Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

The two waited calmly, time passed little by little.

Just when Feng Sujin decided not to wait for an action, there was a person delivering food not far away.

Feng Sujin and Liang Xiaoqing made a look.

Liang Xiaoqing immediately made a noise in the distance. Feng Sujin took advantage of this time to get close to the woman who served meals, then fainted, changed her clothes and made up her makeup.

Her speed is very fast, almost completed in more than ten seconds.

It was difficult for patrolling and cameras to detect her presence.

Feng Sujin quietly entered the inner courtyard guarded by layers.

After she entered, she saw a delicate and beautiful woman. Although she was getting older, she still couldn't hide the beauty.

She stood quietly, watching the people who came in, and said, "Who are you?"

Feng Sujin took out a feather in her arms. "I'm Xiaoqing's friend. This is a token."

Liang Xiaoqing said that only the mother and daughter knew about this feather as a token.

The woman's expression eased, and she stepped forward to hold Feng Sujin and pulled in. "Is Xiaoqing still okay? After the eve of tonight, Da Kun will not be calm, and her father will definitely use her to sacrifice. "

Feng Sujin's eyes flashed with admiration. This woman has been detained here, but she can still keep a calm and sober mind, which is really not easy.

A beautiful but intelligent woman, no wonder Liang Xiaoqing's father was so guarded.

"Don't worry, Xiaoqing won't sacrifice, time is too late, we quickly change identity, you leave."

"No, you are Xiaoqing's friend. I can't put you in danger."

"As long as you leave safely, I must have a way to protect myself, otherwise our actions will be bounded ..."


After the two argued, Liang Xiaoqing's mother Huang Wanhe could only agree.

She took the lunch box wearing Feng Sujin's clothes and quietly left.

Feng Sujin started to figure out how to mess up the yard inside the house, the more chaotic the better.

At this moment, there seemed to be bumping sounds from outside.

Feng Sujin knew the child had passed.

She took all the dishes and slammed **** the ground.

The outside guard noticed something different and went in to check.

All the people who went in did not come out silently, all were solved by Feng Sujin's quick move.

"What the **** is going on? Why didn't you come in one by one?"

"It's weird, isn't it haunted?"

"It is said that there were a lot of haunted rumors before the Hankun Festival. This is the time just after the child hour, and no female ghost really appears?"

Feng Sujin heard the outside sound inside, and then deliberately made use of the outside wind to make a haunting sound, plus the loneliness and ridicule here.

"You go in and see."

"You go in and see. There are many people. Go in and see more."

"Should you send a warning signal?"

When more people went in, they were all killed by Feng Sujin.

The number of guards in the yard was decreasing, and everyone speculated that they were afraid to tremble.

In Feng Sujin's view, this is an opportunity to exercise himself.

Being in such a tightly enclosed yard, she can stimulate her full potential and exercise her own abilities.

A long time passed, and the guards outside did not want to guess anymore. Everyone dispatched together, and Feng Sujin began to fight back quickly.

The guards noticed something strange and wanted to pull the signal, but they were stopped by secret people.

Many of the shadows obeyed Jun Mohan's orders to protect Mrs. Young.

They obey the order of the master, let the young lady exercise herself, use these people to practice their hands, they are responsible for solving some small problems secretly.

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