Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

On the 15th night, he received a gesture from Jun Shao and immediately said to Feng Sujin: "Boss, we have to go to the Blue Snake Kingdom for a while. You still have a good rest. When it arrives, we call you and rest well. In order to cope with the various situations that may arise in the Blue Snake Country. "

Feng Sujin rubbed his tired eyebrows, "Can't sleep, if you are tired, just sleep for a while! When driving, the three of you take turns and pay attention to rest."

Ye Shiwu looked at Madam Shao like this, and did not know how to persuade him again. The key is that, Shao Jun would be distressed to death.

Jun Mohan listened to Feng Sujin's words, and his eyes were distressed.

He quietly took out a mung bean-sized medicine from the box next to it, and then crushed it gently.

The car immediately gave off a faint scent of fragrance, which helped sleep.

Qiu Wenzheng had prepared for Jun Mohan.

Because Jun Mohan doesn't always take a good rest, but Jun Mohan used this time to give Feng Sujin a good rest.

Feng Sujin didn't notice anything unusual in the car, but after a while, she did fall asleep.

Then Jun Mohan changed position with the night fifteen.

Jun Mohan carefully and cherished Feng Sujin in his arms, so that she could have a comfortable posture to sleep well.

After holding Feng Sujin in his arms, Jun Mohan sighed with satisfaction.

Many times, waking up in the middle of the night, he always used to hug the people around him, but every time it was air.

The loneliness of sitting up in the middle of the night was impossible for others to appreciate.

Because of deep love and habit, once separated, it is really a painful suffering.

Many times, he couldn't help coming to her, holding her in his arms, taking good care of his love, but his reason stopped him. This time, holding the beloved in his arms, Jun Mohan's heart has a sense of satisfaction.

He reached out and gently stroked Feng Sujin's hair, sniffed the fragrance of her hair, and closed her eyes fiercely.

Even if you can see it, it's better to embrace it.

I really want to rub her into my body, I really want to hug it hard, and then push harder.

But she was reluctant to wake her up.

"A Jin, my A Jin ..."

Jun Mohan shouted softly, his voice was very low, maybe only he could hear it.

Feng Sujin sleeps peacefully. Although she is asleep, she can feel a sense of peace in her dreams.

It was a familiar taste carved into the bones.

She felt like she was in the arms of love.

That kind of safety and peace of mind, she seemed to have nothing to think about, and she could sleep like this.

Every time she smells such a breath, Feng Sujin can sleep well.

This feeling, Feng Sujin slept very deep.

Along the way, Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin like this, his eyes were tender and tender, as if he could not see enough.

He reached out and stroked Feng Sujin's cheek gently, with a sense of compassion.

In the end, Jun Mohan didn't hold back, and bowed his head gently to kiss Feng Sujin's lips.

When he first touched, Jun Mohan shivered severely.

I couldn't control the trembling feeling.

All the scenes in the memory suddenly filled his mind, lingering, making him suddenly unable to control his inner emotions.

It is pouring down like a flood.

Let Jun Mohan want to explore again.

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