Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2062: You are my hot sun (262)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

The children nodded strongly, "Okay, mother, then we take it for granted, and we will come out to see you next time!"

The special car took the children away.

Xia Xiaodie stood watching the children until they disappeared into her sight, and then she took Aunt Pei into the car.

In the car, Aunt Pei said, "Miss, we will be on a special plane later. You close your eyes and rest for a while, and I will call you."

Xia Xiaodie glanced down and looked out the window. At this moment, she saw a long version of the Rolls-Royce Phantom business luxury car. Gu Yelin was holding the small grapefruit just out of the hotel.

Xia Xiaodie's eyes lightly glanced from Gu Yelin's Zhang Junyan, and then fell on Xiao Yuyou, Xiao Yuyou lying on her father's shoulder with her eyes closed, and covered with a thick blanket outside, Clear face, showing only the forehead of the little beauty.

This does not affect the overall look and feel of Xiaoyou Pomelo, which is very soft and cute.

Xia Xiaodie's pair of water-pumping pupils fluctuated, as if soft ripples rippled in her heart. She lay her hands on the window and murmured, "I didn't expect his daughter to be so big. "

Aunt Pei also saw Xiaoyouyou, "This little pink baby is really beautiful. Like the seven or seven little boys we saw at Minister A Guoxuan, they are all exquisite people. This pair of sisters are twins, father. Di Gu Yelin, Mommy Xuanzang, this Xuanzhang is a mother and daughter of Xuan Zang, a well-known beautiful woman. "

Everyone knows that although Gu Yelin and Xuan Zang's short-term marriage broke up, they have a pair of children. The daughter gave Gu Ye Lin and the son gave Xuan Zang.

Xia Xiaodie suddenly thought of her daughter. If her daughter is still there, she should be as old as his daughter now.

When Xia Xiaodie was about to look at Xiaoyouyou again, a pretty and bright figure suddenly broke into the sight, and Mimi ran over from the hotel and ran to Gu Yelin.

The car galloped away, and the two big and small figures drifted away in this way. Xia Xiaodie naturally saw Mimi's face exactly like herself.

At this time, Aunt Pei Shen said, "Miss, why is the woman next to Gu Yelin exactly like you? Would you like to send someone to investigate?"

Xia Xiaodie finally glanced at the little one lying on Gu Yelin's shoulders, then retracted her eyes, she shook her head slightly, "No need, that's his business."

Aunt Pei naturally agreed a hundred times that the lady's health was getting worse and there was no need to waste time and effort for these irrelevant people.

Of course, those cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods don't hit any thoughts on the lady, otherwise let them come back one by one!

At this time, Xia Xiaodie coughed a few more times. She felt that her throat was sweet, but she did not want to worry Aunt Pei, so she suffocated that sweet smell.

Aunt Pei quickly patted Xia Xiaodie back, worried, "Miss, this time I originally brought the children to play, but I see that your cough has worsened in the past two days."

Xia Xiaodie smiled, "Aunt Pei, you are too nervous, I'm fine."

Aunt Pei sighed, and suddenly thought of another thing, "Miss, I forgot to say, Gu Yelin sent a secretary to you last night, saying that his daughter likes the bell ball weaved by you and wants to spend it. Heavy money to buy one from you. "

At that time, Aunt Pei sent Gu Yelin's secretary away. No matter how heavy the money was, no one could afford the money. No one could disturb the lady's rest.

The bell ball was knitted by the lady herself. Even if you want to give it, it depends on your mood.

Xia Xiaodie remembered the little one lying on Gu Yelin's shoulder. Although she didn't see her face, she probably had a relationship with the girl. She liked the little one with a soft heart.

"I'll knit a bell ball when I go back, and then you will send someone to give it to his daughter."


Gu Yelin returned with Xiaoyuyou, Tang Mo'er was distressed. "This is a good time to go out. Why did Yuyou have a fever, gosh, this forehead is still so hot."

Tang Moer gave Gu Yelin a reproach. "I said that the wind on the beach is strong, so you don't go to the beach to play. Did you and mimi patronize yourself and forgot to take care of the little pomelo?"

"Mom, I ..."

"Okay, don't say anything, I will take care of Xiaoyou Yu."

Tang Moer went upstairs holding Xiaoyou.

The Doctor Sikong soon arrived, and Xiaoyouyou had a fever, but she was asleep all the time, and she was sleeping all the time.

Sikong Shenyi looked at Gu Yelin, "Ye Lin, this time Yuzu Pomelo's fever was mostly stimulated by psychological reasons. Yuzu had no mommy since she was a child, she was very lacking in motherhood and sense of security. In addition, she survived from several critical illnesses. It is weak and needs to be carefully cared for. The burn is now retired, but the whole portrait of Yuyou is exhausted. It is difficult to repair in a short time. The physical conditioning is only superficial. You must truly understand her from her heart. , Love her. "

Gu Yelin has put all the focus on Yuyou in recent years. He is definitely a good father. He doesn't know what to do to prevent Yuyou from suffering again.

"Uncle Sikong, what do you say I should do?"

Sikong Shenyi, "Ye Lin, you should know that Pomelo wants Mummy, and you should give her back to Pomelo."


Si Kongyu went away, mimi had been taking care of the little grapefruit in the room, and the little grapefruit was very disturbed in her sleep, non-stop slang --- Mummy, don't leave ... Mommy, don't leave the grapefruit ...

Mimi distressed Xiaoyouyou with tears. "Yuyou, don't be afraid. Mommy is here. Mommy will stay with you forever."

But Yuyou was still crying and still very disturbed.

At this time Gu Yelin stepped forward, he took out the diamond ring in his pants pocket, and handed it to mimi, "mimi, let's get married."

Mimi is already waiting for this moment. Although this is very different from her expectations, she wants a grand proposal, Gu Yelin did prepare, but because of the relationship between Xiaoyou and Pomelo, everything can only be simplified.

Mimi knew that she couldn't miss this opportunity, and Xiao Youyou couldn't afford a high fever, which was her perfect opportunity.

Mimi handed her hand over, "Ye Lin, I'm willing to marry you, be your wife, and be a pomelo mum. In the future, our family of three will never be separated."

Gu Yelin put the diamond ring into mimi's ring finger.


Gu Yelin and mimi set their wedding date at the middle of this month. Because of the body of Xiao Yuyou, mimi did not want to hold a wedding. Gu Yelin was very moved, and during this time mimi took care of Xiao Yuyou, Gu Although Ye Lin did not manage the prosperous wedding, but held a small and warm wedding, but this wedding invited all the nobles, the prosperous and powerful.


More finished.

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