Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Everyone whispered, knowing that they would be excited and even looking forward to seeing the legendary woman who helped the Snow Wolf Department save the Snow Wolf Department.

Everyone looks at the time from time to time, waiting for the time of worship.

"Girl Luoshui is with Master Xue and they will appear together."

"Since that war, Lord Snow has never appeared."

"Yeah, I heard she was rescued by the owner of Meigu. In Meigu, I don't know what's going on now. She should be fine, and what will happen to her and the patriarch?"

"I don't think the patriarch is worthy of Lord Snow, and the damage can't be compensated after it is caused."

"If you have love, you can be together."


The people were bored waiting, and started to gossip again, discussing the relationship between the patriarch and Master Xue.

Patriarch's House

In fact, when Meng Shaoli knew Xue Jingxin was going to sacrifice, he couldn't help but start looking forward.

He hadn't seen Xue Jingxin for a year and a half before and didn't feel anything, but now that he has figured out some things, he hasn't seen Xue Jingxin for a few days, and he feels it has been too long.

He also had to admit that he wanted to see Xue Jingxin.

The memory of them being together more than three years ago flashed into my mind over and over.

He remembered that he was actually motivated at the time, but was controlled by him, because reality was restrained by reason.

At this moment, after he was happy, he began to look forward to seeing Xue Jingxin, or maybe he was thinking of her.

Meng Shaoli didn't dare to tell others this kind of emotion, because he also understood that he couldn't help Jingxin.

If ... if he can, he will treat Jingxin well and make up for her.

He doesn't think age is a problem now.

For several days in a row, he kept himself in the room, not thinking of betraying to Qiao Qiao, but about memories related to Xue Jingxin.

His heart was very painful, he never went out, and he didn't trim.

Since knowing that sacrifice was needed and Xue Jingxin was about to appear, Meng Shaoli began to pack himself up and restored his handsome appearance.

He even put on the sacrifice clothes that he looked good on and repaired his hair.

He wanted to return to what Xue Jingxin liked him three years ago.

He didn't know how Xue Jingxin looked at him now, but he wanted to behave well in front of her.

It is said that people please themselves, this is the first time that Meng Shaoli wants to clean up himself, just to be good in Xue Jingxin's eyes.

When Meng Shao Li came out of the house, many people in the patriarch's house were shocked.

They thought that the patriarch would be crying and sorrowing after being betrayed by his wife, so they had never been closed.

But I did not expect that after the patriarch came out, his mental appearance was so good, and he seemed much younger.

Everyone had to feel deep in their hearts that their patriarchs were so powerful inside that they didn't care so much about those things.

Also, the wife is all that way, the patriarch doesn't need to be sad for such a person.

"Patriarch, Madam has been clamoring to see you, saying the child is yours."

Meng Shao looked faint, with a bitter arc at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were a little cold: "Keep people closed."

Since Xiang Qiao once said that the child was Xiang Lianfeng, and Xiang Lianfeng was the illegitimate son of Santa of the Da Kun tribe, then Xiang Qiao was still useful.

Meng Shaoli felt that this matter should be discussed with Xue Jingxin about how to deal with it, and whether it was used to negotiate with Santa.

Meng Shaoli thought that maybe he had a reason to talk to Xue Jingxin.

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