Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2072: You are my hot sun (272)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xiao Youyou understood, she looked at her father, "Daddy, why am I here, my sister will come back."

Gu Yelin's eyes were dark. He touched Xiaoyouyou's small head with affection. "Yuyou, do you like this sister?"

Xiao Youyou nodded strongly, "Like! I want to be with my sister forever!"


Gu Yelin could probably hear that Xiaoyou You did not include herself in the future arrangement, Xiaoyouyou just wanted to be with this sister.

This was not the case when Xiaoyuyou liked mimi. At that time, Xiaoyouyou said that they wanted all three of their family to be together.

Gu Yelin didn't care about this for the time being. He looked at the note in Yuyou's pocket. It was the phone number that Xia Xiaodie left when she left. I have been on leave for many days and I am going to school. "


Xiaoyou Yu went to kindergarten and was very good all day.

In the afternoon, after school, Xiaoyouyou stood by the door and waited for Daddy, but left, right, etc. Daddy didn't come yet.

Daddy won't be late, this is the first time today.

At this time, the teacher came over and handed the phone to Yuyou, "Xiao Youyou, your father is on the phone, please answer."

"Thank you, teacher."

Xiaoyouyou took the phone, and milk channel, "Daddy, why haven't you come to pick me up?"

"Yuyou, Dad's work is a bit busy today. There is a meeting. I can't leave for a while. Dad has already told the teacher. Let you play for a while in school. You will pick up when Dad's done. You. "Gu Yelin said at the end.

"Okay, dad work."

Xiao Youyu hung up the phone.

"Yuyou, go, follow the teacher into the classroom." The teacher took Xiaoyou's hand.

Xiao Youyou saw that many of the children were picked up by her mum, and her long and soft eyes flashed longing. "Teacher, can I make a call to my sister?"

"of course can."

Xiao Youyou has already learned the phone number that Xia Xiaodie left her, so she dialed the number quickly.

The phone on that end rang again, and Xia Xiaodie's voice passed over, "Hey, hello, who?"

"Sister, it's me, Yuzu ~" Xiao Yuyou said happily.

Xia Xiaodie's voice softened. "Yuyou, it's you. Is there something wrong with your sister?"

"Sister, I went to school today, and now school is over, the children have been picked up. Only I am alone. Daddy can't come to pick me up. Can my sister come to pick me up?"

"Yuyu, your daddy, did you call him?"

"My dad ... um, he took mimi out for a candlelight dinner, and I couldn't get through to his cell phone, and dad probably forgot about me." Xiaoyouyou was actually guilty, after all, she talked nonsense with her eyes open, but In order for Xia Xiaodie to pick her up, she also worked hard to make a miserable look.

Xiaoyou You ’s performance was so painful that Xia Xiaodie was distressed. "Yuyou, why is your daddy so irresponsible? Do n’t you run around in school? You know, there are a lot of bad people out there, my sister is now pick you up."

"Well, sister, hurry up, Yuyou is so scared to stay here alone, it's so dark and cold." Xiaoyou Yu said uneasily.


Half an hour later, Xia Xiaodie rushed to the kindergarten. Xiaoyouyou flew over like a happy bird and separated in the morning. Now she misses it very much, "Sister, are you here?"

Xia Xiaodie looked at the small powder ball holding her calf tightly at the moment, squatting down and holding the small powder ball in her arms, "Yuyu, is it cold?"

"Well, it's cold, elder sister, Yuyou is so sad. Daddy went out with mimi. There must be no one in the family. Can Yuyou go to your house for a while, Yuyou promises to be obedient and won't disturb you." Xiaoyou You gradually tried.

Looking at Yuyou's expectant and cautious look, Xia Xiaodie could not speak if she refused, and she found that she had been eaten by the little powder group.

"Okay, sister takes you home."


Xia Xiaodie brought Xiaoyou to her apartment. In the apartment, Wen Jing complained to Aunt Pei, "Aunt Pei, I said that the president should not be asked to go to Gu's house. Now you see, the president is being watched by Gu Ye Lin's daughter is entangled. Although the child is innocent, but thinking that the president lost his daughter three years ago, and that daughter was born of Gu Yelin and Xuan Zang, I am worthless for the president! "

Aunt Pei was preparing dinner in the kitchen and laughed, "Secretary Wen, the daughter of President Gu is really flattering. You must like it when you meet later."

Wen Jing hesitated, "I don't, I'm the president's mother-in-law, and I don't know what Gu Yelin means now. It should not be difficult for him to guess the identity of the president. He is married and wants to trap the president with his daughter. "

As soon as the voice dropped, the apartment door opened, and Xia Xiaodie came in with Xiaoyou.

When Wen Jing went out, she suddenly saw the pink carved jade pomelo. Xiao pomelo was wearing a pink princess dress, round-toed leather shoes, carrying a small schoolbag, and her big, soft black eyes made it impossible for anyone to refuse.

Wen Jing, shit, Gu Yelin's daughter is too beautiful.

"Sister, hello. Please meet for the first time."

Xiaoyou Yuyou greeted politely and politely, and took out a bottle of colored fructose from the bag to Wen Jing as a gift.

Wen Jing accepted the bribe, "..."

Aunt Pei was laughing. What she was talking about just now, Xiaoyou You came, nobody liked it, including Wen Jing.

"Yuyu, you're hungry. Let's play in the living room for a while. My sister went to the kitchen to help Ai Pei cook two dishes. Let's have dinner together, Wen Jing, you can stay and eat together.

Wen Jing quickly shook her head. "President, I'm leaving first."

Quiet and fled.


When Wen Jing got out of the apartment building, she was still very unconvinced, but Gu Yelin's daughter, the president was soft-hearted, she should be a bit fierce towards Gu Yelin's daughter!

But thinking of Xiao Yuyou's small carved face, she still grasped the fructose from Xiao Yuyou, Wen Jing couldn't do anything.

Wen Jing got into her car, when she suddenly saw a Rolls-Royce Phantom luxury car parked on the side of the street, which was Gu Yelin's car.

Gu Yelin's car didn't know when it appeared there, maybe ... he followed Xia Xiaodie and Yuyou all the way back.

People who originally said they were busy at work appeared here.

In the Rolls-Royce Phantom Luxury Car, Gu Yelin was sitting in the driver's seat. He looked up and looked at the yellow and warm lights upstairs through the bright windows.


Change it today.

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