Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 786: Love is a thing of the past

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Many years ago she asked Lu Jinwen to come out and meet, Bangkok 7, not Bangkok 1.

She waited all day and night at Bangkok 7 that day, but he never came.

She never knew that the note had changed.

Until Mo Er gave her the note.

Tang Chenyi's handsome face didn't have any emotions. He drove out his fingers and clicked on the thin black pocket notebook while driving. Then he said, "Mom, this Bangkok No. 1 is a swampy land of death, where there is poisonous gas, inhale People will be poisoned, and Bangkok 7 is a beautiful garden, the difference between **** and heaven. "

Lin Xuan raised her eyes. She looked at the luxury car that followed closely through the rearview mirror, and then ticked her red lips. "That year, he went, but he went to Bangkok No. 1 and I went to It's Bangkok 7. "

"Yes, Lu Jinwen went, he was poisoned, and was rescued by Lin Xuanyin. To save him, Lin Xuanyin sucked poison gas into his body, which caused heart failure. In return for this life-saving grace, Lu Jinwen married Lin Xuanyin and gave her Lu Mrs. Tang said.

Lin Xuanyin rescued Lu Jinwen ...

Listening to this sentence, Lin Xuanyi's soft face showed a little mockery, and soon she reached out and held her own heart.

"Mom, does the heart hurt again? I have sent someone to find a suitable heart. If we find one, we will immediately perform a heart replacement operation."

Lin Xuanyi shook his head. "It's useless, for so many years, Lu Jinwen has been searching for a matching heart for Lin Xuanyin, but none of them have been found. Lin Xuanyin and I are twins. The heart is different from ordinary people. There is no such thing as us in this world. Matching heart source. "

Tang Chenyi's dreary phoenix eyes sank a bit.

Lin Xuan trembled for a long time, and her soft voice exclaimed, "Enough, time is enough, all these years of love and hate entanglement will have a break in my hands, I thought I and he Something went wrong on the way to love, but actually it is not, he has always loved me. "

Now that she finally understood his mind, he loved her.

After all, the indifferent emperor fell in love with her, and after all these years he had been oblivious to her, she fully understood.

However, it was missed after all.

Love is a thing of the past.


In the apartment.

Lin Xuan entered the room. She stood at the window and stretched out the curtains. There was a luxury car parked downstairs. He didn't leave.

He parked the luxury car downstairs.

She turned and took a shower in the bathroom.

Putting hot water in the bathtub, it was full of milk bath foam and flower petals, she undressed and lay inside.

At this time, a "ding bell" came from the ear, and the doorbell of the apartment rang.

Someone is knocking at the door.

Who is it

Lin Xuanzhang didn't move, and didn't plan to open the door. There should be no one except Lu Jinwen.

She pinched Yu Jie gently.

At this time, a click, the door of the shower room was suddenly opened, and someone broke in.

Lin Xuan opened her eyes suddenly, glanced sideways, a tall and erect body stood beside the door, and Lu Jinwen came in.

She is still bathing!

Lin Xuan suddenly sat up from a comfortable lying position, protecting her chest with her hands, she glanced at the man, "Lu Jinwen, how did you get in?"

Lu Jinwen copied the trousers pocket with one hand, and the deep phoenix eyes fell on the woman's body, and she looked at it arbitrarily. She was taking a bath. The three thousand green silk did not scoop up, but fell into the water in a mess. Her tender muscles are firm and greasy, nothing like a woman in her forties, just like a girl.

Never seen a woman of her frozen age like her.

Lu Jinwen's gaze swam over her body and tilted her thin lips, "You know, a door can't stop me."

As he said, he raised his eyebrows, "You used to keep me locked out of the door, so I developed your ability to unlock."


He used to imprison her in a villa with a sea view. She always shut him out of the door. He didn't find the master of the lock, so he unlocked the lock himself.

This man is so talented that he can learn anything.

For so many years, he has not forgotten this ability.

Lin Xuanyu glanced at him. A 50-year-old man has deposited all his time. He has mature handsomeness, high majesty, superb physique, and the superposition of money and wealth, which makes him thin out when he is flirting with a hooligan. An unspeakable evil charm.

"Brother-in-law, can you go out first and let me put on my clothes?"

Lu Jinwen copied his trouser pockets with both hands. "I'm standing here and watching you wear them."


Lin Xuanchi reached out and grabbed a piece of clothing, and threw it directly onto his head.

Taking this opportunity, she quickly came out of the bathtub, avoiding behind the frosted glass door, and she began to wear pajamas.

When the sight was dark, Lu Jinwen stretched out his palm and took off the clothes on his face, which turned out to be a lady bra.

She wears it.

Two long fingers pinched the edge of bra and rubbed it a few times, then he lowered his head and sniffed up ...

When Lin Xuanyu put on her pajamas and came out, she saw Lu Jinwen's posture. His nose was buried in her bra and she sniffed deeply.

Even if the person who is still calm can't calm down at this moment, Lin Xuanyu's face steamed two unnatural blushes, "Brother, do you know how to write the two words" Wu "?

Lu Jinwen raised his eyes. There was no embarrassment or shame on his handsome face carved with a knife. Looking at the woman, he lifted his thin lips, "It is very fragrant."

"... I'll give it to you." Lin Xuanma turned and left.

But after taking two steps, a large palm came over to clasp her wrist, and then with a forceful pull, she fell directly into a wide embrace.

The sweltering and healthy masculine scent of the man rushed to the nose, instantly invading the senses.

He hugged her.

Lin Xuanmao was struggling immediately, and her voice was a little cold. "Lu Jinwen, let go!"

Lu Jinwen not only did not let it go, but held her tighter. Two strong arms tightened her waist. He buried his head in her powder neck and sniffed. "It is more fragrant."

More fragrant.

He spoke these four words with a low-dumb magnetic voice, mad and evil.

Lin Xuan couldn't move, and he couldn't get rid of him anyway. She simply held him. She tickled her lips and said indifferently.

"Oh," Lu Jinwen chuckled, "I'm fifty years old. What's worse than others, why can't I think?"


Lu Jinwen turned her around and pushed her directly to the washstand, trapping her body in her chest and washstand. Two large palms held her face, and he leaned over to her Kiss on red lips ...

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