Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Nalan Yunqing watched Feng Sujin not speak, and he sighed. He knew that as long as it was not about outside news or Jun Mohan's news, Feng Sujin rarely spoke.

In the face of such a silent Feng Sujin, he could not help but miss her at Imperial University.

At that time, she was shy in front of him, but her eyes were bright. She also loved to talk, and told him all the interesting things in the day.

Sometimes he said very little, mostly she was talking.

At that time, she would ask a lot of design questions, and he would explain to her patiently.

At that time he was fancy to her, and he was willing to train her with heart.

Maybe there are different feelings in his heart, but they are ignored by him.

Now he looked at Feng Sujin, who had been silent, with a sad light in his eyes, which was slightly broken.

He sat down beside him. In many cases, Nalan Yunqing actually accompanied Feng Sujin so silently.

"Previously, I'm sorry."

When Feng Sujin heard this sentence, her body was shocked, but she did not expect that Gao was like Nalan Yunqing, and would say sorry.

She looked at the room, only she was alone, which means that Nalan Yunqing was sorry to tell her?

Feng Sujin turned to look at Nalan Yunqing, "You are telling me?"

Nalan Yunqing's face was slightly unnatural. Fortunately, he felt that Feng Sujin couldn't see clearly. "Well, before, I'm sorry."

Feng Sujin shook her head, "In fact, I don't need to say sorry, you did nothing wrong, you did what you think you want to do, and I am a stranger to you, what do you do to strangers, that is your Attitude, needless to say sorry. "

The meaning of Feng Sujin means that Nalan Yunqing is treated as a stranger by apathy and alienation.

There is no need to say sorry to strangers.

Nalan Yunqing's face was heavy, and he felt that he had been stabbed by Feng Sujin's words recently.

He breathed softly. "At the beginning, I ... couldn't hold your trust."

Feng Sujin pursed her lips and sighed, "Brother Nalan, those are gone, so don't mention them later, and I don't want to think about those things. We are really strangers now, I thank you Your salvation, although it was because of the conditions, but one thing at a time, I still want to say thank you. "

Because she was about to leave, Feng Sujin was also willing to say such a word to Nalan Yunqing calmly.

When faced with Nalan Yunqing, Feng Sujin always maintained an indifferent attitude.

But at this moment, Feng Sujin said the name of Brother Nalan, and he also wanted to tell him that the past was gone.

Nalan Yunqing didn't feel good about it, but even if he didn't feel good, he knew it was all caused by him.

Nalan Yunqing actually regretted it, but he couldn't say that regret.

His throat moved and he still didn't say what he was saying.

"Have a good rest and tell me if you need anything."

Feng Sujin looked at the back of Nalan Yunqing's silence, thinking that he had been led by Xia Sixuan's nose, and felt that he was also very poor, and did not know what he liked Xia Sixuan.

Feng Sujin couldn't help but say, "Brother, sometimes when looking at a person's quality, you still have to look at it with your heart, not with your eyes, not your own judgment."

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