Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2099: You are my hot sun (299)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

In the room, Gu Yelin held Xia Xiaodie in her arms, and Xia Xiaodie was lying in his arms. "Gu Yelin, tonight we have completely offended Miss Lan Xin. Personality, daring to love and hate, I'm afraid we will not get better here in the future. "

Gu Yelin's back was leaning against the bedside. He looked down at the bright little face in his arms and laughed, "Why, are you afraid of Lan Xin's revenge?"

This time he did too much indeed, knowing that Lan Xin was bound to get him, he also used Lan Xin, Lan Xin was able to swallow this breath.

Xia Xiaodie stared at him with clear water, "I don't worry about you, Miss Lan Xin likes you so much, at most I catch you and then ... let you dedicate yourself!"

"You man, are you willing?"

Gu Yelin reached out and scratched her.

Xia Xiaodie smiled and rolled over to avoid him. Gu Yelin hugged her from behind and pressed her handsome face against her hair. He sighed, "I really want to be with you like this every day. Together, go on for a long time. "

"Gu Yelin, I ..."

"Shh, you don't have to say anything, I know, Kocho, you love me, don't you?" Gu Yelin's eyes filled with a gentle and joyful smile.

Xia Xiaodie felt so distressed that she couldn't forget the poisonous vow she had given her mother, so she couldn't love Gu Gulin all her life.

She knew that Gu Yelin needed her love very much.

Gu Yelin hugged her tightly. "Little butterfly, I know, I know everything. Actually, what I want is like today, you take a step towards me, you take a step, the other ninety-nine steps. I'll finish it for you, leave everything to me, don't worry. "

Xia Xiaodie turned to glance at him, "Gu Yelin, what you said is strange, I don't understand, and I think you are weird today."

"Strange? Where is it strange? Come and tell me clearly!"

Gu Yelin pulled the quilt and covered both of them, and soon there was a playful noise ...


In the early morning of the next day, Xia Xiaodie never woke up and was still asleep. Gu Yelin dressed her and then hugged her horizontally. The group was about to leave the tribe.

The patriarch and the patriarch's wife both felt very surprised. They came for a prescription. Now that Xia Xiaodie's condition is obviously worsening, they just left so easily, without any preparation or warning.

But now that they are leaving, the patriarch is naturally enthusiastic.

"Mr. Gu, I'm really sorry this time. It's not that we can't save the dead, but that the ancestral teachings can't be violated. As the head of a family, I should stick to the ancestors."

Gu Yelin put Xia Xiaodie gently on the back seat, he looked at the patriarch, "patriarch, I can understand, we still go back to find another way, this time disturbed the patriarch, and thank the patriarch for their warm hospitality."

"Gu Gu is polite."

"Then we leave first."

Gu Yelin got on the luxury car, and the luxury car galloped away.

In the back seat, Sikong Ruoling looked at Xia Xiaodie's condition, and she looked at Gu Yelin. "Brother Yelin, Xiao Die's condition is not optimistic. If she didn't guess wrong, she would have opened her eyes again. I don't remember you, brother Ye Lin, have we really left the tribe like this, although I don't like Miss Lan Xin very much, there are prescriptions in the tribe. "

Gu Yelin drew handsome eyelids and couldn't see the emotion at the bottom of his eyes. He just said lightly, "Relax, the patriarch will soon order someone to send the prescription."


Si Kongruo Ling's eyes brightened, "Brother Ye Lin, you seriously, the patriarch will order someone to send the prescription, but the patriarch said that he must not violate the ancestral teachings, brother Ye Lin, you say quickly, are you secretly What did you do? "

Looking at Si Kongruoling's curious eyes, Gu Yelin hooked his lips, "You don't need to worry about this, Ruoling, I have more important things to give you."

"Whatever it is, I like to challenge difficult jobs."

Gu Yelin looked at Xia Xiaodie's pale face, a little bit of distress and pity in her eyes, "Her memory has been going backwards, will it go back to a state of zero?"

"Of course it will. Once it is cleared, Xiaodezhen will not remember anything. It may be like ... a fool."

Gu Yelin nodded. "After getting the prescription, don't give it to her immediately, wait for her memory to clear, then give her medicine to stop her condition."

"Brother Ye Lin, what do you mean?"

"She is a genius girl, but she had a helpless original family. When her mother died, she made her take a vow of poison. She never allowed her to love me all her life. I knew she was in pain. In fact, she was the most painful. Now, I want to give her a completely different life. I want her to break all taboos and live a free and happy life. She can say love to the whole world, including me. "


In the tribe.

The patriarch took the patriarch's wife back, and the patriarch suddenly remembered his baby daughter, "Where is Lan Xin, hasn't Lan Xin woke up yet?"

