Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2081: You are my hot sun (281)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xiao Yuyou called again, but Xia Xiaodie still didn't stop.

Soon, Xiaoyouyou watched Xia Xiaodie's figure disappear into her sight.

Sister is gone!

Sister really doesn't like her anymore!

Xiao Youyou flung her small mouth, and soft and cute eyes quickly accumulated crystal tears, and she cried sadly.

Gu Yelin walked over, "Yuyou ..."

"Daddy, my sister really doesn't like me anymore ... oh, my sister really doesn't want me anymore ..."

Gu Yelin really regrets what she said to Xiaoyouyou in the morning. He looked at Xia Xiaodie and Su Shi in the direction in which she disappeared and pursed her thin lips. Sister will come to see you later. "


"Daddy promises you."


Xia Xiaodie turned a corner and stopped suddenly, she turned and looked back.

No one behind.

Su Shi held her waist, "What's wrong?"

Xia Xiaodie couldn't hear her, but she felt Su Shi's worry. She shook her head briefly, "It's all right, it just feels like someone is calling me from behind, let's go."

Xia Xiaodie walked forward.

Su Shi stopped in place, his cold black eyes looked backwards, the tender milk voice just now, the little girl with pink carvings and jade is Gu Yelin's daughter, right?

"Master," Aunt Pei whispered, "Miss Pomelo and Pomelo like Ms. Xia, and Ms. Xia also likes Pomelo Pomelo."

Something came out of Su Shi's black eyes, but he said nothing.


Xia Xiaodie came to the hotel's presidential suite, preparing materials for a meeting later.

The room door suddenly opened.

Xia Xiaodie looked up, and Gu Yelin was in front.

Gu Yelin was wearing a white shirt and tie, and a handmade black suit outside. It was a classic male **** suit. He stood there tall and tall, holding a room card in his hand, and it was obvious that he had swiped in.

Xia Xiaodie raised her eyebrows. She suddenly thought that most of the industries here were marked with Gu's, including this six-star hotel, which was also owned by Gu's. Although this was very immoral, he took it as the owner. The door card came in normally.

Xia Xiaodie can't hear now. For the rest of the time, she doesn't want to entangle Gu Yelin more. Importantly, she doesn't want him to see her sick and embarrassed side.

Xia Xiaodie took the information and was ready to go straight out.

But when she walked to the door, Gu Yelin grabbed her slender wrists. Her indifferent attitude had angered him. Now he has a handsome face and a dark face, "Where? I want to dress here do not know?"

Xia Xiaodie glanced at his thin lips that were opened and closed, and did not know what he was saying. "General Manager Gu, let go. I should have told you last night. There is nothing to talk about between us. "

Gu Yelin was narrow and narrow, and quickly dragged her in front of her, "Xia Xiaodie, do you really want to do this to me?"

Xia Xiaodie's body was very weak, so her eyes were dark and her fragile body slid directly to the ground.

Gu Yelin felt her sudden softness, and her big hand moved to her waist to quickly hold her. "What are you playing?"

Xia Xiaodie stretched out her hand and hugged his exquisite waist to cushion the uncomfortable dizziness in his head.

Gu Yelin froze, and a woman who was still so cold to him suddenly lay in his arms like a little **** cat, which surprised him.

But his heart was suddenly soft, like ripples from a leaf, rippling around, he reached out and hugged her, "Don't think you can coax me like this, you have completely hurt my heart, just now It also hurts Yuyou's heart. "

Xia Xiaodie's butterfly plumage hangs down, and the quiet appearance is very touching.

Gu Yelin kissed her forehead and saw that she did not show resistance and struggle. He kissed her slightly cold nose again.

"Xia Xiaodie, I have one thing to tell you."

Xia Xiaodie opened her eyes slowly. Just now the dark world slowly recovered its light. She saw Gu Yelin's handsome face.

Fortunately, she hasn't lost sight.

Gu Yelin looked at her beautiful eyes, "I want to tell you that Yuyou is not only my daughter, she is also your daughter, Yuyou is our two children."

"Pomelo and grapefruit did not leave us three years ago. She survived strong. For three years I and Pomelo have been waiting for you to come back."

"I can see that Pomelo likes you very much, and I dare not tell you this time, because I know that you will not be with me even if you have Pomelo, I am afraid that even Pomelo will be lost."

"But I love grapefruit so much, and I love you too. When I see grapefruit crying in the morning, and I am full of heart, I decided to tell you this, if you want grapefruit, I can have Yuyou move to live with you. "

Gu Yelin is quite strong and domineering in his bones. He is a very masculine man. When he is white, he eats soft but not hard. Now Xia Xiaodie lays in his arms obediently, and has already tempered a hundred steels into soft fingers. .

At this time Xia Xiaodie stretched out his hand and pushed him away, "General Manager Gu, you're done, and I can leave when I have finished?"

Xia Xiaodie turned and left.

Gu Yelin felt that a big palm reached out from the darkness and hit him directly from heaven to hell. He told her about Yuzu's life, she was so indifferent?

Also, was she playing with him just now?

Gu Yelin wanted to step forward, but then Su Shi appeared, "General Manager Gu, I haven't seen you in a long time."

Xia Xiaodie in front had disappeared into sight.

Gu Yelin looked at Su Shi. The so-called love rivals were so jealous. Gu Yelin hated this Su Shi so much. "Su Shao, you really did a good job three years ago. Your eyes and ears are always by your side, and you must be very hard. "

Su Shi raised an eyebrow. He looked at Xia Xiaodie's disappearing direction and asked quietly, "Yuyou is Xiaodie's daughter?"

Gu Yelin sneered, "Since Su Shao has all heard it, now why should he know it?"

Gu Yelin took a step forward and came to Su Shi. The collision of the eyes of two equally excellent and outstanding men sparked all the way. "Su Shi, Xia Xiaodie is my daughter's biological mum, and she is also my marriage. The legal wife on the certificate, my Mrs. Gu, wouldn't Su Shao's character and family background be the right one? "

Su Shi looked at the possessive Gu Yelin, "Gu Gu, I advise you, the last sentence, you should let go as soon as possible, you and Kocho are together, she is suffering, you will be more suffering."

Gu Yelin, "Su Shao, you are the one to give up!"

Su Shi ticked his lips. "Well, I already advised you. Since you don't listen, I give up, but I give up not because of you, but because of Kocho."


More today, more tomorrow.

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