Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2114: You are my hot sun (314)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Su Shi knew that these people were sent by his grandfather and would definitely not hurt himself, but as for other things, it is difficult to say.

Su Shi looked at Sikong Ruoling, who was holding a small spoon in his hand and was eating a very beautiful red apple cake. He lifted his thin lips. "Don't just care about eating, be careful what is added to the food. "

Si Kongruo Ling quickly raised his eyes, "I see, if I add something, I can smell it at once, rest assured, by the way, Su Shao, you are afraid that they want to poison us, this is not possible, want to poison What are we doing right now? "

"It is impossible for us to poison, but what if we add some other medicine?" Su Shi asked rhetorically.

"Other medicine? What medicine?" Si Kongruo Ling looked at him indifferently.

Su Shi looked at her beautiful little face and her ignorant eyes, and looked away. "Forget it, you just keep eating."

Sikong Ruoling took a bite of the cake, "Just leave it alone."


Sikong Ruoling had a very comfortable day here, which is equivalent to taking a holiday. The boss brought a bottle of red wine before dinner at night. "Miss Sikong, this is the French red wine we have collected here for many years. It ’s out of print, and it ’s absolutely delicious. Now I take this bottle of red wine to Mrs. Su. Do n’t be polite, try to taste good or not. ”

Sikong Ruoling was very suspicious of the boss's kindness. Since this bottle of wine is so precious, he would kindly take it out to drink for her?

Is it prescribed?

Sikong Ruoling nodded, "Okay, then the troublesome boss will open the wine."

The boss opened the bottle cap, and Sikong Ruoling sniffed. The wine was clean, there was absolutely no problem, and the wine was really fragrant.

The Sikong family has its own winery. When Sikongruoling is okay, she will pick grapes to make wine. It is a pleasant time, so she is very good at wine tasting.

Of course, she likes drinking very much.

Sikong Ruoling hasn't been drinking for a long time, and she is busy with medical skills. Now she is smelling the fragrance of the wine, she feels that she can hardly bear it.

"Mrs. Su, come, I'll pour you a glass." The boss poured a glass of red wine very enthusiastically.

Si Kongruo Ling thought that he had let others open, wouldn't it be rude if he didn't try it?

"Okay, I'll try it, but just have a drink."

Sikong Ruoling took a sip of red wine. When the mellow aroma of red wine echoed on the tip of her tongue, she felt that the whole person was about to fly.

This wine is really delicious, it is definitely better than her home-made wine.

"Mrs. Su, drink slowly, I'll go first." The boss left.

Sikong Ruoling drank a glass of wine, and now she has a bottle of wine in her hand. It would not be too wasteful to drink such a good wine. Drinking it is the greatest respect for this wine. !!

Sikong Ruoling poured another glass for himself, and then poured another glass, and soon, a wine bottle was empty.

She finished her glass of wine.


When Su Shi came downstairs, he saw Si Kongruoling falling asleep on the sofa. He stepped forward, "Sikong Ruoling, wake up!"

Si Kongruo Ling suddenly sat up from the sofa, "Surprise! Hahaha, did you scare you?"

Su Shi watched Sikong Ruoling's flushed little face quickly frown. "What bad thing have you done? Have you ... drinking?"

Su Shi has smelled the wine.

Sikong Ruoling's cheeks were rouge stained, and the big watery eyes were slightly froze for a moment, squinting a little woman's green feeling for no reason, "Su Shi, I'm drinking, this wine tastes good, sweet , I seem to be ... stepping on cotton candy, so happy ... "

Skong Ruoling said, and fell to the sofa.

"Sikongruoling!" Su Shi quickly reached out to catch her delicate body.

Si Kongruo Ling fell into his powerful arm, and she was soft and weak.

"Sikongruoling, how do I account for you, be careful here, why do you drink, even if you drunk yourself?" Su Shi asked with a bad temper.

Si Kongruo Ling had felt the man's wrath, and she blinked at Slender Yu Jie innocently and pitifully, "Are you angry?"

"What do you think?" Su Shi asked back.

"Well, I'm not angry, I'm sorry, next time I don't drink, I will certainly hold back next time." Si Kongruo Ling reached out and squeezed Su Yingjun's cheek.

This woman, Su Shi is so big that she hasn't been pinched by a woman, she is really wanton!


"Know what you know, don't call me!" Si Kongruo Ling felt dizzy, she stretched her arms around Su Shi's neck and looked at him pitifully. "Su Shi, what are you dissatisfied with me, why? You are always picking my thorns, saying that I am stupid and that I have eaten too much. Now you say clearly, what do you want me to do to satisfy you? "

Su Ying felt that her little face was shaking in front of his eyes. The two were getting closer and closer. In addition to the fragrance of wine, there was a girl's sweet body fragrance, her body was soft, and the look around him was a bit coquettish, very Is cute and soft.

Su Shi coughed, "Shut up, don't talk!"

Sikongruo Ling quickly grieved and closed his mouth.

Su Shi picked her up horizontally and sent her upstairs.

At this moment the boss passed by, "Su Shao, Mrs. Su, is this drunk?"

Su Shi glanced at the boss, "What do you think? Who drunk her?"

The boss quickly surrendered with both hands, "Su Shao, you have wronged me, not me. The wine was drunk by Mrs. Su herself."

Su Shi was too lazy to care about this person, he hugged Sikong Ruoling and returned to the room.

The boss smiled, and still felt that **** was hot and spicy. The old man drunk Miss Sikong and gave it to the young master. This time, it depends on how the young master fights.


In the room, Su Shi put Sikong Ruoling on the bed. Sikong Ruoling put his hand around his neck and didn't give up. "Don't go, I'm thirsty and want to drink water, can you pour me a glass of water?"

"You let go first, I'll pour you water."


Sikong Ruoling let go of his hand, Su Shi poured a glass of water, and then came back to feed her, "Drink water."

Si Kongruo Ling raised his eyebrows before muttering and muttered, "The water is hot, you help me blow."


Su Shi looked down at the water and rushed to her lips. "It's not hot right now, you can drink it."

Sikong Ruoling pushed the water cup away. "I suddenly don't want to drink anymore because I'm not thirsty. It's so hot. Is there an air conditioner here? It's really hot. I want to take off my clothes."

Si Kongruo Ling quickly tore off the cardigan outside, and she had a goose yellow dress inside.


More finished.

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