Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1100: Add fuel to the flames?

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Heiying stood for a long time, and it became like an ice sculpture. The wind blew his horns, all hunting.

After a long while, he seemed to sigh in the air quietly, with a sorrow and sorrow.

His sigh might be more freezing than this cold night.

Maybe it was too long, a figure in the dark came out and said, "Lord, your body ..."


"Lord, your body cannot be taken seriously."

"Ahem, the Snow Wolf Department is really getting colder."

A subordinate's face changed stiffly. What can the Lord do if he goes on like this?

He was really worried ...


the other side

Feng Sujin suddenly thought of Xue Jingxin and the turmoil tonight, and she felt very unusual or strange.

It's impossible that when she came to the Snow Wolf Department, the years of peace in the Snow Wolf Department were so disrupted, right?

And tonight is too unusual. Just because the patriarch of the Snow Wolf Department came to Xue Jingxin, the two forces fought like this?

What must be behind this? Some people seduce, some people push, for what direction?

Xue Jingxin's infatuation with Meng Shaoli has not changed. In the past three or four years, all she has done is to make Meng Shaoli look at her more, even if she has the right to get closer to Meng Shaoli.

If she was persecuted by Meng Shaoli tonight, could she retreat?

At this time, Feng Sujin could not care about her sadness, but what she wanted to worry about was the safety of Xue Jingxin.

Although it wasn't long to get along with Xue Jingxin, she did worry about this woman, a crazy woman.

Like a mirror, people can see the insanity and helplessness in their hearts.

In fact, Xue Jingxin is very courageous. She loves someone younger than her, even if the other party marries, she is still persistent.

It takes so much courage that others cannot assess.

But in her heart was Xue Xue's heart.

And if she puts it down, there may be a wider world, because she is still very young.

But when she left, there was someone, Mei Lingshu.

If Mei Lingshu is true to Xue Jingxin, then as Meigu Guzhu, he is fully capable of protecting Xue Jingxin.

But I'm afraid he also has ulterior motives, like Xue Jingxin said, who knows what he really thinks of her, and what purpose?

Feng Sujin thought more and rushed to Xuefu regardless of her body.

A car was parked by the side of the road as she hurried over there.

Feng Sujin squinted his eyes, and stopped a car on such an empty road in the middle of the night. Who was it and what was he to do?

Feng Sujin quietly touched her hand to her hair, and there was a silver needle hidden there, which she asked Xue Jingxin to help her rebuild.

She can guarantee faster than the opponent's gun, can be fatal in one shot, and she can solve more than ten people at once.

This car can hold up to a few people at the same time. She squints her eyes and flashes a dangerous light.

Feng Sujin has become more vigilant after experiencing the events of the past, and her head is calmer in danger.

Just when she was ready to go, a figure came down from the car, bright as the moon, burning as China, and peerless, like the same moonlight.

Feng Sujin squinted his eyes. How could he be here this time?

He walked to Feng Sujin not far away and stood still, "Mei Mou came to take Luoshui girl back to Xuefu."

Feng Sujin looked at Mei Lingshu in condensing, "Do you know where I went?"

Feng Sujin carefully observed the look of Mei Lingshu by moonlight. She didn't want anyone to know her identity. Before she called Mo Han's name, I didn't know if anyone heard it.

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