Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

The people of the Dakun tribe were wild and impulsive.

This night, they had reached an agreement to go to the Snow Wolf Department and annex the Snow Wolf Department. As a result, they fought with each other.

The soldiers and guards lost at all levels were heavy, and the major leaders were unable to hold their breath, so after the meeting, they acted that night.

So that night, the Da Kun tribe broke out with unprecedented war and civil unrest.

Leaders of all major powers are trying to figure out how to export gas and how to use this opportunity to annex another power.

Little did they know that when they were acting, other forces were also acting.

So the Da Kun tribe is getting more and more chaotic.

Somewhere in the tent

Qiu Wenxun looked at Jun Mohan who was still busy at the table, and felt that his own mouth was worn out, and this person would not listen.

He could only prepare a supper, and put the medicated meal he cooked on the table. "I know you are busy. I advise you to rest and you won't listen, but if you stay up late, have a supper Or you can't carry it. "

Jun Mohan is looking at the map intently at the table. The map at his table is the entire Chinese mainland. He is studying the situation of each tribe.

Jun Mohan held a pen in his hand to write and draw on the map.

Qiu Wenyi glanced at him with deep emotion. If he was a woman, he would also like Jun Mohan.

This man was so powerful that he planned the entire Huaxia continent in his heart. Jun Mohan laid out how to go and how to arrange each step.

Maybe he waited for Feng Sujin to regain the tribes one by one.

"Let's have supper!"

Jun Mohan said without raising his head: "Well, put it there!"

Jun Mohan didn't dare to take too much time to rest. He was afraid that he suddenly disappeared all day, so what would happen to Feng Sujin in the follow-up?

Therefore, he must use the time he may use to plan and arrange, paving all the way for Feng Sujin, and let her go smoothly.

Qiu Wenmao was about to say something, and suddenly he heard the movement outside, he looked for a moment, then picked up his cell phone and looked.

Qiu Wenyi looked at the SMS code of the mobile phone and looked at Jun Mohan, and said, "Sure enough, as you have imagined, tonight, there has been a riot in the Dakun tribe. The major forces have broken their balance and are fighting. You say we are in Liang Do you want to avoid the scope of the leader? "

"No need to!"

Qiu Wenmao looked at Jun Mohan's expression and sighed: "You are really calm, don't you worry about Feng Sujin?"

"She is safe now."

Qiu Wenyi said for a moment, "Doubt, how do you know her condition, is it true that you know anything about her?"

With a pen in Jun Mohan's hand, he looked up at the direction outside the door, his mind seemed to drift away, and he drifted to the matter about Feng Sujin.

Jun Mohan's eyes shone with relief and admiration. His Jin was doing well and getting stronger.

At the same time Jun Mohan was comforted, his heart was a little sour and sorrowful.

His A Jin actually didn't have to do these experiences, it was because of him that she did.

However, he was not sure he could stay with Feng Sujin, so he could only make her stronger and capable of protecting herself.

"You go and push the fire. The more chaotic the better. In this way, A Jin can better recover the Da Kun tribe."

Qiu Wenyi looked faint, "You are the queen! Be careful Feng Sujin really becomes the queen and don't want you."

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