Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2106: You are my hot sun (306)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xia Xiaodie quickly avoided and pulled away from each other. She raised her hand and pinched a strand of hair behind her ears. "Gu, it's not too late, don't stop here tonight, There are still some minor issues left until tomorrow morning. Please also ask Mr. Gu to get up early in the morning and we will discuss it again. "

Gu Yelin looked at her bright and charming little face. This black tea-colored woolen roll was full of femininity, so she made him very emotional.

Gu Yelin raised his thin lips. "Why, is Xia sleepy?"

How could Xia Xiaodie say she was sleepy so unprofessionally, she smiled, "No, I'm afraid to disturb Gu Zong's rest."

"I usually go to bed late, or have all the problems solved tonight, or Xia Zong will wake me up in the morning?"

Wake him up tomorrow morning?

Xia Xiaodie butterfly Yu Fei trembled, and each other was an adult. The topic was a bit ambiguous. She didn't know if it was his usual trick. If it did, it really did not allow a woman to refuse, and she could not help but sink in.

"General Manager Gu, then it's all settled tonight, I'll go to the bathroom and wash my face." Xia Xiaodie got out of his bound arms and got up to go to the bathroom.

Gu Yelin looked at her pretty film, it is not difficult to see that she always kept a distance from him, and was unwilling to get closer to him, or to give him a chance.


The two worked late into the night, and Xia Xiaodie had completed her part, and Gu Yelin made a summary.

When Gu Yelin was working, Xia Xiaodie felt her eyelids heavy, and she fell asleep on the table.

After the work was completed, Gu Yelin looked back and saw that Xia Xiaodie had entered the sweet dreamland. He put down the papers, got up and walked to her, and then reached out and hugged her horizontally.

Putting Xia Xiaodie on the soft big bed, he reached out and stroked her little face, focused and tender.

Xia Xiaodie felt her fingers fall on her little face in her sleep. She leaned over and buried herself in the soft pillow.

Gu Yelin leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Sleep."


In the early morning of the next day, when Xia Xiaodie opened her eyes, the morning dawn outside had already plated in. Oh my god, she seemed to be up late.

Today's day is very important. Why did she sleep so long all of a sudden, Aunt Pei and Wen Jing didn't come to call her!

Xia Xiaodie got up quickly, but the next second she found a big hand across her slender waist and locked her with a big hand, and trapped her in a warm and exquisite chest.

Xia Xiaodie looked up, and Gu Yelin's flawless and handsome face was enlarged in her sight. Now she is sleeping in the man's arms.

It took Xia Xiaodie a few seconds to understand what was going on. She worked late last night and is now in his bed.

A few seconds later, Xia Xiaodie popped up and stood up. She looked at her clothes. Fortunately, there were no traces of the clothes. Nothing happened last night.

At that moment the big hand stretched out again and came to pinch her waist. "Sleep again."

He was embarrassed to let her sleep for a while?

With a snap, Xia Xiaodie directly dropped his big hand.

At that moment Gu Yelin opened his eyes slowly, his deep black eyes were stained with the awakening cricket, and soft to her.

Gu Yelin saw her angry face, he lifted his thin lips, "What's wrong?"

"General Manager Gu, what did you say to me, even if nothing happened between us, I can't forgive you for holding me to your bed, can't you wake me up last night?"

Is she angry about this?

Gu Yelin raised his arm. "I saw that you were too tired last night, so you didn't wake you up. Although you slept with me in bed all night, I didn't do anything to you, don't get angry. "

Saying Gu Yelin looked at her in disguise, "You are angry now because you are sleeping in my bed or you are sleeping in my bed. I haven't done anything to you. After all, this is for a young and beautiful attractive woman. Words can be considered an insult. "


Xia Xiaodie was speechless, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

But at this moment Gu Yelin stretched out her long arm and hugged her gently, pulling her into her arms, "Angry again?"

"Gu Yelin, let go of me!" Xia Xiaodie struggled hard.

"Shh, stop screaming. If you call again, everyone knows you're sleeping in my bed. Don't blame me then!"

This sentence quickly made Xia Xiaodie shut her mouth. She looked at Gu Yelin and pressed his chest. "General Manager Gu, no wonder so many women are trapped in your body. I admit that you really have a set of methods for treating women. But I do n’t eat this set, Mr. Gu, I do n’t like you and I do n’t like you at all. ”

To Gu Yelin, who had just held Xia Xiaodie all night, it was like a pot of cold water dripping from the top of his head, which made him feel cold.

At this moment Xia Xiaodie was still pushing him hard, "Gu Zong, let go!"

