Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 799: One thousand years

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

He had a pair of black trousers and very rough fabric, which rubbed her delicate skin and made her a little painful.

She is so big that she has not been so close to other men except with Lu Yan.

Repulsive and disgusting indifference overflowed into her ice-cold eyes, and her two small hands struggled, she remembered, "Let me go!"

The woman's soft, boneless hand wanted to slip away from his palm with a pliable force. Lu Yan picked up the jealous sword eyebrows, then stretched out her tongue and licked the dry thin lips.

Small things, dare to play in front of him?

No matter what she did outside these three years, she was too tender here!

Mao didn't know it was all over?

Lu Yanjianshuo's chest gasped twice, and her broad palms clasped her slender wrists like an iron hoop. The more she struggled, the tighter he hooped.

The ringtone in An An is so dry, this man is not easy!

She can't beat him.

A driver with a disability turned out to have such skills, and at first glance, he felt nasty.

"What kind of person are you?" She suddenly raised her head and looked at his face.

Lu Yan stretched out her big palm and clasped her back. Before she could see it, she pressed her small face back to her pants.

Not allowed to see her.

An An didn't see anything, the man was too fast.

Soon she found it difficult to breathe because her entire face was held by him,

The delicate skin immediately burned, because she felt his physical reaction.

He actually ...

She suspected that he was intentional, and now he deliberately pressed her here, meaning shame and frivolity.

He was also staring at her thigh in the car just now.

Even if the good-tempered person is also furious now, An An scolded and shouted angrily, "Asshole, let me go! Do you want to do it with a lame man, sorry, I look down on you!"


Listening to these three words, Lu Yan slightly touched his thin lips. He was originally a bitch.

He let go of her back.

An An quickly raised his head and looked at his face.

Lu Yan didn't expect that she wanted to see his face again. Alas, he whispered in his heart, and clasped her back in the palm to hold her in his pants again.

Oh shit!

An An cursed directly, "I hit your uncle!"

With a "snap", Lu Yan raised her big palm and slapped her pretty hips. I am your uncle and have the ability to slap!

An An, "..."

A burst of blood poured into his brain, An An's snow-like pupil shrank, and he dared to hit her in the ass.


She was spanked by only one man, and that was Lu Yan.

Lu Yan ...

An An hesitated slowly. She was too angry just now. She didn't notice. Now she noticed the breath on him.

A mellow and healthy man.

The breath was so familiar, it made her stunned.

It's ... Lu Yan!

This is the breath of Lu Yan!

No, he is not Lu Yan.

Lu Yan is dead, and Lu Yan will not break her leg, but she will not admit it.

The girl who was still fiercely rebelling suddenly quieted down, An An was not struggling, and she began to sniff with her nose.

Smell his smell a little.

The smell on him was a little cleaner, and he had a refreshing taste similar to green pine, but the masculinity on him was still so heavy, sullen and masculine rushed straight into her mouth and nose.

What is she doing?

The sight here was very dark. No light came in. Lu Yan looked at the girl lying on his pants at this moment with a handsome eyelid. She sniffed at him a little, like a puppy.

His gaze saw her little flower-like mouth, her red lips slightly fluttering.

The forty-year-old man has matured. Coupled with the lingering past, he was thinking of some unscrupulous pictures, and he knew it.

I want to pull off my belt!

He rolled the knot up and down, and the rough palm came to her playful buttocks again.


The crisp applause made An An sober quickly, and she felt the general pain in the place where he hit.

If he just hit her with that slap just now, then this slap was intentional.

The snow-like eyes quickly turned red, and a voice kept telling her that this was Lu Yan, and he was Lu Yan!

She opened her mouth and bit her on his strong thigh.


Lu Yan squeezed his eyebrows tightly and snorted.


This little thing with no conscience, she was really biting him, anxious to bite off a piece of meat on his leg.

How much he hurt her before and fed the dog in vain.

The thick eyelids trembled up and down, and he stretched his healthy waist and bite her, his brown eyes slowly stained with blood, and he felt that he was bitten by his bite.

This little thing has grown up.

His rough palm moved to where she split off ...

At this moment a milk voice passed over, "Aunt, aunt, are you here?"

Lu Yan raised his scarlet eyes and saw that the gate of the iron fence had been opened, and a small milk bag ran out.

Gu Xiaolin.

Gu Yelin had been cured by Si Kong. He knew that his aunt was coming at night, and he ran out happily. The small milk bag liked his aunt.

Su Shi followed the small milk bag with an uneasy exhortation, "Master, you run slowly, don't fall."

Someone came and ran over here.

He can't show up at all now, and he's leaving now.

Lu Yan looked at the **** her leg with a handsome eyelid. She didn't seem to hear the movement outside, and bit him without loosening her mouth.

His eyes darkened, and his rough palm pressed against her little forehead, pushing her away from his strong thigh.

The man was strong and she was pushed away.

The graceful and delicate body was pushed out of the car directly.

An An looked at him, suddenly reaching out his small hand like a lightning, and lifted off the peak cap on his head.

Lu Yan was unprepared, and her cap was taken away by her.

He glanced sideways, and those dark brown eyes slammed into the girl's snowy eyes.

He saw his reflection in her clean black and white pupils.

In these few seconds, a glance becomes ten thousand years.

"Aunt Hello, I miss you so much!" At this moment the little milk bag ran over.

Lu Yan reached out and closed the door, stepped on the accelerator and left.

When the van was turning, he glanced at her through the rear-view mirror. The girl in a black cheongsam stood quietly in the middle of the night. She didn't chase it. She just stood there for a long time, watching him, watching He, the evening wind moved her hair and tangled her delicate and delicate face. At this moment, he clearly saw her eyes red.

She had tears in her eyes, and sadness and despair who didn't know where to start.

He hit the steering wheel, and the girl's delicate figure gradually disappeared into his sight.

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