Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2074: You are my hot sun (274)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Gu Yelin kissed Xia Xiaodie's forehead.

Both were deadlocked.

At this time, Xiaoyouyou quickly reached out her hand and covered her eyes, smiling happily, "Daddy is ashamed ~ Daddy is ashamed ~"

Xia Xiaodie reached out and pushed Gu Yelin away.

Gu Yelin didn't stand still and fell down on the wool carpet.

"Juyou, you can sleep with your sister tonight, but tomorrow you will go home with your father, you know?"

Xiaoyouyou nodded strongly, "OK."

Xia Xiaodie carried Xiaoyou into the room.

Gu Yelin watched as the mother and daughter disappeared into view. He raised his hand and touched his lips, then slowly lifted his thin lips.


Xiaoyouyou fell asleep soon, Xia Xiaodie closed the storybook, and covered Xiaoyouyou with a quilt.

At this moment, the knock on the door rang, and Xia Xiaodie got up and opened the door of the room. Gu Yelin was outside the door.

"Gu Gu, Yuyou has fallen asleep with me. Come back tomorrow." Xia Xiaodie reached out to close the door.

But Gu Yelin reached into the door with a big hand and did not let her close the door.

Xia Xiaodie twisted her eyebrows. "General Manager Gu, we are all adults. I do n’t need to say anything. You should also understand. I really have a fiance, and I already live together. Considering derailment, but I don't have this idea. I really have no interest in Gu Gu. If Gu Gu is still entangled in this way, it will only make me think that you are very low now. "

Gu Yelin looked at her with sharp eyes like X-ray, as if she wanted to see through this person, "I don't believe it."

He didn't believe what she said.

Xia Xiaodie opened the door of the room and made a "Please" gesture.

Gu Yelin walked in and Xia Xiaodie opened the closet. In addition to ladies' clothes, there were ironed men's clothes in the closet, which were hung together.

Xia Xiaodie pushed open the door of the shower room, and on the washstand there were a couple cup, a couple toothbrush, and a couple towel, both for men and women.

Every corner of this apartment shows that there is a male host here. Xia Xiaodie is right, she has a fiance, and she is living together.

In fact, this is normal. Xia Xiaodie was only 18 years old when she left three years ago, and now Fanghua, who is only 21 years old, said goodbye to the pain in the past and she has begun a new life.

Gu Yelin is not the only thing in her life.

She had dug Gu Yelin's name from her heart.

Now the people who accompany her, those who own her, have become other men.

Gu Yelin's narrow eyes quickly became scarlet, and the two large hands hanging on his side were severely punched into fists. He squeezed Xia Xiaodie's weak shoulder, "Since you have a fiance, Why are they still appearing in my eyes? You approached Yuyou deliberately and came to Gu's house. Isn't it because you wanted to seduce me? "

Xia Xiaodie felt that his bones were going to be crushed by him. The clear pupil looked at Gu Yelin, and she said lightly, "General Manager, please be awake."

He really looks like a Capricorn now.

Gu Yelin thought it was funny, he tickled his thin lips, "Okay, I know, you broke up with that man right away, and I didn't think anything happened. Didn't you want to seduce me, okay, I told You, I have been hooked, you succeeded. "

Gu Yelin reached out and pulled Xia Xiaodie into his arms.

Xia Xiaodie could no longer accept such intimacy, and she struggled quickly, but the man's strong arms held her tightly like an iron hoop, making her unable to move, "Gu Yelin, let go!"

"I won't let it go!"

Gu Yelin kissed her.

Xia Xiaodie avoided it, then raised her hand and gave him a slap.

With a snap, Gu Yelin was beaten halfway to Zhang Jun's face.

This crisp applause rang through the room, and then there was a repressive death, Gu Yelin's masterful chest undulating and his eyes scarlet.

"Gu Yelin, can this slap keep you awake, don't hold out in front of me and understand the unscrupulous assault, we are no longer ourselves."

"Don't you want to take off the veil on my face and see who I am? Okay, give you a chance, you come to remove it."

Xia Xiaodie put his big hand on his veil.

Gu Yelin looked at her cold and decisive Hitomi, there was no trace of past love in him, in fact, he and she knew who each other was.

It's just that they didn't say anything. If you take off this veil, everything will be over.

Gu Yelin's fingers touched her veil. For a moment, his fingertips seemed to be burnt. He curled up fiercely, then turned around and fell away.



Gu Yelin sat in the luxurious box, and poured empty bottles in front of him. He has been drinking since entering.

Accompanied by several business executives, everyone looked at each other,

--- Mr. Gu, what's wrong with you, who made you angry?

--- Mr. Gu, you have just gotten newly married, how can you leave your newlyweds alone at home this evening, and you are here to drink and drink, is it a quarrel?

--- Mr. Gu, this woman is going to coax, buy a bag and take her out to play, and I will reconcile with you right away.

Gu Yelin ignored them. At this time, a melodious ringtone rang, and his cell phone on the coffee table turned on, and the call came.

It's mimi.

Gu Yelin did not answer.

Several business executives saw some clues, and someone pointed at the two beauties and laughed, "You two are still thinking about what you're doing. I didn't see Mr. Gu's wine glass empty, so please give Mr. Gu a full cup!"

The two beauties have been staring at each other for a long time. They have been staring at Ye Lin for a long time. Gu Ye Lin is now the youngest and richest business man, and he is so handsome. He came here to drink, and there were many Yingying Yanyan. It's going to pounce on him.

"Gu Gu, we pour you wine."

The two beauties passed left and right, their voices dripping sweetly.

Before she sat down, Gu Yelin said in a deep voice, "Get out!"

The two beauties turned pale and left.

At this moment the box door opened, and a pretty figure came in. It was mimi.

"It turns out that Mrs. Gu is here. Mr. Gu is drinking outside. Mrs. Gu must be here to check the post."

Mimi wore a beautiful dress and brown curly hair. With this small face alone, she could suppress several beauties in the box. She came to Gu Yelin, "Ye Lin, you are drunk and ca n’t drink anymore. Now. "

Gu Yelin was drunk. His long and narrow eyes had already got a bit of blurred drunkenness, and it felt like someone was coming. He just wanted to say "get out," but the next second he saw the imposing inscription of mimi. Bright little face.

It wasn't that cold face, mimi was looking at him tenderly like water.

Gu Yelin stretched out his arms and pulled mimi into his arms.


More finished.

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