Gu Yelin rolled over and buckled her slender wrists directly on the pillow. He tickled his thin lips, with a bit of mockery in his magnetic voice, "General Xia, you better not move now, In your eyes, I'm an animal thinking in the lower body. If you irritate me, maybe I'll just take the charge.


Xia Xiaodie has never seen such a brazen person.

At this time Gu Yelin leaned down and kissed her directly.

I can't help thinking of her anymore these days, and he has been drowned like tide, Gu Yelin just wants to see Acacia.

Xia Xiaodie Hitomi contracted and enlarged, and was already struggling hard. However, the man was too powerful, she couldn't get rid of it.

Gu Yelin let go of her, and put Jun's face in her long, scented hair. He murmured, "If I say I have nothing to do with other women, do you believe it? If I say I only Like you, do you believe it? If I say I want to marry you as my Mrs. Gu, I will go hand in hand with you all my life, and you believe it, Xia Xiaodie, huh? "

He was helpless and spoiled in her ears.

Xia Xiaodie's heart was beating. All the anger just now was diluted by his tenderness at the moment. She felt that her heartbeat was speeding up instantly.

This uncontrollable feeling is subtle, strange, and seemingly familiar.

She couldn't describe the feeling.

But Xia Xiaodie quickly recovered her sanity, and she pushed Gu Yelin away. "Gu Gu, you need to calm down, I will go first."

Xia Xiaodie left.

Gu Yelin was lying on the bed, he looked at the curved dome above his head, his decadent hand reached and covered his handsome eyelid.

He will not give up. From now on, he will start to pursue Xia Xiaodie until he catches her.

He had a chance before she remarried. Besides, what was he afraid of holding a marriage certificate?


Xia Xiaodie returned to her room, and Wen Jing ran quickly. "President, where did you go this evening, and you can't call you, president, should you spend the night with Gu Yelin?" "

Xia Xiaodie took her clothes and took a shower in the bath room. "We didn't happen anything. Don't be surprised."

Although Wen Jing was very grateful to Gu Yelin for giving her new president a freshman, but from the perspective of Wen Jing, she still did not want the president to be with Gu Yelin.

Xia Xiaodie took a hot bath and went out. She wore a beige silk shirt, a bow tie at the neckline, high-waisted professional trousers, high heels, and her personal secretary Wen Jing. The place is simply a beautiful landscape.

"General Xia, the meeting is about to begin, please sit here." The staff welcomed Xia Xiaodie to the VIP seat in the front row.

Xia Xiaodie entered the seat, and soon her eyes jumped into a tall and tall body, and Gu Yelin came.

Gu Yelin also took a cold shower, wearing an ironed white shirt and black trousers with no wrinkles, raising his hands with elegance and nobleness, as well as aloofness and alienation, and kissing the angry kiss she had in the room. Helpless and affectionate in her ear, he was completely different.

Gu Yelin sat beside Xia Xiaodie.

Xia Xiaodie didn't want to say hello, she looked down at the notes in her hand.

At this time, the host took the stage, "Dear distinguished guests, welcome to your arrival, and now the business meeting has officially started."

Xia Xiaodie was listening carefully. At this moment, a large hand came around, and she quietly held her hand. Xia Xiaodie's heart jumped, she just wanted to withdraw her hand, and her hand was jammed. A note.

The man next to him was really unscrupulous, even doing small moves here.

Xia Xiaodie drew down Yu Jie and looked at the note in her hand. The note was a very ugly little man, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, and there was a line of dragon flying and phoenix dancing next to it-now, here I am, sorry, do not be angry.

The humble, pitiful and funny confession slip, forgive me.

Xia Xiaodie didn't expect that a man like Gu Yelin would write such a note. She was soft in her heart, but she left the note aside.

The meeting was over, Xia Xiaodie was about to leave with Wen Jing, but then the organizer came over, admiringly invited Xia Xiaodie, "General Manager Xia, long famous, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful and charming. If you have time late, I would like to invite you to dinner. "

Xia Xiaodie didn't even think about it, she wanted to reject it directly, but at this moment a low magnetic voice sounded in her ear, "Maybe you are going to be disappointed. I've invited Xia Zong to have dinner tonight."

The organizer boss saw Gu Yelin being shocked. "So did President Gu also invited President Xia?"

Gu Yelin came to Xia Xiaodie's side. At this time, the two were standing in the bright lights. Everyone's eyes gathered. Gu Yelin smirked with thin lips. Can you please face tonight for dinner with me? "

Gu Yelin formally invited.

Xia Xiaodie looked at Gu Yelin, who was looking at her softly.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for your love, but I have other schedules, sorry."

--- More finished.

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