Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2095: You are my hot sun (295)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xia Xiaodie returned to her room and locked the door directly.

At this moment, the knock of the door rang, and Gu Yelin's low magnetic voice came from outside the door. "Little butterfly, open the door."

Xia Xiaodie didn't open, "General Manager Gu, I'm tired. I'm going to rest. Let me talk about it tomorrow."

Gu Yelin stood outside the door. He was not angry at all. Instead, he picked out the brilliance of Jian Qi's eyebrows, and even a low voice seemed to coax a little girl. "Little butterfly, about Miss Lan Xin Things I can explain. "

"I don't want to listen, and General Manager Gu doesn't have to explain to me, you are unmarried and unmarried, what you do is reasonable."

Gu Yelin really wanted to open the door and teach her a good meal. He did n’t agree with what he said was the unmarried man and the unmarried woman. He and her marriage certificate were still in his pocket. She wanted to deny it. no way.

"Little butterfly, if I tell you, I have nothing to do with that Miss Lan Xin, do you believe it?" Gu Yelin's voice was a little grieved.

Xia Xiaodie didn't say anything. She didn't believe it. It didn't matter that Miss Lan Xin would dance to him. Wasn't he happy?

"Little butterfly, I really have nothing to do with that Miss Lan Xin, but I confess to you, that Miss Lan Xin confessed to me, she likes me very much."

Now Lan Xin, Xuan Zang, and some maids were here. Lan Xin heard this and her face changed. Gu Yelin embarrassed her like this!

"Little butterfly, that Lan Xin likes me very much, but I don't like her. The person I like has always been you, but you have been cold and hot to me again, and I don't understand what you really want, you first open the door Kaikai, don't push me to other women, after all, my market is still good with your naked eyes, and many girls are thinking about me. "

Xia Xiaodie inside, 呸, shameless!

Xia Xiaodie didn't open the door. She wanted to break with Gu Yelin in her heart. With that poison oath, she and Gu Yelin were impossible.

Gu Yelin is the pride of heaven. A man like this is very powerful and overbearing. She has used Yang Kai as a guise to betray him. It stands to reason that he should hate her in anger.

But now things deviate from the trajectory of the imagination, Gu Yelin still haunts her like this.

Gu Yelin is so sticky.

"Gu Yelin, you go, I still say that, your business has nothing to do with me!"

Gu Yelin gritted her teeth outside and seemed to be angry, "Xia Xiaodie, if I really get along with other women, don't be jealous and regretful!"

Hearing this, Xia Xiaodie's heart was full of pain, but she couldn't help it.

Soon, it became quiet outside.

He seems to be gone.

Is he gone?

Xia Xiaodie got up and came to the door slowly. She couldn't help wondering what Gu Yelin was doing now. Did he go to see that Miss Lan Xin dance again?

As long as this comes to mind, Xia Xiaodie feels sore in her heart. Is this feeling just jealous?

Xia Xiaodie drew down the feather-like wings of the butterfly cicada, and the whole person was a bit lonely.

"Xia Xiaodie, don't you really open the door, right? You cruel woman, if you don't open the door, I will always stand outside!"

Gu Yelin's voice suddenly sounded, still with a domineering spirit.

Xia Xiaodie was shocked, and the soreness in her heart was quickly diluted by a touch of joy, and he was always outside.

Gu Yelin really stood outside the door. Xia Xiaodie did not open the door, and Gu Yelin would not leave. This could leave the onlookers alone.

Xuanzang and Sikong Ruoling looked at each other, and Sikong Ruoling whispered, "Sister Xi, brother Ye Lin, what are you doing? Look at Miss Lan Xin's pretty face, it's green. Miss Xin likes Brother Ye Lin. Brother Ye Lin does not want to give Miss Lan Xin face, does she not want a prescription? "

Xuanzang glanced at Lan Xin, and Lan Xin's hands on her side had already clenched her fists, but in her eyes, besides the burning flames, she had a determination to win.

Some women, the less they get this man, the more they want it.

Xuanzang, "If Ling Ling, your brother Ye Lin has his own plans, if this lady Lan Xin is holding her nose away, then it is really impossible to get the prescription."

Si Kongruo Ling seems to understand, but the little girl who has not been in love and has always been obsessed with medicine does not understand these.

"But sister Sister, I really don't understand what Brother Yelin wants to do. Xiao Diezhen's memory stays in this period for a short time, she will continue to remember soon, and she will forget him then." Everyone is anxious.

Xuanzang smiled, and her eyes fell on Gu Yelin's erect figure. "I don't know what Yelin is thinking about. No one can get in between him and Kocho, but I think Since Xiaodie's memory stays in this gap that he and she can't cross, maybe Yelin wants to change the way, so his story and Xiaode's story will be completely different. "

Is it?

