanted to call mimi Kocho, but he thought Mimi would be unhappy, so he changed his mouth. "Mimi, don't be angry, it's all my fault, I'll give you a gift. Tonight I've got the secretary seated and invited you to dinner. "

Mimi looked at Gu Yelin and tickled her red lips. "Would you like me to eat dinner, hum?"

"Pomelo Yuyou, go. Yesterday, my sister bought you some beautiful princess dresses. You go upstairs with them to see them."

Mimi took Xiao Yuyou upstairs.

Xiaoyou You gave Gu Yelin a very sympathetic look before leaving.

Gu Yelin looked at the big and small figures, his eyes were full of gentle softness.

Mrs. Yuxi came over, "General Manager Gu, mimi played some girl character, you do n’t mind. My daughter is very proud, and there are many men chasing her, but from her perspective, I can see that Mimi's heart is very I like you very much, I like you very much, otherwise I wo n’t give you a chance to approach me. My caretaker and Xiaoyouyou both like mimi. If you can become a family, I will be happy for you. "

"Mrs. Yu Yu, rest assured, I will be good to mimi in the future." Gu Yelin promised.

The big girl next to Mrs. Yuxi couldn't help but glanced upstairs again. What was she saying? Miss Mimi was really awesome. She hit the snake seven inches, and only met Gu twice to give her a pinch. This effort Women ca n’t really learn.


Gu Yelin took mimi to eat western food and candlelight dinner at night. Xiaoyouyou didn't come. She said mischievously that she didn't want to make electric bulbs.

In the western restaurant, melodious music sounded and the candlelight flickered. Gu Yelin cut a plate of steak elegantly into small dices and handed it to mimi thoughtfully. "Still still mad at me?"

Mimi took Gu Yelin, who looked at the opposite side of the beef. "No, the question about Xia Xiaodie has always been among us. If it is not solved, it will always be a stumbling block."

"General Gu, I still say that, I am not Xia Xiaodie. If you choose to be with me, you can never mention the name of Xia Xiaodie again. You can keep your mind about your past, but Don't mention in front of me, and you can't think of me as Xia Xiaodie, you can only think of me as mimi. "

Gu Yelin made the plan, even if she has amnesia now, but in the days to come, he will tell her every bit of their past and awaken her memory.

Although they have a lot of pain in their memory, they have Yuyou, young and lush love and past, as well as his love, her love ...

There are still some misunderstandings between them, some missed, and some regrets.

The past is always an inseparable part, and if it is divided, it is imperfect.

But now that mimi's attitude is so resolute, he pursues her enthusiastically these days, but she does not take the initiative or refuses, much like she is testing him or hanging him. She wanted to take the initiative from the beginning, and it ’s more clear now After the proposal, you can never mention the name Xia Xiaodie again, she is mimi.

In the future, Gu Yelin's wife, Yuyou's mum, and Gu's young lady were all just mimi.

The name Xia Xiaodie will disappear forever.

Mimi wanted the name Xia Xiaodie to disappear forever.

Gu Yelin thought about it, he still chose the warmth at hand, and now Xia Xiaodie is beside him, Yuyou likes her so much, everything is complete.

What's the point of him still insisting on the past?

Or it was really painful for her in the past and she didn't want to mention it in her life.


Baby, there is one more.

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