Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

A word flashed in Jun Mohan's mind, "Phantom Dream Tree Snake."

Yes, this kind of thing is the fantasy tree snake, which can ecstasy after people fall asleep.

This is a kind of half-plant and half-animal thing. When you look at the treetop, it is actually a kind of snake growing on the tree.

This kind of snake can't approach human beings, and it lives by absorbing human dream power.

It can make people dream about some of the darkest and most scared things in their hearts, and then take away their souls and eat them, which makes people in dreams, because they are gradually frozen and dead.

It can't leave the tree, but it has an unreal body. At the moment when a person dies, the unreal body is wrapped around a person's neck, causing people to die painfully.

This kind of thing is legendary that the big witches punish some prisoners and use it as a sacrifice.

This kind of thing is the most evil, but it is the thing left by the big witch people.

When the living people heard Jun Mohan's description, they all took a cold breath. Everyone was cold from the soles of their feet. It was autumn, but everyone felt like they were facing the cold winter.

"There is such a thing in the world, it is terrible ..."

"The Witches are not here anymore. It would be terrible if such people were still there."

"Yeah, when I walk in such a place, my whole body gets cold."

"Don't dare to sleep casually in the future."

"Twenty-two nights, and thirty-five nights ... they just stiffened in their dreams."


Everyone is a shadow guard, and the tasks they usually contact are related to people. Have they ever been in contact with such strange things.

They are not afraid of anything, but this silent and lifeless thing is really scary.

And if it wasn't for Jun to say it, they probably don't know it yet.

And the tree is on the side of the mountain. At night, there are many things around and there are many trees. Who would pay attention to it.

Everyone was talking, they all shivered.

Jun Zhengqi knows that the identity of the master is special, and he must have taught Jun Mohan a lot of things, so he did not stop when he came to the Hengduan Mountains.

Even if it is no longer dangerous, others can't break it, and Mo Han will definitely be able to break through.

And when he was young, he learned a lot from the master, but this tree, he really didn't notice it.

Jun Mohan looked at his subordinates, and his heart became cold for a while. When the killer was ambush, he died five subordinates. Now he silently dies six subordinates. No one knows how much he has pain.

These people all exist like his loved ones.

Once in the dark court, they ate and lived together, they trained together, and they always followed him when they were out of the mission.

Think of the scenes of laughter, Jun Mohan has a kind of painful emotions that cannot be resolved.

He is currently unable to take revenge on Guo Yongjun, but it is still possible to destroy this tree.

Jun Mohan took out the jade butterfly left by his mother in his arms. This is a jade butterfly that can overcome all the evil things in the world, and has the most holy power.

Jun Mohan held the jade butterfly and placed it in the air, then reflected on the dream tree snake by moonlight.

Everyone was surprised to see that this weird tree seemed to be burning at the speed of the naked eye.

Everyone saw some of the treetops that were still standing, suddenly started shaking, and snake-like heads appeared. They were constantly opening their teeth, and they didn't know what sound was made.

They all seemed to be afraid of the light reflected by this jade butterfly.

Jun Mohan Ningshen has been holding the Jade Butterfly to reflect and shine.

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