Sikong Ruoling is doubtful.

At this moment, Xuan Zang felt a deep and dangerous look on her body, and Xuan Zang's eyes were Zhou Yu's.

Zhou Yu looked at her, just as she saw Gu Yelin.

Xuan Zang saw Zhou Yu squint her eyes, and then traced a thin, sarcastic arc of thin lips.

He was laughing at her.

More than three years ago, she knew Gu Yelin's feelings.

In the past three years, Xuan Zang confessed that she had stopped thinking about Gu Yelin. The parents and daughters had the responsibility of loyalty and patriotism. In addition, she had seven or seven children, and she had no thoughts about Gu Yelin at all. But now in Zhou Yu's ironic smile, she still felt embarrassed.

At this moment, Zhou Yu came behind a man, who was the Muyu girl in his golden house.

Zhou Yu turned back to the room, Mu Yu followed, and the room door closed.

Xuanzang thought this man was really funny, and he mocked her for misbehaving. Maybe he thought he was a man, even if there were more women, and she was a woman. It was dishonest to have anyone in her heart.

Xuanzang and Zhou Yu had nothing to talk about, and she would not tell him about the seventy-seven little son.

She didn't need such a father in her seven or seven.

Gu Yelin stood outside the door and waited, and soon the weather changed, and it rained lightly in the evening.

Gu Yelin didn't leave, he stood upright in the rain, his shirt and trousers would soon be wet by rain.

I don't know if it is beautiful or not.

Lan Xin hasn't left, she looked at Gu Yelin. She didn't expect a man like Gu Yelin to treat a woman like this.

Xia Xiaodie didn't let him enter the house, he waited outside, even if it was raining.

This thoroughly stirred Lan Xin's desire for challenge, she must conquer the man, and later she wanted the man to stand in the heavy rain for her.


In the room, Sikong Ruoling held Xia Xiaodie. "Sister Xiaodie, it's raining outside, and Yelin's brother is getting wet."

Xia Xiaodie has heard the raining noise below.

"Sister Xiaodie, it's very cold this evening. Brother Yelin will soon catch a cold like this." Sikong Ruoling continued.

Xia Xiaodie came to the window, reached out and opened the window. She looked at the figure of Ying Ting in the rain, "Hey, Gu Yelin!"

Gu Yelin glanced down and saw Xia Xiaodie.

Xia Xiaodie was slim day after day. In the evening, she wore a white loose dress with a coat on the outside. Now she had her arms at the window and a pair of clear pupils looked at him. As if back to many years ago, she called him like this --- Hey, Gu Yelin.

Gu Yelin raised his thin lips, "You finally want to see me?"

"Gu Yelin, it's raining, you go back."

"Do you care about me?"


"Xia Xiaodie, don't deny it, you just care about me."

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Yelin closed his eyes, and his tall body fell directly into the rain.


Gu Yelin initiated a high fever. Si Kongruo Ling used some medicine to reduce the fever. Now he is not awake in bed.

Xia Xiaodie came to his room, and Lan Xin happened to be there, and Lan Xin quickly stood in front of Xia Xiaodie, aggressively, "Ms. Xia, Gu Yelin is a man I like, he is mine If you have self-knowledge, don't grab me! "

Xia Xiaodie glanced at Gu Yelin with a twisted eyebrow, and then said lightly, "Miss Lan Xin, Gu Yelin is his own, and no one can take it away."


Lan Xin looked at Xia Xiaodie up and down. Xia Xiaodie was no longer as s-curved as Lan Xin because her body was thin, so Lan Xin was so confident that she didn't believe there would be men who didn't like her.

"Ms. Xia, then I officially declare war on you. Although Gu Yelin likes you now, I will launch a fierce pursuit and attack on him and I will surely take him away from you!"

After speaking, Lan Xin left with arrogance.

The room was quiet. Xia Xiaodie came to the bed, and she reached out and touched Gu Yelin's forehead, which was still very hot.

He really has a fever.

Xia Xiaodie turned and wanted to get some water in the bathroom.

But the next second a large hand came over, one clasped her slender wrist and pulled it hard, and Xia Xiaodie fell into a pair of delicate and hot arms.

"Are you awake? Gu Yelin, you lied!" Xia Xiaodie wanted to move.

Gu Yelin opened his eyes slowly, and he held Xia Xiaodie in his arms. "I'm not lying. I really have a fever now and my head is dizzy. Don't move, just let me hug."

"When did you wake up, did you hear the conversation between me and Miss Lan Xin?"

"Of course I heard, Xia Xiaodie, you now have an arrogant rival, who is jealous of me. You'd better watch me tight, and don't let those fox spirits run me away."

What does it mean?

The man who will be abducted does not need to watch because he will run sooner or later.


More today.

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