The patriarch sighed, "This Lanxin is really spoiled by us. She likes Mr. Gu, but Mr. Gu likes Miss Xia. Anyone with a good eye can see that Mr. Gu holds Miss Xia in his palm. This Lanxin I lost my temper last night. I didn't go out this morning and didn't come out to see them. It was really bad manners. I didn't expect to come out yet. "

As long as the patriarch and the patriarch's wife remembered what happened to Lan Xin and Gu Yelin last night, they felt ashamed.

My daughters are all posted to the door, others are not, this face is gone.

"Don't talk anymore, Mr. Gu and they have already left. Let's go and call Lan Xin."

"That is, there are many good men in our tribe. Don't always treat the outside men as a treasure. From today we will choose Lan Xin!"

The couple agreed in this way. The two came to the door of Lan Xin's room and pushed open the door. "Lan Xin! Lan Xin, it's time to get up! Mr. Gu, they're gone!"

The room was empty, and Lan Xin had long since disappeared.

The head of the patriarch and his wife changed greatly, and quickly called the maid, "What's the matter, Miss?"

The maid was paralyzed on the ground. "Patriarch, the young lady was still there last night, so the young lady lost a lot of temper, so ... so we didn't dare to call the young lady this morning, who knows that the young lady was gone Now. "

Mrs. Patriarch, "How could a good living person be gone, please come and find me!"

"Don't look for it. Lan Xin was gone last night. The one who dropped the cup in the house wasn't Lan Xin at all!" The patriarch Shen said.

The patriarch's wife froze. "Father, I don't understand you."

"I mean, Lan Xin is gone and taken away by Gu Yelin!"


The patriarch's wife took a step back, and she suddenly figured it out. No wonder Gu Yelin left this morning. It turned out that he set up a trap without a word and took Lan Xin away.

The patriarch's wife was sweating, this Gu Yelin was really deliberate, and it was hard to prevent.

"Fu Jun, what do you do now, hurry to save Lan Xin, but it's Gu's place outside, Lan Xin's character must be suffering outside."

At this time, his men hurried in and handed a letter to them, "Patriarch, this is a letter sent by Mr. Gu."

The patriarch quickly opened the envelope, which contained Gu Yelin's words Longfeifengwu,

--- Patriarch, I will take Ling Qianjin first. When will the Patriarch hand over the prescription, I will return Ling Qianjin when. Xia Xiaodie is my lifelong love. In order to save her, I can do whatever I can. I really do not want to see the blood of the tribe flow into the river. Now it will take away thousands of dollars. Things still hope that the patriarch is complete, Gumou thanked in advance.

The patriarch was so angry that old blood was about to spit out. This Gu Yelin was really arrogant, and he still didn't forget to threaten him at this time.

The idea of ​​Gu Yelin is that you do n’t want to violate the ancestral patriarch, now I think for you a good way is to take your daughter away, thank you, just give me the prescription, if you give your face Shameless, that can only be met by soldiers and soldiers, and blood has flowed.

The patriarch's wife grabbed the patriarch's sleeves. "Father, please promise President Gu and send the prescription over. Do you want to watch our Lan Xin die outside?"

The patriarch snorted heavily, Gu Yelin!


A month later.

The smell of toast was permeated in the manor. Xia Xiaodie was wearing a pink dress, and she wore a lace apron outside. "Mom, grapefruit, come here, the bread is ready."

Madam Yuzhuo took Xiaoyou's hand and ran quickly. "Wow, the bread is so fragrant."

Xia Xiaodie cut a small piece of cheese bread and handed it to Mrs. Yu. "Mom, the doctor said that you want to eat less dessert. You can only eat this small piece."

Madam Yuyu stuffed a small piece of bread into her mouth and mumbled as she ate, "Okay, what my daughter says is what."

Xia Xiaodie went back to the kitchen to get the plate.

Mrs. Yuxi secretly reached out her hand while Xia Xiaodie turned around, and took a small piece of bread and stuffed it in her mouth. The secret look was lovely.

"Grandma ~" Xiao Youyou has become accustomed to Mrs. Yu's stealing.

Mrs. Yuxi pleased to hold Xiaoyou Yuxiang in her arms, "Shh, Xiaoyou You are the best, please don't tell your mummy."

Aunt Pei smiled helplessly.

At this time Xia Xiaodie brought the juice over, "Mom, you can only drink milk, grapefruit, you drink a strawberry milkshake."

Madam Yuxi took her own milk and looked at the strawberry milkshake in Xiaoyouyou's hand unhappy, with a look of envy.

Xiao Yuyou said quickly, "Mum, I'll give my grandmother a taste, a little bite ~"

Madam Yumei took a sip of strawberry milkshake, and the strawberry milkshake disappeared by a third at a rate visible to the naked eye.


More finished.

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