Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Hou Lichen was talking, the anger was gone, and there was only one sadness.

"Yaner, I can't go back until I reach this point. Don't blame me ..."

After a pause, Hou Lijin said: "Nothing, you blame it! It's better to hate me than forget me."

After speaking for a long time, Hou Lichen turned and left. He didn't know that after the dragon and phoenix rose, the jade coffin actually changed. The women in the jade coffin looked different. A layer of holy light.

She seemed to be absorbing the aura of heaven and earth and repairing herself.

Of course, Hou Lichen will not know about this change.

Because Huayan Luoyan's identity is not ordinary.

After Hou Lichen left, he went back and issued a series of orders to start the empire killing mode.

He can't wait for Jun Mohan to fight back.

He felt that there were fewer assassin killers scheduled in the morning, and he should have killed Jun Mohan at any cost.

But now thinking of these is useless, Hou Lichen can only take measures and methods next.

He cannot lose this river.

Hou Lichen immediately issued an emergency order for the whole empire and issued an emergency killing order for the monarch's family.

The strength of the entire empire has received an empire killing order, that is, Jun Mohan deceived the world, to usurp power and seize the country, is the son of the evil, and will kill.

"Son of the Sinister."

Four words come out, making many people cold.

Everyone thought about how many years ago, the queen of the kingdom of England had been burned to death as a monster.

At that time, Guoying Jun sacrificed too much to protect the queen.

Today, the word "monstrous sin" is re-emerged, which still reminds many people of the past, but the people of the empire still believe the facts and believe what they see with their eyes instead of words.

Regardless of whether everyone listens or not, Guoyongjun will take action, and the disobedient family, he does not mind killing the cockroaches.

Everyone knows the fierceness of Guo Yongjun. Many people can only support Jun Mohan silently in their hearts, but they are afraid to follow Jun Mohan directly to compete with Guo Yongjun.

When Guoyong Junli was called Nalan Yunqing, Nalan Yunqing was outside, waiting for the result of the interrogation.

The interrogator was interrogating Xia Sixuan inside, trying to force her to ask who the rescuer was at the beginning.

Xia Sixuan did not expect that Nalan Yunqing could be so fierce when she was fierce. Her lips were covered with blood and her hair was like a beggar.

She looked at the person who questioned her in front of her, and laughed, "Nalan Yunqing, I know you can hear that, you are so kind to me. I tell you, don't want to know who saved you, you don't You know, even if you kill me, I won't say it, haha ​​... "

"Nalan Yunqing, it was you who chose me, you believed me, and now you have changed, so to me, you are not human, you are not human ..."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be like this, if you didn't show up at Imperial University ... keke ..."

Xia Sixuan is just like a lunatic, no matter how he interrogates, he just keeps talking and yells.

Because she knew Nalan Yunqing was outside, he was waiting for her to say.

The person who saved him was actually Feng Sujin, but she did not say that she would not let Nalan Yunqing know.

Since Nalan Yunqing treats her like this, then she wants to make Nalan Yunqing more painful.

Haha, she was physically punished, and she wanted to punish Nalan Yunqing's heart.

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